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g to their feet and cheering wildly. In imagination I can to this day see her majestic figure as she appeared to acknowledge the encores. She followed the next night (her benefit) with Mrs. Haller, in Kotzebue's play, The Stranger, and as Mrs. Simpson in Simpson & company, to a superb audience of appreciative admirers. Lady MacBETHeth, Cardinal Wolsey, and Nancy Sykes were also given at the earnest request of a large number of distinguished people, who signed a petition to her to gratify tSimpson & company, to a superb audience of appreciative admirers. Lady MacBETHeth, Cardinal Wolsey, and Nancy Sykes were also given at the earnest request of a large number of distinguished people, who signed a petition to her to gratify them by prolonging the engagement seven nights. Each night the house was as full as the managers dared to allow. One never tired of seeing her. She was the personification of power and grace, and so forceful that one was impressed by her peerless physical and mental strength, and yet she seemed as gentle as a child. Few women have left a deeper impress upon the age in which they lived. On the reassembling of Congress after Mr. Lincoln's inauguration the excitement grew greater and greate
ast. The body lay in state in the Capitol, which was richly draped from roof to basement in black velvet and silver fringe. Within it was a bower of bloom and fragrance. For twenty-four hours an unbroken stream of people passed through, bidding their friend and neighbor welcome home and farewell; and at ten o'clock on May 4, the coffin lid was closed, and a vast procession moved out to Oak Ridge, where the town had set apart a lovely spot for his grave, and where the dead President was committed to the soil of the State which had so loved and honored him. The ceremonies at the grave were simple and touching. Bishop Simpson delivered a pathetic oration; prayers were offered and hymns were sung; but the weightiest aid most eloquent words uttered anywhere that day were those of the second inaugural, which the committee had wisely ordained to be read over his grave, as the friends of Raphael chose the incomparable canvas of the Transfiguration to be the chief ornament of his funeral.
October 18. This morning, General Imboden, with a portion of his rebel forces, having surrounded Charlestown, Va., garrisoned by the Ninth regiment of Maryland loyal volunteers, under Colonel Simpson, demanded its surrender. The demand was refused, and soon after another was sent in, informing the Colonel that time would be given to remove the women and children. The rebels then commenced the attack, throwing shells into the town, killing one man and severely wounding the adjutant of the regiment. In a short time the Nationals surrendered and the town was occupied by Imboden's forces. As soon as information of the capture reached General Sullivan, in command at Harper's Ferry, he despatched a force under Colonel G. D. Wells, of the Thirty-fourth Massachusetts, who succeeded in routing and driving the rebels from the town, with a loss of thirty killed and wounded, and twenty-one prisoners. The Union loss was ten killed, three wounded, and three hundred and seventy-nine captu
pounder howitzers, commanded by Mr. Edward Herron and Lieutenant Walker, First S. C. V. The Enoch Dean had two guns, one ten-pounder Parrott and one six-pounder howitzer, commanded by Captain George Dally, First S. C. V. On arriving near the bluff a contraband was seen on shore and a boat sent for him. He reported a battery of three guns on the bluff. The John Adams fired one gun and was answered by one gun from the bluff, when the rebels retired. Companies K, Captain Whitney, and G, Lieutenant Simpson, landed at the bluff and deployed their companies as skirmishers. After marching about one mile they encountered about one company of cavalry and a company of sharpshooters, when they had a brisk skirmish and succeeded in driving the rebel cavalry and infantry, capturing one lieutenant and one private belonging to the Sixth S. C. While the skirmishing was going on, the John Adams was employed in removing some spiling that extended across the river. The work was done under the supervi
A. N. V: Colonel: Yesterday (Sunday) morning, at two o'clock, I moved from Berryville to surprise and capture the garrison at Charlestown. The surprise was complete, the enemy having no suspicion of our approach until I had the town entirely surrounded. I found the enemy occupying the court-house, jail, and some contiguous buildings in the heart of the town, all loop-holed for musketry, and the court-house yard inclosed by a heavy wall of oak timber. To my demand for a surrender, Colonel Simpson requested an hour for consideration. I offered him five minutes, to which he replied: Take me, if you can. I immediately opened on the building with artillery, at less than two hundred yards, and with half a dozen shells drove out the enemy into the streets, where he formed and fled toward Harper's Ferry. At the edge of the town he was met by the Eighteenth cavalry, Colonel Imboden's and Gilmore's battalions. One volley was exchanged, when the enemy threw down his arms and surrend
