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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Wilson's Creek, and the death of Lyon. (search)
s battery. By this hour (8 o'clock) Sigel had attacked on the rear and had driven Churchill's infantry and Greer's and Major's cavalry out of their camps. McCulloch now gathered up part of the 3d Louisiana and routed Sigel's troops, who were at Sharp's farm. He was aided in this by the fire of Reid's and Bledsoe's batteries. Woodruff's battery had from the start chiefly engaged Totten; and now Churchill, and next Greer's and Carroll's cavalry, and afterward Gratiot's regiment (of Pearce's b the fight against Lyon. Meanwhile McCulloch called upon a battalion of mounted Missourians, and upon a part of the Louisiana regiment which had been confronting Plummer in the corn-field, and with these attacked Sigel's men, who were in line at Sharp's farm, and drove them from the field. When the attack by the Confederates, from the direction of Lyon's front, was made, the confusion of Sigel's men was brought about by the enfilading fire of Reid's battery east of the creek, and by the belie
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The flanking column at Wilson's Creek. (search)
efore, totally false, as rumor had it after the battle, that Sigel's men gave themselves up to plundering the camp, became scattered, and were for this reason surprised by the returning enemy. When we had taken our position on the plateau near Sharp's, a cannonade was opened by me against a part of the enemy's troops, evidently forming the left of their line, confronting Lyon, as we could observe from the struggle going on in that direction. The firing lasted about 30 minutes. Colonel Grl in the fight on the north side, and not a gun was heard, while squads of the enemy's troops, unarmed, came streaming up the road from Skegg's Branch toward us and were captured. Meanwhile a part of McCulloch's force was advancing against us at Sharp's farm, while Reid's battery moved into position on the hill east of Wilson's Creek, and opposite our right flank, followed by some cavalry. All these circumstances — the cessation of the firing in Lyon's front, the appearance of the enemy's
without having found them. Our cavalry will probably be kept busy for awhile in endeavoring to free this section from bushwhackers, for they have had almost full sway since we passed through here last October, just before the battle of Old Fort Wayne. When we came here, only three days ago, the dust raised by their horses' heels had scarcely settled. As a general thing the bushwhackers in this section are mounted upon fine animals, and if they get the start of us beyond the range of our Sharp's carbines, we are rarely able to over take them. In the battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry there are some good horses, and in a chase a trooper may now and then be able to dash ahead of his comrades and bring down his enemy by a well directed shot from his carbine or army revolver. But the animals upon which the Indians are mounted are mostly ponies, and of course not conspicuous for fleetness as compared with some of our more carefully bred horses. For many years before the war the h
oldier was instantly killed by the discharge of a musket on the shoulder of a comrade in front of him,--going off accidentally. The muzzle of the gun was so near him that the ball tore away nearly the whole anterior portion of the skull. The Indian troops are armed with muzzle-loading muskets, whose calibres range from 69 to 72, requiring balls weighing upwards of an ounce. They do not always sling their muskets to their shoulders so that the muzzles point directly downwards, as we do our Sharp's carbines. Nor are their arms as effective as ours. We can perhaps, on an average, load and discharge our Sharpe's carbines a dozen times while an Indian loads and discharges his musket once. Our small arms have been already greatly improved since the war commenced. The troops that have been longest in the field are generally supplied with the most improved models. But the Indians are generally good marksmen, and when rapid firing is not required (as on the skirmish line) their muskets
ined a little more than the usual quantity of powder. At any rate the charges were sufficient to send the balls flying over the river and right into objects at which the carbines were aimed. There is not a better cavalry arm in the service than Sharp's carbine. We have some adventurous spirits in the battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, and I believe that if it were possible they would contrive some means to send a ball two miles, if nothing but a river separated us from the enemy. Thnd the thick woods, but the balls from their small arms fell spent near us or dropped into the river. We returned several volleys, aiming at the places where we saw the smoke rising from their discharged muskets. I fired a dozen rounds from my Sharp's carbine, waiting every time for the smoke to rise, from some point on the opposite bank. Captain Hopkins now commenced shelling the woods along the opposite bank, and the enemy's firing ceased. They sheltered themselves from our shells by get
