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t sent to Hooker for help; and that, with 10,000 of the 30,000 then unengaged, he could have won a decided victory. As it was, the fact that he lost no prisoners, while he took several hundred, and that nearly 4,000 of his 18,000 men were that day disabled, including two of his three division commanders (Berry and Whipple) killed, and Gen. Mott, of the New Jersey brigade, wounded, without the loss of a gun Sickles, in his testimony, says: At the conclusion of the battle of Sunday, Capt. Seeley's battery, which was the last that fired a shot in the battle of Chancellorsville, had 45 horses killed, and in the neighborhood of 40 men killed and wounded; but, being a soldier of great pride and ambition, and not wishing to leave any of his material in the hands of the enemy, he withdrew so entirely at his leisure that he carried off all the harness from his dead horses, loading his cannoniers with it; he even took a part of a set of harness on his own arm, and so moved to the rear.
or mortally wounded at Iuka in a charge on the battery. In the other batteries, however, the losses represent a long series of battles in which they rendered effective service, and participated with honor to themselves and the arm of the service to which they belonged. Among the light batteries of the Regular Army, equally heavy losses occurred in the following famous commands: B - 4th U. S. Artillery - Gibbon's or Stewart's.     K - 4th U. S. Artillery - Derussey's or Seeley's.     I - 1st U. S. Artillery - Ricketts' or Kirby's or Woodruff's. D - 5th U. S. Artillery - Griffin's or Hazlitt's.     C - 5th U. S. Artillery - Seymour's or Ransom's or Weir's. H - 5th U. S. Artillery - Gunther's or Burnham's.     A & C 4th U. S. Artillery - Hazzard's or Cushing's or Thomas'. The foregoing pages show accurately the limit of loss in the various regimental organizations in the civil war. The figures will proba
udes the casualties in infantry details attached to these batteries. maximum losses of Light Artillery in any one engagement. Synonym. Battery. Battle. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Aggregate. Sands's -- 11th Ohio Iuka 16 35 3 54 Seeley's K, Appears twice in this list. 4th United States Chancellorsville 7 38 -- 45 Campbell's B, Appears twice in this list. 4th United States Antietam 9 31 -- 40 Cushing's A, 4th United States Gettysburg 6 32 -- 38 Burnham's H,nsin Allatoona Pass 6 15 -- 21 Ricketts's F & G, 1st Pennsylvania Gettysburg 6 14 3 23 Dimmick's H, 1st United States Chancellorsville 3 18 -- 21 Simonson's -- Appears twice in this list. 5th Indiana Stone's River 3 18 -- 21 Seeley's K, 4th United States Gettysburg 2 19 4 25 Haley's -- 1st Maine Cedar Creek 3 17 8 28 Watson's I, 5th United States Gettysburg 1 19 2 22 Nims's -- 2d Massachusetts Sabine X Roads 1 18 1 20 Tompkins's A, 1st Rhode Island Anti
ted to Major Arnold, my executive officer, for his valuable assistance — his whole conduct was admirable; and Captains Allen, Chalfin, Blunt, Robertson, Hildt, and Duryea, and Lieutenants McFarland, Langdon, Clossin, Shipley, Jackson, Pennington, Seeley, and Taylor, merit my warmest encomiums for the coolness and deliberation with which they performed, without one exception, their duty under a heavy continuous shower of shot, shells, and splinters for two successive days. Lieutenant Todd, ordnatment was conducted with system and efficiency. Major Tower, Surgeon Campbell, and Assistant Surgeon Sutherland, in their respective duties, sustained their high reputations. Captains Robertson, Duryea, and Blunt, and Lieutenants Pennington and Seeley respectively commanded batteries Lincoln, Scott, Totten, and Cameron, and a small battery at Spanish Fort, and the other officers batteries in the fort with distinguished ability. Captains Dobies' and Bailey's companies were with the batteries a
Hooker selected his old case hardened corps to meet the coming shock. Berry, of Sickles's corps, was on the north side of the turnpike, Birney south of it — both divisions advanced from the general line; Whipple, of Sickles's corps, was behind Berry, and Williams, of Slocum's corps, behind Birney. The other division of Slocum (Geary's) formed the southern half of the other leg, joining on Howard. The artillery under Best was massed to command the approaches by the turnpike. Randolph's, Seeley's, Smith's, Osband's, and two sections of Dimmick's batteries were placed in line, all pointing west, on the ridge in the centre of the fifty-acre lot. Birney and Berry were at the western edge of the lot, with two pieces of Dimmick's battery in the road. It was early Sunday morning when Jackson advanced — about half-past 5. The force of his stroke was intended to break the left leg of the V close to the joint, thus----V. In the annals of this war there has been no greater manifestatio
