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stores were accumulated in great quantity. The troops, while ignorant of their destination, knew instinctively that some important movement was soon to be inaugurated. Brief as was their engagement at Belmont, they began to realize fully that Sherman's definition, War is hell, was correct. Finally the transports began to come into the port at Cairo. Orders were issued for the troops to be ready to embark on the 5th of February. From the moment of the receipt of this order the camps weeaten by Americans. He listened to their woes, ordered relief for thousands, and was so magnanimous in his administration as to win their admiration and gratitude. As I stood in the crater of Fort Hill, from which point I could see Grant's, Sherman's, and Logan's headquarters, and looked across the chasms made by nature between the ridges which were occupied by the contending armies at Vicksburg, I marvelled more than ever at the military genius of our great commanders, and the fearless in
d Wins the battle of Atlanta passed over by Sherman for continuance in command of Army of the TenHoward succeeds subsequent reconciliation of Sherman and Logan the Corkhill banquet political caprodigious undertakings that were planned for Sherman's army, I spent many midnight hours in sleeplAll the winter of 1863 and the spring of 1864 Sherman was preparing for the campaign and siege of A command of the forces in and about Atlanta. Sherman had the most exalted opinion of Johnston's miWith an army of less courage and experience, Sherman would have had reason for solicitude. Vicksbo put the troops in position to carry out General Sherman's orders, while I will ride over to Shermrly as possible under the orders given by General Sherman to McPherson, and carried by him in persofront of our lines, the supposition of Major-General Sherman is that they have given up Atlanta wit by Generals Schofield and Thomas. Major-General Sherman desires and expects a vigorous pursuit[3 more...]
tion, recognizing this fact, in most cases acquiesced. At no time in the history of the Government have there been abler men in Congress than there were then. Among the senators were Sumner, Wade, Chandler, Morton, Fessenden, Conkling, Morgan, Sherman, Morrill, Voorhees, Trumbull, Anthony, and Wilson. In the House were Garfield, Colfax, Butler, Brooks, Bingham, Blaine, Shellabarger, Wilson, Allison, Cullom, Logan, Ames, Hooper, Washburne, Boutwell, Randall, and Voorhees. Such men were earneyard, Morton, Williams of Oregon, Yates, Trumbull, and others, made it one of the ablest bodies that ever convened in any country. In the House there were Washburn, Logan, Cullom, Judd, Arnold, Singleton, Wentworth, Henderson, Farnsworth, Cook, Sherman, Schenck, Garfield, Grow, Shellabarger, Bingham, Archer, Thaddeus Stevens, Clymer, Williams, Colfax,Voorhees,Davis,Banks,Butler,WheelerWood, Slocum, Brooks, Frye, Blaine, Hale, Boutwell, Allison, Wilson of Iowa, and a score of others who were le
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 11: (search)
Chapter 11: Mooted removal of the capital to Saint Louis improvement of Washington a result of this movement Reducing the army to a peace basis Sherman's hostility to Logan's measure a congressional scandal Logan checkmates Butler death of General Thomas honors to the memory of General Rawlins General Logan's vhese officers' pay to the war standard. This question can be said to have been among the first to bring about a break of friendship between General Logan and General Sherman, who was then General of the Army. There were quite a number of military men in Congress whose constituents demanded that a reduction of the army should bcaptains (foot), $1,800; first lieutenants, $I,600; second lieutenants, $I,400; the pay of the non-commissioned officers and privates to remain unchanged. General Sherman wrote a long letter to the committee, bitterly complaining of the injustice of General Logan's plan, but the schedule was received with so much favor, as bein
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 13: (search)
dship steadfast, and while he may have failed in his relations with the Diplomatic Corps, the management of the political and national affairs of his own country was an art with him. His power in the Senate in no wise waned with the years. John Sherman, cold and calculating, who, in rendering great service to his country as representative, senator, Secretary of the Treasury, and Premier, did not neglect to look after his personal interests, was one of the most active and efficient senators i march and announced the approach of the bridal party. All eyes were turned to the entrance from the corridor. The bridegroom, Mr. Sartoris, and Lieutenant-Colonel Fred D. Grant approached, followed by Miss Edith Fish and Miss Frelinghuysen, Miss Sherman and Miss Porter, Miss Drexel and Miss Dent. Next came Mrs. Grant, attended on either side by her two sons, Ulysses and Jesse. The President and the bride brought up the rear, the bridesmaids separating so as to form a circle, the President a
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 14: (search)
he White House Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman. General Sherman's daughter Minnie was married October 1, lace in the families of General Grant and General Sherman-those of Nellie and Fred in Grant's family, and Minnie in Sherman's family. When we arrived in Washington early in December we found thafor its successors. During the winter General Sherman's memoirs appeared and brought forth muchifferent. There was an additional reason for Sherman's criticism of General Logan --on account of he close of the war, and had greatly offended Sherman by recommending a cut in his salary. Althougidered that its provisions were just, and General Sherman was unable to prevent its passage. This, in addition to the fact that General Sherman had recommended General Howard to supersede General Lad won the great battle at Atlanta, and after Sherman had assured Logan that he should retain the cken occasion to be revenged on account of General Sherman's unkind treatment of him. General Logan [6 more...]
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
hio, the perfect opposite of his colleague, John Sherman, was a most ambitious man, and his elaboratup-Grant, Blaine, Washburne, Windom, Edmunds, Sherman, and Garfield. Garfield, under cover of beintlantic, both in France and Germany. Mrs. John Sherman was a woman of simplicity, but of intense wishes to observe the simplest style. Mrs. John Sherman was a lovely character, but she had verypossibly have been made. I remember that Mr. John Sherman was my escort on that occasion, and, thoun (nee Miss Elizabeth Sherman, niece of Senator John Sherman), Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morton, Miss Emilyery session. The moment the nomination of Sherman was in order General Garfield arose with a milicans in a speech colder toward Sherman than Sherman's own frigid temperament. Every brilliant phy. Almost every one detected the betrayal of Sherman, of which Garfield was openly accused by SherSherman and his friends. Garfield had succeeded in accomplishing his purpose and was destined to win [5 more...]
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
as, as so often has been the case, seriously marred by inclement weather. General Sherman was chief marshal of the procession and the whole parade moved with clockws. Hayes, who soon afterward left the White House to spend the night with Secretary Sherman. The inaugural ball was held in the new museum building. Mrs. Garfiethose present beside the members of the cabinet, Senate, House, etc., were Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and Hancock, Admiral Porter, Rear-Admiral Worden, Frederick Dou84, the names put before the convention were Blaine, Arthur, Edmunds, Logan, John Sherman, Hawley, and William Tecumseh Sherman. On June 6 James G. Blaine was nominad me about the Stone mansion on Columbia Heights, which then belonged to Senator John Sherman. I found that Colonel M. M. Parker was the agent, and I induced him to d imagine my surprise to see a framed copy of Brady's celebrated photograph of Sherman and his Generals, General Logan being in the centre of the group. We were cur