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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
istic of our people, and which, now they are overpowered and under the heel of oppression, is still manifested. It is that spirit of self-reliance and submission to the will of Providence, which, added to a conscious rectitude of purpose, bids men make the best of their circumstances. This spirit showed itself at Johnson's Island in the efforts made to pass the time pleasantly and profitably. Schools, debating clubs, and games of all kinds were in vogue. There were all kinds of shops. Shoemaker, black-smith, tailor, jeweler, storekeeper, were all found carrying on their respective business. The impression is upon my mind of many disagreeable, unkind, and oppressive measures taken by the authorities, but the very severe treatment to which I was afterwards subjected so far threw them into the shade that they have escaped my memory. I must not omit a statement about food. At Camp Chase my rations were of a good quality and sufficient. At Johnson's Island they were not so good no
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Lee's West Virginia campaign. (search)
ls that he deemed it inadvisable to attempt to carry it by a direct attack. So he retired, leaving Colonel Edward Johnston, with the Twelfth Georgia Regiment and Anderson's Battery to occupy the Alleghany Mountain Pass, and posting Rust's Arkansas Regiment and Baldwin's Virginia Regiment in convenient supporting distance of Johnston, established himself at Monterey, with Fulkerson's and Scott's Virginia Regiments, the First Georgia Regiment (Colonel Ramsey's), Major Jackson's Cavalry, and Shoemaker's Battery. Having heard of a Pass about forty miles west, near Huntersville, by which Cheat Mountain might be turned. he sent Colonel Gilliam, with his own Virginia Regiment and Colonel Lee's Sixth North Carolina Regiment, being a force of about two thousand men, to occupy this Pass, and had ordered the remaining troops intended for the Army of Northwestern Virginia to proceed direct from Staunton to Huntersville. This was the condition of affairs when General Loring arrived at Monterey
Cut Off, on the Mississippi River, forty-five miles below New Madrid, Mo., between the National flotilla, under the command of Commodore Foote, and five rebel gunboats, in which the latter were compelled to retire.--Louisville Journal. Lieut. Shoemaker, of company H, Fourth Ohio cavalry, on an reconnoitring expedition, this day, with a small body of men, about fifteen miles west of Decatur, Ala., came upon sixteen rebel cavalry, who immediately fled to a swamp and, dismounting, left their horses and plunged into the thicket. Ordering his men to dismount, Lieut. Shoemaker followed the rebels on foot, killing one, capturing five, and returning to camp with his prisoners and a dozen extra horses.--Cincinnati Gazette. Major-General Halleck, in a despatch to Secretary Stanton, dated Pittsburgh, Tenn., said: It is the unanimous opinion here that Brig.-Gen. W. T. Sherman saved the fortune of the day on the sixth, and contributed largely to the glorious victory of the seventh. He
ter they fell back, were thoroughly peppered with our Enfield balls. By making a sudden dash, we could have taken one of their guns, but prudence dictated that we should not risk an ambuscade for the sake of getting possession of a gun which was no longer doing us any harm. The respective companies were disposed of as follows: Deployed as skirmishers, A, B, C, E, F, G, H, and K. Held as a reserve, D and I. The following officers were in the engagement: Lieutenant-Colonel Patterson, Major Shoemaker, and Adjutant Lyman; Captain Gardner and Second Lieutenant Kirkpatrick, of company A; Captain Andrews and Second Lieutenant Sheldon, of company B; Captain Bacon, First Lieutenant Hedge, and Second Lieutenant Stocker, of company C; First Lieutenant Stewart and Second Lieutenant Munn, of company D; First Lieutenant Mitchell and Second Lieutenant Ellifritz, of company E; First Lieutenant Turner, of company F; First Lieutenant Johnston and Second Lieutenant McFarland, of company G; Captain
isgraced and dismissed from office, as soon as it was found that he would not become a servile and passive instrument of iniquity in the blood-stained hands of Atchison and his Missouri cohorts. I may mention here that after Reeder was dismissed, Kansas, until recently — as long as the pro-slavery party had the remotest hopes of success — was permitted to have only two even nominally Free State officers; one of whom (Day) was murdered and a ruffian appointed in his place, and the other (Shoemaker) was first supplanted by a ruffian and then murdered. Mr. Shannon, his successor, who signalized his disembarkment by proclaiming, from the door of a common tavern in Westport, that he was in favor of slavery and the laws of the Missourians, as represented by the Shawnee Territorial legislature, was retained in office and sustained by the party, although notoriously incapable and a sot, until the record of his innumerable misdemeanors and follies, official and personal, endangered the
