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Arrests. --The following arrests were registered at the First Station-House last night: --Ellen Burton, negro, for stealing clothing and abusing Mrs. Simons; Billy Burk, negro, for stealing and attempting to sell a load of coal: Dick Rivers, the notorious "rough" from the Sixth Ward, New York, for stealing a bottle of pickles from the store of Mr. Rooke.--Rivers, it will be remembered, recently served a term of imprisonment in Castle Thunder, and on the morning of his release went to the police station drunk, and made such a disturbance that Major Croft had him again locked up. The Major discharged him upon his solemn promise to leave the city at once, although he remarked, after Rivers retired, that had he been aware of his antecedents, he would have sent him to jail. It now appears that the "rough" broke his word; and as it seems to be his ambition to serve another term in a Richmond prison, the Mayor will undoubtedly gratify him to-day. The only other arrest made last eveni
ington was charged with being disorderly in the street, and was found not guilty and discharged. John Lewis, negro, was charged with the same offence, found guilty and sent to Castle Thunder for ten days. Samuel Pleasants, negro, was charged with stealing groceries from M. F. Burton. There being no evidence against him, he was released. Harrison Banks, negro, was charged with petit larceny, found guilty and sent to Castle Thunder for sixty days. Charles Read, negro, was also before the Court on the charge of petit larceny. He plead guilty and was sentenced to the Castle for sixty days. Henrietta Johnson and Jane Johnson, colored, vagrants, thirty days each in Castle Thunder. Isabella Banks, colored, entering the house of Mr. Simons and attempting to steal, thirty days in Castle Thunder. Henry Woodson, colored, assault and battery on Mary Cooper, three months in Castle Thunder. John Wilson, colored, stealing iron, sixty days in Castle Thunder.