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The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 2, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 2 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903 2 0 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 2 2 Browse Search
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Notice. --We have a large and fine assortment of Ready-made Clothing for gentlemen's wear, and also a good stock of Negro Clothing, which we have determined to sell for the balance of the season at very reduced prices for cash and to punctual customers. We hope that the above announcement will secure for us at once a call from all who are in need of anything in our line, as we are determined to conform strictly to this notice. Simpson &Miller, 119 Main street, Opposite Mitchell and Tyler's, Richmond. P. S.--North Carolina money taken at par for goods. de 17
Notice. --We have a large and assortment of Ready-made Clothing for gentlemen's wear, and also a good stock of Negro Clothing, which we have determined to sell for the balance of the season at very Reduced prices for cash and to punctual customers. We hope that the above announcement will secure for us at once a call from all who are in need of anything in our line, as we are determined to conform strictly to this notice. Simpson &Miller, 119 Main street, Opposite Mitchell and Tyler's, Richmond. P. S.--North Carolina money taken at par for goods. de 17
The Daily Dispatch: February 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Letter from Major Anderson to Henry Ward Beecher. (search)
Letter from Major Anderson to Henry Ward Beecher. --A contribution was taken up a short time since at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, for the benefit of the soldiers' wives and children, from Fort Sumter, now at Governor's Island. On Sunday morning the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher read to his congregation a letter from Major Anderson, who returns his heartfelt thanks, but adds: "I fear that donation was made under an impression that those persons were in need; if so, Dr. Simpson has been requested to return the money to the contributors, as the government has made all necessary arrangements for the comfort and well-being of the party." Mr. Beecher remarked, however, that Maj. Anderson was misinformed; for, although rations had been supplied for the women, there were more than twenty children for whom no provision had been made, and that all were in want of clothing adapted to our severer climate. The money, amounting to $700, has been placed in Capt. Stringham's hands for th
Notice. --We have a large and one assortment of ready-made Clothing for gentlemen's wear, and also a good stock of Negro Clothing, which we have determined to sell for the balance of the season at very Reduced Prices for cash and to punctual customers. We hope that the above announcement will secure for us at once a call from all who are in used to anything in our line, as we are determined to conform strictly to this notice. Simpson & Miller, 119 Main street, Opposite Mitchell and Tyler's, Richmond. P. S.--North Carolina money taken at par for goods. de 17
Notice. --We have a large and assortment of Ready made Clothing for gentlemen's wear and also a good stock of Negro Clothing, which we have determined to sell for the balance of the season at very Reduced prices for cash and to punctual customers. We hope that the above announcement will secure for us at once a call from all who are in need of anything in our line, as we are determined to conform strictly to this notice. Simpson & Miller, 119 Main street. Opposite Mitchell and Tyler's, Richmond. P. S.--North Carolina money taken at par for goods. de 17
Improvements. --The old building on 13th street, next door to "Our House," in former years occupied by P. Devereux, currier, afterwards respectively used as the office of the Whig, Morning Mail, Penny Post, and National American newspapers, and occupied latterly by Simpson & Bagnall as a baker's shop, is undergoing the process of dismemberment, to give place to an elegant and costly four-story brick edifice, intended for the occupancy of Mr. O. H. Chaikley, the popular leather dealer. The owner of the site, as also of the adjacent tenements on either side, Mr. Samuel S. Cottrell, is a public spirited citizen, and has evinced a taste in improving his landed possessions that other property-holders would do well to emulate.
the house (which you know is one of the finest in this section of the country,) to the stables, barn, and all the outbuildings, and they were consumed in one general conflagration. I was present and witnessed it. They then took all the horses on the farm, several wagons and buggies, loaded the wounded men into them and moved to Mannington. Another company from Fairmont went to Worthington — About 150 came down from Clarksburg this afternoon, and in company with a body of Home Guards from Simpson's creek, went over to the Coon's run country just after dark. Their object is to form a sort of ring hunt and close in on Righter's posse. I think the expedition will be successful. One incident occurred at Righter's, at the sacking of the premises, that I must not omit. Our troops had one Banks Corban (a noted rebel) prisoner. While they were guarding him, he (being on horseback) started off as if to escape. They commanded him to half twice, but he paid no attention. They again
s in the grass in our midst are our meanest and worst enemies, and should be crushed without mercy. Patterson was shown to the elegant mansion of Andrew Hunter, Esq., for his headquarters, and Cadwallder was led to the beautiful residence of James L. Rahson, for his accommodation. More outrages. The Leesburg Washingtonian informs us that on Tuesday night the Federal troops crossed the Potomac at Noland's Ferry, about one hundred strong, and set on fire a stable, the properly of a Dr. Simpson. On Wednesday morning they again Grossed and fired a frame dwelling. The Border Guard, Capt. Heaton commanding, and a portion of Capt. W. Mead's Cavalry, proceeded about ten o'clock Wednesday to the Ferry, to look after the barn burners. Gen. A. Sydney Johnson. The Memphis Appeal furnished some intelligence of this gallant officer: A gentleman, recently a citizen of California and formerly a prominent citizen of Arkansas, has just arrived in our city, one month out from C
Whipped --The Mayor yesterday ordered a whipping to be bestowed on Henry, slave of J. and M. Rosenbaum, for throwing stones in the street; on Henry, slave of Simpson & Bagnall, for stealing a carpet-bag, containing a lot of clothes; on Henry, slave of Wm. Grenner, for threatening to kick Mary Fry down a pair of steps.
rnor's Guard — in knee. Conant Wm, 7th Ga, D — slight. Cook John, 2d Miss, F — in shin. Dobb G, 8th Ga, I — flesh wound in thigh. Davidson P A, 4th Va — in shoulder. Elliot George, 8th Ga, F — in hip. Goff J M, 8th Ga, C — in shoulder. Hite B E, 4th Va — in arm. Johnson Elisha, 4th Ala, Governor's Guard — in head. Lester B F, 8th Ga, K. Lang on L C, 8th Ga, K. Lunsford H E, 8th Ga, K. Martin E T, 8th Ga, K. Mason D H, 8th Ga, G — in arm. Minor H A, 11th Miss, F. Owens Andrew, 7th Ga, B — arm. Ross Robert, 2d Miss, D. Rhodes Walter, 19th Va, Scottsville Guards--hand. Simpson J R, 4th S C, K. Sergeant William, 28th Va, E — arm. Strickler Cyrus, 4th Va, I — died. Stevens G S, 4th Ala. G — hip. Tank N C, 7th Ga, K — thigh. Wilkinson G D, 4th Ala, F. Walker Andrew, 4th Ala, D — arm. Walker Anderson, 4th Ala, D — thigh. Wood J M, 5th Va. K. Wright J L, 8th Va, K — arm broken. Wallace A A,