ds St. George, in Tucker County, which we entered early in the morning. (Here I would state, in the way of parenthesis, that it was the object of General G. to form a connection with Colonels Pegram and Heck, who were stationed at Rich Mountain, and move on Cheat Mountain, via Huttonsville; but the enemy, it seems, cut us off, and got between the two commands, and had our small force almost completely surrounded.) Thus, you will see, our command, composed of four companies of cavalry, Captain Shoemaker's Danville Artillery, Colonel William B. Taliaferro's Twenty-third regiment, Colonel Jackson's regiment, Colonel Fulkerson's Thirty-seventh regiment, and the Georgia regiment, Col. Ramsey, and a small battalion under Colonel Hansborough, all under the immediate charge of General Garnett, was forced to take the only route left us. We had proceeded on the road mentioned above for thirty-six miles, without eating or sleeping, except a short halt about mid-day, until Saturday morning, when
tery, Capt. Peter Davidson, and Lieuts. Burns, Hintel, and Fenton, have exhibited all the qualities requisite to the highest perfection, and are entitled to the respect and thanks of their countrymen. To Brigade Adjt. J. C. Dodge, I am indebted for prompt aid at the commencement of the action of the seventh, but having been sent to yourself with a message, he was prevented from joining the command again till near the close of the action. Chaplains Anderson, of the Thirty-seventh, and Shoemaker, of the Fifty-ninth, were present in the field, rendering all the aid in their power in removing the wounded and relieving their sufferings. I should do injustice if I omitted to mention the very valuable aid received at various times from your aids, Cols. Henry Pease and Morrison, also from Adjt. Holstein. The form and voice of Col. Pease were often seen and heard along the line, cheering and encouraging the men on to victory, regardless of personal dangers which he was under no oblig
enemy was attacked with renewed energy; and after a fierce and bloody contest of half or three quarters of an hour, were driven from the field. During the fight of Sunday and Monday, my regiment fired over one hundred and sixty rounds of cartridge at the enemy. No men ever fought more bravely; too high praise cannot be given them. Captain Murray and First Lieut. Barton, company B; Lieut. Newman, commanding company H; Capt. Tannehill and Lieut. Grund, company C; Capt. Williams and Lieuts. Shoemaker and Carey, company G; Captain Cosgrove and Lieut. Wayne, company D; Captain Aldrich and Lieuts. Wilson and Bennett, company K; Acting Captain George Weamer, Lieut. McDonald, and Acting Lieut. Warren Banta, company E; Lieut. Kinmont, commanding company F; and Acting Lieuts. Gunsenhouser and Kinmont of same company; Lieut. Hodges, in command of company I, and Lieut. Curtis of same company; Lieut. Burge Smith and Acting Lieut. Ulam, company A, were all in the thickest of the fight, and no
ril 16, 1863. Brigadier General W. H. F. Lee: Pursuant to order, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my battery during the engagement of the fourteenth and fifteenth: Upon the fourteenth, my battery moved from camp, near brigade headquarters, following the Ninth cavalry. Upon reaching a high hill, some mile and a half below Brandy Station, I was ordered, by Major Beckham, to send one piece (rifled) forward to Kelley's Ford, where, under command of Lieutenant Shoemaker, it fired repeatedly upon the enemy, (across the river,) with what effect not ascertained. The remainder of my battery (two guns) I moved, by order of General Stuart, to Rappahannock bridge, and there opened upon, dispersing different squads of the enemy. During the afternoon a section of the enemy's guns were put in position behind earthworks, and engaged my guns for probably forty minutes, and then retired. I am happy to report no casualties during the day. On the fifteenth, m
thers; regiment heavy artillery, Colonel Jackson; Eighth Louisiana battalion, Pinckney; First Louisiana battalion, Major Clinch; Twenty-eighth Mississippi cavalry, Colonel Stark; battalion Zouaves, Major Dupiere; cavalry escort, Lieutenant Bradley. To the members of my staff, Majors Kimmel and Stith, Assistant Adjutant Generals; to Majors Joseph D. Balfour and A. M. Haskell, Inspectors; to Surgeon Choppin, Medical Director; to Surgeon Ryan, Medical Inspector; to Lieutenants Sullivan and Shoemaker, my Aides; to Lieutenant-Colonel Lomax, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General; to Lieutenant-Colonel J. P. Mayor, Acting Engineer; to Captain A. H. Cross, Captain Thyssing, Engineers; to Colonel Fred. Tate, and to Majors Uriel Wright and Welchler, volunteer Aides, I return my thanks for the ready and efficient services rendered by them in their respective departments. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Earl Van Dorn, Major-General. Since this report was wri