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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 4: details of the battle of Manassas. (search)
nd propriety as if they were at their own homes. They are here to fight the enemies of the country, not to judge and punish the unarmed and helpless, however guilty they may be. When necessary, that will be done by the proper person. By command of General McDowell. Jas. B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General. This order deserves to be exhumed from the oblivion into which it seems to have fallen, and is in strong contrast with the subsequent practice under Butler, Pope, Milroy, Hunter, Sheridan, Sherman, etc. This war order of McDowell's might well have been commended to the consideration of military satraps set, to rule over the people of the South in a time of peace. It did not prevent the burning of the entire village of Germantown, a few miles from Fairfax Court-House, but the citizens agreed that McDowell had made an honest effort to prevent depredations by his troops; and it gives me pleasure to make the statement, as it is the last time I will have occasion to make a simil
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 26: treatment of prisoners, wounded and dead. (search)
ose men loose to come back again to kill and plunder our people? Kindred to this is another charge of plundering and disfiguring the dead. Now as to the question of plundering, I cannot but think that it is more cruel to plunder the living than the dead, especially if the living be helpless women and children. I presume it is not necessary to state the reasons why I entertain this opinion. It is to me a little strange that the men who applauded Butler, Banks, Milroy, Sherman, and Sheridan, for plundering and rendering utterly desolate the houses of thousands of woman and children, should complain that our barefooted soldiers took the shoes from the feet of some of the men who had been engaged in this plunder and were killed in order that they might not be able to follow and fight the rest. I have myself but too often seen in the track of the Federal armies the evidence of how they plundered and destroyed the property of our people. Not content with taking provisions, ca
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 37: pursuit of Hunter. (search)
hose between Richmond and Charlottesville had been cut by Sheridan's cavalry, from Grant's army; so that there was no communthe ground, near Trevillian's depot, on which Hampton and Sheridan had fought on the 11th and 12th. Hampton had defeated ShSheridan and was then in pursuit of him. Grant, in his report, says that on the 11th Sheridan drove our cavalry from the fieldSheridan drove our cavalry from the field, in complete rout, and, when he advanced towards Gordonsville, on the 12th, he found the enemy reinforced by infantry, behilry were accustomed to arrange them to prevent a charge. Sheridan mistook some of Hampton's cavalry, dismounted and fightins one of the prominent features of the campaign of 1864. Sheridan, with his cavalry, was to have united with Hunter at Lync. Crook's column, not being there, was not engaged. Had Sheridan defeated Hampton at Trevillian's, he would have reached Lached there in time to do any good. But Hampton defeated Sheridan and the latter saw infantry too strong to successfully as
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 44: retreat to Fisher's Hill. (search)
sions of cavalry from Grant's army had joined Sheridan's force, and that the latter was very large. cavalry towards Summit Point. I encountered Sheridan's main force near Cameron's depot, about thren through Charlestown towards Halltown, where Sheridan had taken a strong position under the protecte road from Berryville via Jordan's Springs. Sheridan's main force was near Berryville, at the entrinto the Middle Military division, and Major General Sheridan was assigned to the temporary command of the chief surgeon of the cavalry corps of Sheridan's army which was subsequently captured at Ced think, therefore, that I can safely estimate Sheridan's cavalry at the battle of Winchester, on theWest Virginia, I think that I may assume that Sheridan had at least 35,000 infantry against me. The of May, 1864, 60,784. If with the 19th corps Sheridan did not have 35,000 infantry remaining from t a telegraph office, I learned that Grant was with Sheridan that day, and I expected an early move. [14 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 45: battle of Winchester. (search)
ers, and their loss was deeply felt, as was that of all the brave officers and men who fell in this battle. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was very heavy, and some prisoners fell into our hands. A skilful and energetic commander of the enemy's forces would have crushed Ramseur before any assistance could have reached him, and thus ensured the destruction of my whole force; and later in the day, when the battle had turned against us, with the immense superiority in cavalry which Sheridan had, and the advantage of the open country, would have destroyed my whole force and captured everything I had. As it was, considering the immense disparity in numbers and equipment, the enemy had very little to boast of. I had lost a few pieces of artillery and some very valuable officers and men, but the main part of my force and all my trains had been saved, and the enemy's loss in killed and wounded was far greater than mine. When I look back to this battle, I can but attribute my esca
