Your search returned 970 results in 133 document sections:

on Chesapeake Bay, 2.555. Salem, Ind., pillaged by the guerrilla Morgan, 3.93. Salem Church, battle at, 3.36. Salkhatchie River passage forced across by Sherman, 3.458. Saltville, destruction of works at, 3.430. Salt Works, the Virginia, movement of Burbridge against, 3.287. San Antonio, scenes at on the departura Rosa Island, battle of, 2.111. Savage's Station, battle at, 2.427; visit of the author to in 1866, 2.439. Savannah, evacuation of, 3.413; occupation of by Sherman, 3.414; visit of the author to, 3.521 Savannah, privateer, capture of by the Perry, 1.557; crew of tried as pirates, 1.557. Savannah River, obstructions plof Cedar Creek, 3.363-3.372; his raid from Winchester to Grant's lines, 3.534-3.536; at the battle of Five Forks, 3.542; Lee's retreat cut off by, 3.557. Sherman, Gen. T. W., in command of land forces in. the Port Royal expedition, 2.115; relieved by Gen. Hunter in command of the Southern Department, 2.319; at the siege of Port
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 6: naval expedition against Port Royal and capture of that place. (search)
explosion of a torpedo left behind by the Confederates. capture of Fort Beauregard. prisoners turned over to General T. W. Sherman. naval battles contrasted. Sherman's legions. Dupont's eminence as a Commander. attempts to despoil Dupont of his honors. Dupont's high commendation of his officers. General Sherman's headquartGeneral Sherman's headquarters securely established at Hilton Head. Tatnall escapes. Colonel Gilmore's reconnoissance. results of the loss of the Norfolk Navy Yard. Owing to the increase of the Confederate forces in the States of Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, it became necessary to fit out armed vessels on the Western rivers. In May, 1861, Command North been wise enough to force the fighting in a quarter where it would have eventually brought matters to a speedy conclusion. This happened in the end when Sherman's legions swept through the South,and the Army and Navy closed up the last outlet of the enemy, leaving it only a matter of a short time when he would be compelle
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
with and near the enemy's lines. In front of Sherman the ground sloped in an open field down half ld in reserve, was moved in front of Wood and Sherman, and after some skirmishing drove the enemy ahour before any troops of General Pope or General Sherman entered the enemy's works. I do not attal, a reconnaissance in front of Wood's and T. W. Sherman's divisions, on the Corinth road, near Widneral Hurlbut's division on his left, Brig. Gen. T. W. Sherman's division taking position on the mais' and McKean's divisions in reserve. Major-General Sherman's right flank being much exposed, was ey had gained. On the 17th ultimo, Major-General Sherman, with a regiment and a section of artiral Hurlbut, advanced to Russell's house, General Sherman taking up and fortifying a strong positioight flank. General Hurlbut, connecting with Sherman's left, extended in a southerly direction aloadiness to move at a moment's notice. Major-General Sherman, anticipating General Halleck's order,[16 more...]
The privateer Savannah the Petrel-Fort Hatteras Pensacola and Pickens the Sumter Hollins's Ram exploit Dupont and Sherman's expedition capture of Port Royal the Trent case surrender of Mason and Slidell. on Sunday, June 2d, 1861, while litary expedition set forth from Hampton Roads, and, clearing the capes of Virginia, moved majestically southward. Gen. T. W. Sherman commanded the land forces, consisting of thirteen volunteer regiments, forming three brigades, and numbering not leror inspired by our gunboats so general and profound, that nothing could have withstood the progress of our arms. But Gen. Sherman had not been instructed to press his advantages, nor had he been provided with the light-draft steamers, row-boats, an a slaveholder on all that coast remained himself, or left his family to live once more, under the flag of the Union. Gen. Sherman issued a pleading, beseeching proclamation to induce them to do so; but none who could read would receive a copy of it
avery Edmund Randolph John Quincy Adams Joshua R. Giddings Mr. Lincoln Gov. Seward Gen. Butler Gen. Frement Gen. T. W. Sherman Gen. Wool Gen. Dix Gen. Halleck Gen. Cameron his report revised by President Lincoln Seward to McClellan Geneful relations to the Union, under the Constitution, will immediately remove. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. Gen. T. W. Sherman, Not William T., who became so famous, but an old army officer, formerly 5th Artillery. having occupied the forts en to accept a copy of this document — those who were brought to parley insisting that there were no loyal persons (in Gen. Sherman's sense)--that is, no loyal Whlites — within their knowledge. And no South Carolina journal intimated that Gen. ShermGen. Sherman's virtual pledge not to intermeddle with Slavery rendered his presence on their coast one whit less unwelcome than it would otherwise have been. If any White native of South Carolina came over to us, or evinced a desire to do so, thenceforth till
