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on the left, Trabue's movement was made cautiously and with some delay. Nevertheless, feeling their way with much hard fighting, and gradually drawing the lines closer, these troops from the left by a slight change of front intercepted, with volleys of musketry, the Federals flying from the impetuous charge of Breckinridge's brigades on the right. A portion of Prentiss's command which surrendered was turned over to them by Hardee, and sent to the rear in charge of Crews's battalion. Colonel Shorter, of Bragg's corps, was detached with another lot of prisoners. Breckinridge's other brigades, advancing, soon passed to their front; and the Sixth and Ninth Kentucky Regiments availed themselves of the opportunity hastily to exchange their guns for Enfield rifles, which the enemy had surrendered. Trabue adds: I then moved up and rejoined General Breckinridge, who, with Statham's and Bowen's brigades, was occupying the front line, being on the crest of the hill (or high land)
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Union view of the Exchange of prisoners. (search)
hould not be conveyed within the Federal lines, according to the terms of their surrender, but that they would be returned to Alabama upon a requisition from Governor Shorter, to be tried by the courts of that State upon a charge of abducting slaves (a few negroes had been found as camp followers of Streight's army, at the time of Alabama, there to be tried for negro stealing. This was the merest child's play; for, although negroes were found with Streight's army, President Davis and Governor Shorter both knew that it would be impossible to fasten the crime of negro stealing upon Colonel Streight, or any of his officers. They knew that Federal army offic Judge Ould, in compliance with instructions received from his President, informed Colonel Ludlow that Colonel Streight and his officers had been demanded by Governor Shorter, of Alabama, and that the Confederate Government had decided to comply with this demand, and, consequently, could not send them; but he would send all the ot
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
138,000 of the rascally Yankees. He concludes, however, by saying it is the duty of subordinate generals in the field to submit in all humility to the behests of their superiors comfortably quartered in Richmond. But if justice were done, and the opinions of the generals in the field were regarded in the matter of discharges, etc., the lawyers, who have grown fat on fees by thinning our ranks, would be compelled to resort to some more laudable means of making a living. A letter from Gov. Shorter, of Alabama, introduces Judge Rice, agent for P. S. Gerald and J. R. Powell, who propose to bring goods into the Confederate States through Mexico, to be paid for in cotton, etc. This was referred by the Secretary to the Quartermaster-General--who protests against it on the ground that it might interfere with his agents already engaged in the business. The President publishes a retaliatory proclamation to-day against Gen. Butler, for hanging Mr. Munford, of New Orleans, who took down
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
the Union flag is now flying. These groundless statements will go out to Europe, and may possibly delay our recognition. If so, what may be the consequences when the falsehood is exposed? I doubt the policy of any species of dishonesty. Gov. Shorter, of Alabama, demands the officers of Forrest's captives for State trial, as they incited the slaves to insurrection. Mr. S. D. Allen writes from Alexandria, La., that the people despair of defending the Mississippi Valley with such men as troops, was received today. He apprehends the worst consequences. The government is buying 5000 bales of cotton for the Crenshaw scheme. Jas. R. Crenshaw, of this city, is at Charleston on this business. Why not arrange with Lamar? Gov. Shorter forwards another strongly written memorial from Mobile, against the traffic of cotton with the enemy, and, indeed, against all blockade-running. Gov. Jno. Milton, of Florida, also writes a powerful denunciation of the illicit traffic, whic
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
t Mr. V. is for restoring the Union, amicably, of course, and if it cannot be so done, then possibly he is in favor of recognizing our independence. He says any reconstruction which is not voluntary on our part, would soon be followed by another separation, and a worse war than the present one. The President received a dispatch to-day from Gen. Johnston, stating that Lt.-Gen. Kirby Smith had taken Milliken's Bend. This is important, for it interferes with Grant's communications. Gov. Shorter writes that a company near Montgomery, Ala., have invented a mode of manufacturing cotton and woolen handcards, themselves making the steel and wire, and in a few weeks will be turning out from 800 to 1000 pairs of cards per week. This will be a great convenience to the people. Gen. Whiting writes that the river at Wilmington is so filled with the ships of private blockade-runners that the defense of the harbor is interfered with. These steamers are mostly filled with Yankee goods,
