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r., T. F. Goode, C. Hall, L. S. Hall, Haymond, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kilby, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, McNeil, C. K. Mallory, Jas.B. Mallory, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Parks, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Strange, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, F. B. Turner, Whitfield, Williams, Wise, and Woods.--75. So the amendment to the amendment was lost. The question then recurred on the amendment offered by Mr. Seaw, Garland, Graham, Gregory, John Goode, Jr., Thos F. Goode, Cyrus Hall, L. S. Hall, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Parks, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Thornton, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Williams, Wise, and Woods.--47. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Carter, C.
w, McNeil, Charles K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marshall, Marr, Marye, Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffett, Morton, Moore, Neblett, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robert E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Strange, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Thornton, Treadway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Waller, Whitfield, Willey, Wilson, and Wysor.--113. So the amendm, Blakey, Boissean, Borst, Branch, Cabell, Chambliss, Coffman, Conn, Richard H. Cox, Fisher, Garland, Graham, Gregory, John Goode, Jr., Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kindred, Lawson, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Parks, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Speed, Strange, Francis B. Turner, Whitfield, Wise, and Woods. --37. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell,
oggin, J. Goode, Jr., T F. Goode, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, E. B. Hall, L. S. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Haymond, Hoge, Holcombe, Holladay, Hull, Isbell, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Charles, K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marshall, Marye, Sr., Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffett, Morris, Morton, Moore, Neblett, Nelson, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Pendleton, Preston, Price, Pugh, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, Seawell, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Strange, Summers, Sutherlin, Taylor, Thornton, F. P. Turner, Tyler. Waller. White, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, Williams, Wilson, Wise, and Woods--116. [Mr. Baldwin had paired off with Mr. Randolph, and Mr. Hughes with Mr. Wysor.] So the motion to strike out and insert was decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. Nelson, of Clarke, the Committee rose and reported progress. Mr. Carlile moved an ad
. Mallory, J. B. Mallory, Marshall, Marr, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Nelson, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Pendleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Robt. E. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Waller, Whitfield, Wickham, and Willey.--85. by, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Macfarland, Charles K. Mallory, Marr, Marye, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Orrick, Parks, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin, B. Turner, Tyler, Whitfield, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--68. rr, Marye, Sr, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Nelson, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Pendleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Robert E. Scott, William C. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Alex. H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Tredway, F. B. Turner, Tyler,
rr, Marye, Sr., Montague, Morris, Morton, Moore, Neblett, Parks, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Tredway, Robert H. Turne, F. P. Turner, Tyler,ory, Marr, Marye, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, W.C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Speed, Strange, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--burn, Parks, Preston, Price, Pugh, Randolph, Richardson, Robt. E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Alex'r H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stu should be adopted by this Convention. Mr. Harvie briefly advocated his substitute. Mr. Sheffey, of Smythe, in view of the great importance of the subject, and the necessity of deliberationes, B. Mallory, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Speed, Strange, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.-
n, Moore, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Spurlock, Staples, Alex H. H. Stuart Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, , Parks, Pendleton, Preston, Price, Pugh, Randolph, Robert E. Scott. Seawell, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, C, Morton, Neblett, Orrick, Parke, Randolph, Richardson, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Marr, Marye, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin. Thornton, Tredway. Robt. H. Turner, F, Price, Pugh, Randolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, William C. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Alex. H. H. StuartMarye, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Orrick, Parks, Randolph, Richardson, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Strange, Tayloe, Thoraton. R. H. Turner, F. P.Tu
Mallory, Marr, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, WiOrrick, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Pendleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Robt, E. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Sunt." Mr. Blow urged the necessity of adopting this amendment, and Mr. Wise replied. Mr. Sheffey, of Smythe, moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words "If so empowered." Debated by Mr. Sheffey, and Mr. Scott, of Fauquier. Pending the consideration of Mr. Sheffey's amendment, on motion of Mr. Montague, the Committee rose, and On motion of Mr. Staples, the Convy, and Mr. Scott, of Fauquier. Pending the consideration of Mr. Sheffey's amendment, on motion of Mr. Montague, the Committee rose, and On motion of Mr. Staples, the Convention adjourned.
s separation (if unavoidable) shall render proper and expedient." The gentleman from Smy the (Mr. Sheffey) had moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words "if so empowered," which was the lining to accept it, and arguing briefly in favor of his own. The vote was then taken on Mr. Sheffey's amendment, and it was rejected — yeas 64, nays 72. Mr. Blow's amendment was then votedOrburn, Parks, Patrick, Pondleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robert E. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Spurfeck, Staples, Alex. H, H Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Strarks, Patrick, Pendleton, Preston, Price, Pugh, Raudolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Chapman J. Stuart, Strange, Summersblett, Neison, Orrick, Parks, Preston, Price, Pugh, Randolph, Richardson, R. E. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Stitlington, Slaughter, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Strange, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Thornton, R. H.
and commerce would be revived, and harmony prevail in the country. He therefore thought it important that the policy should be known with certainty. He was in favor of trying the experiment, for if no specific information could be obtained, we should stand precisely where we stood now. He did not agree with the gentleman who preceded him (Mr. Carlile) that the course suggested would farther paralyze the interests of commerce, but would, on the contrary, tend towards their revival. Mr. Sheffey, of Smythe, alluded to the importance of the subject under discussion, and to the preparations for war, in which Virginia was interested as a member of the Union. If it was a foreign war, we had a right to know it. There was an ominous silence at the North, and nothing had come from that quarter to show that our action thus far had met with a response. If all the warlike preparations to which he had referred were intended to reinforce the forts or to subjugate the seceded States, or to
mbler, Jas. Barbour, Blakey, Bouldin, Branch, Cabell, Caperton, Cecil, Chambliss, Chapman, Coffman, Conn, Robt Y. Conrad, R. H. Cox, Critcher, Deskins, Echols, Fisher, Flournoy, Garland, Gillespie, Graham, Gregory, John Goodo, Jr., Hale, A. Hall, C. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, C. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marr, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Orrick, Parks, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Staples, Strange, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Tredway, Waller, Wilson, and Wysor.--63. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President.) Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Brent, Burdett, Burley, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, Clemens, C. B. Conrad, Couch, Custis, Dent, Dorman, Early, French, Fugate, Gray, Goggin, E. B. Hall, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Jackson. Peter C. Johnston, Lewis, McGrew, Marshall, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Osburn, Pat