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 46: affair at Fisher's Hill. (search)
ned therefore to make a show of a stand here, with the hopes that the enemy would be deterred from attacking me in this position, as had been the case in August. On the second day after our arrival at this place, General Breckenridge received orders from Richmond, by telegraph, to return to Southwestern Virginia, and I lost the benefit of his services. He had ably co-operated with me, and our personal relations had been of the most pleasant character. In the afternoon of the 20th, Sheridan's forces appeared on the banks of Cedar Creek, about four miles from Fisher's Hill, and the 21st, and the greater part of the 22nd, were consumed by him in reconnoitring and gradually moving his forces to my front under cover of breastworks. After some sharp skirmishing, he attained a strong position immediately in my front and fortified it, and I began to think he was satisfied with the advantage he had gained and would not probably press it further; but on the afternoon of the 22nd, I di
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 47: the March up the Valley. (search)
lry, and retired to the latter place in considerable disorder. Wickham's brigade had been sent for from the Luray Valley to join me through the New Market Gap, but it arrived at that gap just as we were retiring through New Market, and orders were sent for it to return to the Luray Valley, and join me at Port Republic. In the meantime, Payne's small brigade had been driven from Millford by two divisions of cavalry under Torbert, which had moved up the Luray Valley, and subsequently joined Sheridan through the New Market Gap. This cavalry had been detained by Wickham with his and Payne's brigades, at Millford, a sufficient time to enable us to pass New Market in safety. If, however, it had moved up the Luray Valley by Conrad's store, we would have been in a critical condition. On the morning of the 25th, we moved towards Port Republic,--which is in the fork of the South Fork and South River, and where the road through Brown's Gap in the Blue Ridge crosses those rivers,--in order
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 48: battle of Cedar Creek, or Belle Grove. (search)
ttle of Cedar Creek, or Belle Grove. Having heard that Sheridan was preparing to send part of his troops to Grant, I move called the Belle Grove House, at which it was known that Sheridan's headquarters were located. A guide, who knew the cony him with his force of cavalry, and endeavor to capture Sheridan himself. Rosser was ordered to move before day, in time The book containing the reports of the chief surgeon of Sheridan's cavalry corps, which has been mentioned as captured at this battle, showed that Sheridan's cavalry numbered about 8,700 men for duty a few days previous, and from information whic his infantry force was fully as large as at Winchester. Sheridan was absent in the morning at the beginning of the fight, and a new line formed behind breastworks of rails, before Sheridan arrived on the field; and he still had immense odds againof lessening them. It was of the utmost consequence that Sheridan should be prevented from sending troops to Grant, and Gen
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 49: close of the Valley campaign. (search)
26th of October the enemy's cavalry attacked Lomax at Millford and after sharp fighting was repulsed. Having heard that Sheridan was preparing to send troops to Grant, and that the Manassas Gap Railroad was being repaired, I moved down the Valley ag cavalry through Middletown to Newtown and I followed him and took position south of the latter place and in view of it. Sheridan's main force was found posted north of Newtown in a position which he was engaged in fortifying. I remained in frontsix thousand prisoners had been captured from the enemy and sent to Richmond, and according to a published statement by Sheridan, his army had lost 13,831, in killed and wounded, after he took command of it. Heavy losses had been inflicted on that army by my command, before Sheridan went to the Valley, and the whole loss could not have been far from double my entire force. The enemy moreover had been deprived of the use of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, for t
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 50: operations in 1865. (search)
864 had made the corn crop in the Valley a very short one, and, as Sheridan had destroyed a considerable quantity of small grain and hay, I for, and had accompanied me into Maryland, doing good service. When Sheridan was at Harrisonburg in October, 1864, Captain McNeil had burned thge, the latter having been made Secretary of War. On the 27th, Sheridan started from Winchester up the Valley with a heavy force, consistid the information had been telegraphed to General Lee. As soon as Sheridan started, I was informed of the fact by signal and telegraph, and oo General Lee at Petersburg. The affair at Waynesboro diverted Sheridan from Lynchburg, which he could have captured without difficulty, hville, and when he was endeavoring to cross the James River. When Sheridan had abandoned this effort, and on the day he reached the vicinity elled to retire in great haste. He then moved towards Richmond on Sheridan's track. After consultation with General Lee, at his headquart