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kburn's Ford, near which General Beauregard now took position. Here the ground on the northern side of the Run, after a narrow level, ascends by a steep slope to a line of heights commanding the entire southern side, which, for several hundred yards, is almost a plain, and thence rises by a gentle slope to a wooded country, undulating back to Manassas. After a halfhour's cannonade from a battery of rifled guns, the column of attack (Richardson's brigade), over three thousand strong, with Sherman's brigade in immediate reserve, appeared over the brow of the height which covered their approach, and advanced until they were but a hundred yards from our skirmishers, who were posted among the trees that lined the southern bank. A large portion of the Federal force approached through the woods, near the border of the stream, which on that side presented a thick cover of trees and undergrowth, and the remainder advanced along the road, to force the passage. Longstreet met the attack wit
l arms. Despite this fearful disparity in numbers our troops still maintained their position, constantly breaking and shattering the enemy's ranks. But now came Sherman's and Keyes's brigades of Tyler's division, six thousand strong, adding number to number, and forcing our line at last to give way, though only when ordered to doent of the best-equipped men that ever took the field —according to their own history of the day—was formed of Colonels Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions, Colonels Sherman's and Keyes's brigades of Tyler's division, and the formidable batteries of Ricketts, Griffin, and Arnold's Regulars, and 2d Rhode Island and two Dahlgren hoe estimate. Left almost in the dark in respect to the losses of Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions— first, longest, and most hotly engaged—we are informed that Sherman's brigade, Tyler's division, suffered, in killed, wounded, and missing, 609—that is, about eighteen per cent. of the brigade. A regiment of Franklin's brigade
rrival of federal divisions at Savannah. General Sherman's attempted raid to destroy the railroad.resumed command. Meanwhile, on the 14th, General Sherman's division, which had not been landed at , and five or six miles back from the river. Sherman's force then retired a few miles, to the moutith nothing to oppose him but high water, General Sherman hurriedly reem-barked his troops and drophe battle-field. On the 16th of March, General Sherman, by order of General C. F. Smith, at Sava over Lick Creek. Within a few days, says General Sherman, in his memoirs, Prentiss's division arri placing itself within supporting distance of Sherman, and the second on the right of Hurlbut, form his forces at Monterey, only nine miles from Sherman's position, we should have had several days ding which to attack the isolated divisions of Sherman and Hurlbut, numbering about seven thousand md occupied a position, five or six miles from Sherman's right, on the north side of Snake Creek, on[1 more...]
description of the field of Shiloh. strength of the Federal forces. what General Sherman testified to. we form into three lines of battle. our effective strengthy, near his temporary headquarters, within less than two miles of those of General Sherman, at the Shiloh meetinghouse. He was then informed, by Major-General Polk,qual to regulars, if attacked in front, as the Federals would be by us; General Sherman, in his Memoirs, says of the Federal position: The position was naturally -house and the river, in three lines of encampments, as already stated. General Sherman, in his sworn testimony before a courtmar-tial which, in August, 1862, trigton, looked for an attack, as I can prove. It is somewhat strange that General Sherman, in his Memoirs, should maintain that the Federal forces engaged in the baearned that General Grant had returned for the night to Savannah, and that General Sherman commanded the advanced forces. No other information of importance was obt
e stood the Shiloh meeting-house, held by General Sherman; the whole bounded in front by a ravine aigade of four regiments to the support of General Sherman's left. General Hurlbut's Report. Befoong the entire front of Generals Prentiss and Sherman, though stronger as yet on the former, who reand the noise of the conflict since dawn, General Sherman remained under the belief that no more theneral McClernand, responding promptly to General Sherman's call, had sent forward three Illinois r's line, was moving single-handed against General Sherman's right centre and was being overlapped bppler's regiments of Hildebrand's brigade, of Sherman's division, broke and fled, leaving Waterhousdee's left, and was ready to grapple with General Sherman, who, supported now by all of McClernand'cover of the brow of the hill occupied by General Sherman, while Hodgson's guns threw a destructivee in that quarter. About the hour that General Sherman's last camps were carried, and his troops[30 more...]
during the night of the 6th. inaction of General Sherman on the morning of the 7th. General Breckf the enemy to follow. reconnoissance of General Sherman on the morning of the 8th. Confederates ty-five thousand fresh Federal troops, General Sherman estimates at eighteen thousand men those ed and formed into three divisions, under Generals Sherman, McClernand, and Hurlbut, in advance of tach, from near Crump's landing, was formed on Sherman's right, and constituted the extreme right of reinforce his centre from his left. Had General Sherman boldly advanced, before Cheatham's divisiing-house, which had so effectually protected Sherman's and Prentiss's commands, on the preceding mble for artillery by the next morning. General Sherman, however, followed the enemy, finding thaalf miles from the point of collision. General Sherman concludes his report, dated on the day ofre. We discover here two oversights on General Sherman's part. The short conflict referred to o[14 more...]
ral Beauregard's opinion and criticism of General Sherman's tactics during the battle. VI. Refuta would have so extended our left as to engage Sherman's troops shortly after we attacked Prentiss'sught. There is no doubt that, at early dawn, Sherman was no better prepared than Prentiss to receifrom such a stronghold as is described by General Sherman, if they had not been surprised? But theedly. A remarkable circumstance is, that General Sherman had then no cavalry pickets in advance ofere reconnoissance in force. See Boynton's Sherman's Historical Raid, pp. 33, 84, for further extracts from official records. But Generals Sherman and Prentiss were not the only commanding off General Beauregard is of opinion that General Sherman committed a grave error by protracting, athe elated Confederates. This error of General Sherman is, however, one that is often committed ision in its proper place, compelled Wallace, Sherman, and McClernand to call earnestly on McCook, [20 more...]
and had officially assumed command. This order was carried out; and on the 21st, General Pope's army was encamped at Hamburg, on the Tennessee River, some twelve miles below the celebrated Landing; thus increasing the Federal forces at and around the battle-field of Shiloh, to an aggregate of at least one hundred and twenty thousand men. General Halleck puts the number at one hundred and twenty-five thousand. General Force, in his book, often quoted by us, says one hundred thousand. General Sherman, in his Memoirs, vol. i. p. 251, says that the army must have numbered nearly one hundred thousand men. This was an error on the part of General Halleck; for he certainly had no need of reinforcements at that time, his army being in a state of complete inactivity. General Pope should have been allowed to continue his operations against Fort Pillow, as he had already successfully done against New Madrid, Island No.10, and Madrid Bend. The probabilities are that, with their immense res
our men; but fresh regiments of Federalists came upon the field. Sherman's and Keyes's brigades of Tyler's division, as is stated in their of at least twenty pieces of artillery, with the fresh brigades of Sherman and Keyes approaching, the latter already in musket range, our lin day, was formed of Colonels Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions, Sherman's and Keyes's brigades of Tyler's division, and of the formidable ey had worsted such a notorious adversary as the Ayres's, formerly Sherman's, battery, which quit the contest under the illusion that it had divisions—first, longest, and most hotly engaged— we are informed Sherman's brigade, Tyler's division, suffered in killed, wounded, and misse gunboats that came up to burn Bear Creek bridge—as stated by General Sherman. The cavalry was watching the Tennessee River, and one compan enemy, we engaged, on Sunday, the divisions of Generals Prentiss, Sherman, Hurlbut, McClernand, and Smith, of 9000 men each, or at least 45,<