neous in every quarter, it failed to be so. Our batteries opened early in the morning; and, after a vigorous bombardment, Gens. Weitzel, Grover, and Paine, on our right, assaulted with vigor at 10 A. M., while Gen. Augur, in our center, and Gen. T. W. Sherman, on our left, did not attack in earnest till 2 P M. Meantime, the Hartford and Albatross above, and the Monongahela, Richmond, Genesee, and Essex below the Rebel river batteries, under the direction of Admiral Farragut, rained shot and sheld about sunset. We lost in this desperate struggle 293 killed, including Cols. Clarke, 6th Michigan, D. S. Cowles, 128th New York (transfixed by a bayonet), Payne, 2d Louisiana, and Chapin, 30th Mass., with 1,549 wounded, among whom were Gen. T. W. Sherman, severely, and Gen. Neal Dow, slightly. The Rebel loss was of course much less — probably not 300 in all. Gen. Banks reported that the 15th Arkansas, out of a total of 292, lost during the siege 132; of whom 76 fell this day. There
a; its 40 heavy guns barring access to the river by our vessels, and affording shelter and protection to blockade-runners and Rebel corsairs. Very soon after our recovery See Vol I., p. 605. of Port Royal and the adjacent sea-islands, Gen. T. W. Sherman directed Nov 29, 1861. Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore to reconnoiter this ugly impediment, and report on the feasibility of overcoming it. Gillmore obeyed; and reported Del. 1. that he fort might be reduced by batteries of mortars and rifleds Florida expedition to Port Royal, March 27. Com. Dupont found that the enemy had, during his absence, abandoned their formidable batteries on Skiddaway and Green islands, conceding to us full possession of Warsaw and Ossibaw sounds; while Gen. Sherman had long since Feb. 11. taken quiet possession of Edisto island on our right, carrying our flag more than half way from Beaufort to Charleston. No inhabitants were left on Edisto but negroes; and the cotton which the departing Whites could
e of the national flag, leaving their servants behind them to shift as best they can for themselves. So far, indeed, are the loyal persons composing this regiment from seeking to avoid the presence of their late owners, that they are now, one and all, working with remarkable industry to place themselves in a position to go in full and effective pursuit of their fugacious and traitorous proprietors. To the second question, I have tie honor to answer that the instructions given to Brig.-Gen. T. W. Sherman, by the Hon. Simon Cameron, late Secretary of War, and turned over to me by succession for my guidance, do distinctly authorize men to employ all loyal persons offering their services in defense of the Union and for the suppression of this Rebellion, in any manner I might see fit, or that the circumstances might call for. There is no restriction as to the character or color of the persons to be employed, or the nature of the employment, whether civil or military, in which their serv
s. 733; heads off Lee's army, 743; at New Orleans, 758. Sherman. Gen. T. W., issues a proclamation to the people of South olina, 240; has taken possession of Edisto Island, 460. Sherman, Gen. Wm. T., 54; 58; at Pittsburg Landing, 61-69; assailron, Gen. Fremont, and President Lincoln on. 238-40; Gen. T. W. Sherman's assurance, 240; Gen. Wool's contraband order, 240; 207; at Chancellorsville, 356; at Gettysburg, 380-7; with Sherman in his great march from Atlanta to Savannah, 689-695; thre; siege of, again abandoned, 102; operations against, 286; Sherman again threatens. 289; Sherman fails to take, 291; Com. PoSherman fails to take, 291; Com. Porter passes the batteries. 301; grand assault on, 311; failure of the assault on, 313; besieged by Grant, and surrendered, 3sons colored fugitives, 246. Williams, Gen. A. S., with Sherman in his great march, 689 to 695. Williams, Col., Ill., k Yazoo City, fighting at, 309-310; 318. Yazoo Bluffs, Sherman demonstrates on, 289. Yeadon, Richard, offers $10,000 r
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
ing Expedition to the Southern Coast. General Sherman's orders. Headquarters, E. C., steamf Volunteer Engineers. By order of Brig.-Gen. T. W. Sherman. Louis H. Pelouze, Capt. Fifteenth Inf., Asst. Adjt.-Gen. General Sherman's report. Headquarters of the Naval expedition, Port, very respectfully, your obedient serv't, T. W. Sherman, Brigadier-General Commanding. Adjutant-Ge degree. I therefore submitted to Brigadier-General Sherman, commanding the military part of the by myself, and to the transports by Brigadier-General Sherman; and as the vessels rejoined, reporthe forts on Hilton Head till the arrival of Gen. Sherman, to whom I had the honor to transfer their es, created by insurrection and rebellion. T. W. Sherman, Brig.-Gon. Commanding. Headquarters, Port troops were powerless to cheer, but wept. Gen. Sherman was deeply affected, and the soldiers are l him. He stayed too long for me to wait. Gen. Sherman said that he had no idea of such magnificen[4 more...]