December 22. General Pryor, with a detachment of rebel troops, attacked a body of New York Mounted Rifles, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel B. F. Onderdonk, who were stationed at Isle of Wight Court-House, Va., to protect the election of representatives to Congress, under a late order of General Dix. The Nationals were compelled to retreat after a short skirmish, in which the rebels lost two cavalrymen and a number of guns.--Baltimore American. Governor Shorter, of Alabama, issued an appeal to the people of that State, calling upon the men and youths exempt from the service of the rebel States by reason of their age or other cause, who were capable of bearing arms, to organize themselves into companies, to constitute a reserved force, subject to service in the State upon the call of the Governor.--(Doc. 84.) After reading the Commanding-General's report of the battle of Fredericksburgh, the President issued a proclamation tendering to the officers and soldiers
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
ess, and the seventh for Texas, whose deputies we hope will soon be on their way to join us. He offers a flag which embraces the whole fifteen States. God grant that his hope may be realized, and that we may soon welcome their stars to the glorious constellation of our Southern Confederacy. These remarks were highly applauded, and a committee, consisting of one delegate from each State, was appointed to report upon a device for a national flag and seal. The Committee consisted of Messrs. Shorter, Morton, Bartow, Sparrow, Harris, and Miles. Mr. Brooke, of Mississippi, offered a resolution to instruct the Committee to report a design for a flag as similar as possible to that of the United States, making only such changes as should give them distinction. In his speech he talked with the fervor of a patriot of the associations which clustered around the old ensign — associations which could never be effaced. Sir, he said, let us preserve it as far as we can. Let us continue to ha
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
es, and five hundred mounted troops for the defense of the works on the land-side of the place. According to the estimate that accompanied this report, fifteen thousand infantry and four field-batteries were necessary. The general added that he had just received intelligence that preparations on a large scale were in progress at Pensacola and New Orleans, for a combined attack, by land and water, upon the batteries and town. In consequence of these reports, application was made to Governor Shorter for any considerable part of the seven thousand troops which the State of Alabama was required to hold ready for such service, that could be furnished for the defense of Mobile. This application was repeated a few days after. The Governor replied that, under the military laws of the Confederacy, he had no power to raise troops; but informed me that he was having negro laborers collected and sent to Mobile, to work on the fortifications. Lieutenant-General Hardee, transferred from
airs.--Messrs. Chilton, Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Curry. On Patents.--Messrs. Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. On Territories.--Messrs. Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nisbet, Fearn. On Public Lands.--Messrs. Marshall, Harris, Fearn, Anderson, Wright. On Indian Affairs.--Messrs. Morton, Hale, Lewis, Keitt, Sparrow. On Printing.--Messrs. T. R. R. Cobb, Harrison, Miles, Chilton, Perkins. On Accounts.--Messrs. Owens, DeClouet, Campbell, Smith, Crawford. On Engrossments.--Messrs. Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McRae, Bartow Message of Jefferson Davis: delivered at Richmond July 20. Gentlemen of the Congress of the Confederate States of America:-- my message addressed to you at the commencement of the last session contained such full information of the state of the Confederacy as to render it unnecessary that I should now do more than call your attention to such important facts as have occurred during the recess, and the matters connected with the public defence.
A Card from a rebel Colonel. To those desirous of Serving their country.--Having assurances from the War Department of the Confederate States that all men volunteering under my command for the war now commenced between the North and the South would be accepted, I hereby give public notice that I have consummated arrangements for the establishment of a military camp twelve miles from Shorter's station, Montgomery and West Point Railroad, where all those willing to serve their country faithfully, zealously, and unmurmuringly will be properly fed, uniformed, and equipped, free of all expense, until they are mustered into the service of the Government. This camp is intended only for those who are willing to volunteer for the war, and to enter at once upon the duties of the true soldier. Those objecting to the strict discipline of a military camp had better not make application, for they would doubtless be of more service in any other capacity than the capacity of a true and worthy