chalk, carbonate of potash.
Leather boiled in carbonate of soda, oil, sulphuric acid.
Water, salts of niter, sulphur, soft soap, salt pork.
Borax and oil.
Petroleum residuum, alkali, ammonia, saltpeter.
Graphite, oil, caoutchouc.
Asbestus and grease.
Lignum-vitae, spermaceti.
Ivory dust, spermaceti.
Tin and petroleum.
Zinc and caoutchouc.
Plastic bronze and caoutchouc.
Boiling water, tallow, palm-oil, salts of tartar.
Oil, lime, graphite, castor-oil.
Shorts, soapstone, graphite.
Coal-oil residuum, chloride of sodium, hydrated potassa, muriate of ammonia, spirits turpentine, linseed-oil, flowers of sulphur.
Petroleum residuum and flour.
Petroleum residuum, soapstone, sulphur, and lard.
Mixed heavy and light petroleum.
Oil, wax, resin, india-rubber, potash.
Petroleum residuum, sal-soda, brimstone, kerosene.
Glycerine, graphite, asbestus, kaolin, manganese, steatite, sulphide of lead, carbonate of lead, cork.
Saponified res
Garden Rails, heart and sap. 12 1/2@13 Each; all heart 18@25 Shingles $5@6 & M. Weather Boarding $13@16.
inch Oak Plank $30@35. Button Wood inch $25@30.
inch Cherry $35; 5/8 Poplar $20@25 & M. Dressed Flooring, Virginia, $25@28.
Dressed Flooring, Southern.
Laths $2.25 to $2.37 & M for sawed.
On the wharf.
Molasses.--New Orleans 50@56 cts.; Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 32@37 1/2 cts., in hhds., 25@30; English Island. 37 1/2 cts.: Ochenhousen's. 28.
Offal.--Bran 15 cts.: Shorts 20; Brown Stuff 30, and Skip Stuff 65 & bus.
Onions.--Red $2 per bbl. Of near three bushels; Silver-skin $2 1/2.
Oats.--we quote 40 cents per bushel.
Potatoes.--we quote Northern 60@65 cents per bushel.
Peas.--none in Market.
Plaster.--Lump — we quote $4 to 4 1/4 per ton. Claiborne's Richmond Ground $8.50 per ton packed; Sharpe's do. Packed $8.50; loose 7.50.
Rice--5@5 1/2
Rosin.--$1.70@1.75 bbl.
Rye.--we quote 75@80 cents bushel.
Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar, none in M