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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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able skirmishing near Sugarloaf, and that three attacks, in force, were made on our lines, all of which were repulsed with loss to the enemy. During the attack the enemy's whole fleet opened on General Hoke's lines. Our casualties will number about twenty. On Saturday, one of the enemy's monitors shelled Fort Anderson, killing one man and wounding another. Affairs in South Carolina--Wheeler Beats Kilpatrick near Augusta. We have, for some days, been in doubt as to what force Sherman had sent in the direction of Augusta. This doubt has at length been solved. It seems that while his main army advanced towards Branchville and Charleston, he sent Kilpatrick and his cavalry to demonstrate against Augusta and to break up the Charleston and Augusta railroad. From official dispatches, received at the War Department, we learn that on last Friday General Wheeler attacked Kilpatrick at Aiken, on the Charleston and Augusta railroad, twenty miles northeast of Augusta, and, afte
The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1865., [Electronic resource], Call of the Governor of South Carolina. (search)
Call of the Governor of South Carolina. Governor Magrath, of South Carolina, has issued an address to the people of that State, calling upon them to rise and resist the progress of Sherman through the State. We give some extracts from it: Persons not willing to fight must leave. I call upon every man to lay aside selfish considerations, and prepare to do his duty to his State. Let the suggestions of case and comfort become inglorious and unworthy; let those ends only be honorable which conduce to the defeat of the foe; let all who falter now, or hesitate, be henceforth marked. All who have lived under the protection of the State, who have flourished under its laws, and shared its prosperity, will gladly arm to protect it from subjection. If any seek escape from duty and danger at this time, let them depart. The hour approaches when all who are true to the State will be found in the ranks of those who arm in its defence. There is no room in the State but for one cla
ing through to Augusta, and communication remained unbroken. "Heavy cannonading was reported by passengers to have been heard all day in the direction of Bamberg. A number of prisoners were brought in Saturday and Sunday. They report that Sherman would make an attempt to cut the road at Midway. Passengers to Augusta report that Sherman was advancing on Branchville in two columns, with about forty thousand men. "One transport and four of the enemy's barges landed a number of troops urday and Sunday. They report that Sherman would make an attempt to cut the road at Midway. Passengers to Augusta report that Sherman was advancing on Branchville in two columns, with about forty thousand men. "One transport and four of the enemy's barges landed a number of troops on Little Britain, and about two hundred men at Secret Post. About half-past 2 o'clock P. M. they advanced to King's creek, and, after skirmishing a short time retired. Our picket line was re-established."