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 21: slavery and Emancipation.--affairs in the Southwest. (search)
re compelled to retreat. He had lost one-third of his brigade, and De Courcy, by a flank charge by the Seventeenth and Twenty-Sixth Louisiana, lost four flags, three hundred and Thirty-two men made prisoners, and about five hundred small arms. in this attack Lieutenant-Colonel Dister, of the Fifty-eighth Ohio, and Major Jaensen, of the Thirty-first Missouri, were killed. Colonel T. C. Fletcher, of the latter regiment, who is now (1867) Governor of Missouri. And his Lieutenant-Colonel, Simpson, were wounded. Fletcher was made a prisoner. so heavy and active was the force on the bluffs, that all attempts to construct bridges were frustrated, and they were abandoned. General A. J. Smith's advance (Sixth Missouri) had crossed the Bayou at a narrow sandbar on the extreme right, but could not advance because of the cloud of sharp-shooters that confronted them. So they lay below the bank until night, and then withdrew. Darkness closed the struggle, when Sherman had lost nearly two
ntic intelligence of the election of Lincoln. It is for South Carolina, in the quickest manner, and by the most direct means, to withdraw from the Union. Then we will not submit, whether the other Southern States will act with us or with our enemies. They cannot take sides with our enemies; they must take sides with us. When an ancient philosopher wished to inaugurate a great revolution, his motto was to dare! to dare! Mr. Boyce was followed by Gen. M. E. Martin, Cols. Cunningham, Simpson, Richardson, and others, who contended that to submit to the election of Lincoln is to consent to a lingering death. There was great joy in Charleston, and wherever Fire-Eaters most did congregate, on the morning of November 7th. Men rushed to shake hands and congratulate each other on the glad tidings of Lincoln's election. Now, it was felt, and exultingly proclaimed, the last obstacle to Southern independence has been removed, and the great experiment need no longer be postponed to
he Chickahominy, losing three guns, that were run off a bridge into the stream. in addition to 19 that they l}ad left on the battle-field. Our loss in this action, though not specifically reported, probably exceeded 6,000 killed and wounded: among the former were Cols. Samuel W. Black, 62d Pa., McLean, of the 8:)d, Gove, of the 22d Mass., Maj. N. B. Rossell, 3d regular infantry, and many other brave and valuable officers. The 11th Pennsylvania Reserves, Col. Gallagher, and 4th N. J., Col. Simpson, while enveloped III the smoke of battle, having too long maintained their position in the farthest front, found themselves at last completely enveloped by overwhelming forces of the enemy, and compelled to surrender; and Gen. John F. Reynolds, of the 1st brigade of Reserves, will his Adjutant, Capt. Charles Kingsbury, were taken prisoners just at dark, riding into a Rebel regiment, which they supposed to be one of their own. Altogether, our losses in this desperate action were hardly les
the bayou presents a quicksand bed 300 feet wide, containing water 15 feet wide by 3 deep. Through this, Blair led his brigade fairly across, leaving his horse floundering in the quicksand, while he carried two lines of rifle-pits beyond, under a deluge of shot and shell from front and flanks, which stuck down a third of his command; among them Col. T. C. Fletcher, Since chosen Governor of Missouri. 31st Missouri, who, being wounded, fell into the hands of the enemy; while his Lt.-Col., Simpson, was also wounded, and his Major, Jaensen, was killed. Lt.-Col. Dister, 58th Ohio, was also killed here. Col. J. B. Wyman, 13th Illinois, had fallen the day before. De Courcy's brigade of Morgan's division charged on Blair's right; while Thayer, with the 4th Iowa (his other regiments having been misdirected), also shared in the peril and glory of the assault. But what could valor — the valor of half-a-dozen regiments — avail against such impediments Pemberton had been reenforced, duri
The cross and the flag.--Bishop Simpson said in a recent sermon :---We will take our glorious flag — the flag of our country — and nail it just below the cross! That is high enough! There let it wave as it waved of old. Around it let us gather: First Christ, then our country! --Albany Evening Journal, June