preside over the joint session of the two Houses, which was to assemble in the House of Representatives. Tickets were necessary to procure admission to the galleries. By ten o'clock every available space was taken. The diplomatic gallery was occupied by the foreign representatives, including Sir Edward Thornton, Baron Gerolt, Blacque Bey, Mr. DeBille, and other distinguished foreigners who were much engrossed with American affairs. In the reserved galleries were Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Dent, Mrs. Sharp, members of General Grant's staff, Mrs. Matthews, Schuyler Colfax's mother, and his sister, wives and ladies of the Supreme Court, senators and members, and also many distinguished visitors in the city. On the motion of some member, permission was given to admit ladies on the floor in the rear of the members' seats. In a brief time every available spot was occupied. At twelve o'clock the House was called to order, and the opening prayer was followed by some minor motions incident to the
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 47 (search)
manding, suffered terribly, they being in advance. Captains Elliott and Kirkpatrick, Fortieth Indiana Volunteers, were two of the finest officers in the service. The last I saw of Captain Kirkpatrick he was in front of his command with drawn sword waving them forward. As he passed me he simply asked me where shall I strike the enemy's lines? Captain Elliott was not only fit to command a company or regiment, but was one of the most accomplished officers and gentlemen in the service. Lieutenant Sharp, Fortieth Indiana, and Captain Berkshire, Ninety-seventh Ohio Volunteers, were both killed while gallantly leading their companies in the charge. Nothing of importance occurred in my command until the night of the 2d of July, when the enemy evacuated their strong hold at Kenesaw, and retreated toward the Chattahoochee River. On the morning of the 3d I was ordered to march to Marietta, and from thence in pursuit of the enemy, whom we found strongly intrenched some five miles distant
campment, he formed his teamsters and others into a party, mounted them on wagon horses, and joined Lieutenant Shover of the artillery in his brilliant sortie, by which the enemy was driven from his position on our line of communication. Captain Sharp's company, A, and Captain Delay's company, F, having been on detached service when the battle of Monterey was fought, seemed anxious on this occasion to bring up any arrears in which they might be supposed to stand to the regiment. They formct, deserve the highest consideration. There were many instances of both officers and men who, after being wounded, remained upon the field and continued to discharge their duties until active operations had ceased. Such was the case of Captain Sharp, who, though shot through both thighs, evinced so great reluctance to leave the field that he was permitted to remain and follow his company on horseback. Lieutenants Posey, Corwine, and Stockard were wounded, but set the valuable example
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Patton Anderson of operations of his division from 30th of July to 31st of August, 1864, including the battle of Jonesboro, Georgia. (search)
assumed, the command of the division, consisting of Sharp's and Brantley's brigades of Mississippians, Deas' blet road, my left on Utoy creek. Deas', Brantley's, Sharp's and Manigault's brigades were in position in the oly upon other portions of our line along Brantley's, Sharp's and Manigault's front. In one instance Brantley'senades over his breastworks; and on another occasion Sharp's pickets held their position against a line of battto the three brigades in the first line. These were Sharp's, Deas', and Brantley's, from right to left in the oceeded along the line from Brantley's right towards Sharp's position. At this time the troops of the front lipon the assailants. Though at a distance from them, Sharp's gallant Mississippians could be seen pushing their this work. One on horseback, whom I took to be General Sharp, was particularly conspicuous. After having rodtand a little longer-when I had reached a point near Sharp's left I received a wound which compelled me to leav
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
force of Confederates suddenly emerged from the woods, to cut off Steele's infantry from Stanley's cavalry. The latter (about a hundred and fifty strong) immediately drew up his men in proper order, and when the foe was within the range of their Sharp's carbines, they opened a deadly fire upon them. The latter numbered nearly five hundred. They returned the fire, and a regular battle seemed about to open, when a subordinate officer in Stanley's command shouted Charge! and twenty-five horsemmanding position, and with it drove his foes into the woods. Hearing the continued roar of Lyon's heavy guns, Sigel now pressed forward to attack the Confederate line of battle in the rear. He had passed along the Fayetteville road, as far as Sharp's farm, with about a hundred prisoners whom he had captured,when the firing at the northward almost ceased. Seeing at the same time large numbers of the Confederates moving southward, he believed that Lyon had won a victory; and that belief was