the lime, and the india-rubber takes the place of the gelatine. Ivory dust mixed with albumen, rolled into sheets, dried, and polished. Sulphate of baryta and albumen rolled into sheets. Billiard-balls made of a mixture of paper pulp, sulphate of baryta, and gelatine, are said to be equal to those made of ivory. Plaster of paris saturated with melted spermaceti. The following United States patents bear upon this subject; the figures are day, month, year: — Welling4, 8, 1857.Seeley23, 6, 1868. Held4, 8, 1857.Welling5, 5, 1868. Hackert31, 5, 1864.Cradenwitz25, 5, 1869. Dupper1865.Hyatt and Blake4, 5, 1869. Wheeler14, 11, 1865.Welling20, 4, 1869. Wurtz1, 1, 1867.Welling27, 4, 1869. Hackert19, 2, 1867.Welling27, 4, 1869. Starr3, 3, 1868.Hyatt6, 4, 1869. Starr and Welling9, 6, 1868.Hyatt6, 4, 1869. Hyatt14, 4, 1868.Hyatt15, 6, 1869. Gardner7, 1, 1868.Welling17, 1, 1870. I′vo-ry-black. A species of bone-black made by the calcination of ivory scraps, turning
McClelland, 1869, also makes dental plates. Streeter, 1869, applies it as a veneer to dental plates; molds by heat and pressure. Hunt, 1874; Newton, 1872; Pursell, 1872; Troutman, 1871, refer to the use of pyroxyline with dental plates, for attaching teeth. Hill, 1869, combines with coloring-matter and asbestus; covers layers of cotton, felt, woolen, wire gauze, etc. McClelland, 1868, adds gum-copal, coloring-matter, and phosphate of ammonia. Dry by gentle heat, pulverize. Seeley, 1868, adds nitro-glucose to gun-cotton in solution. Hyatt, 1869, adds ivory-dust, bone-dust, paper, flock, or asbestus. Heat, press, and evaporate solvent. Spill, 1869, protects insulated telegraph-wires. Uses a compound of xyloidine, oil-camphor, gutta-percha, and pigments. Hyatt, July 12, 1870, grinds pyroxyline into a pulp, mixes it with finely comminuted gum-camphor, dissolves the components by heat, and continues the pressure upon the mold until the contents are cooled. M
, or impregnation with metallic solutions. (a.) Burnettizing, or impregnation of chloride of zinc. (b.) Samuels's process of impregnation with sulphate of iron. 2. Second class, or injection of oily substances. (a.) The Seeley process; impregnation with creosote, carbolic acid derived from pine tar. (b.) Robbins's process: impregnation with heavy oils charged with creosote, carbolic acid, etc., derived from coal-tar at a higher temperature than by the Seeley pro 1866. 60,794.Samuels, 1867. 4,158.Samuels (reissued), 1870. 62,334.Holmes, 1867. 62,956.Harvey, 1867. 63,300.Prindle, 1867. 64,703Pustkutchen, 1867. 65,545.Constant et al., 1867. 67,104.Clarke et al., 1867. 68,069.Harding, 1867. 69,260.Seeley, 1867. 70,761.Taylor, 1867. 73,246.Harmyer, 1868. 73,585.Beer, 1868. 77,777.Spaulding, 1868. 78,514.Calkins, 1868. 84,733Cowling, 1868. 86,808.Bridge. 1869. 87,226.Voorhees et al., 1869. 88,392.Karmrodt et al., 1869. No.Name and Yea
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
own. His Philosophy of mathematics is still worth reading. So also is Shedd's Philosophy of history, which illustrates the independence of the evolutionary conception of history from the thought of Spencer or Darwin. For sheer intellectual power, however, and for comprehensive grasp of technical philosophy Hickok is easily the foremost figure in American philosophy between the time of Jonathan Edwards and the period of the Civil War. He left, however, no influential disciples except Presidents Seeley and Bascom. American philosophy before the Civil War produced not a single original philosophic work of commanding importance. To the modem reader it is all an arid desert of commonplace opinion covered with the dust of pedantic language. The storm which broke the stagnant air and aroused many American minds from this dogmatic torpor came with the controversy over evolution which followed the publication of Lyell's Geology, Darwin's Origin of species, and Spencer's First principles
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index (search)
41 Scribe, 550 Scribner, Charles, 310 Scribner's magazine, 73, 158, 301, 310, 312, 316 Scribner's monthly, 38, 48, 301, 310, 311, 312, 314 Scripps, 327 Scrope, Poulett, 434 Scudder, H. E., 307 Seabury, Samuel, 345 Seaman, E. C., 434 Sea power in its relation to the War of 1812, 196 Search for the North Pole, the, 169 Seasons, 37 Seaward, 52 Sea Wolf, the, 94 Secret, the, 282 Secret service, 266, 286 Sedgwick, Ellery, 307 Sedgwick, Theodore, 434 Seeley, Pres., 229 n. Seidensticker, Oswald, 587 Sejour, Victor, 593 Selections from modern Greek writers, 460 Self, 275 Self-culture, 109 Self reliance, 415 Seligman, E. R. A., 359 Sense of the past, the, 103 Serdatsky, Yenta, 606 Seth Jones or the captive of the frontier, 66 Seume, J. G., 578 Seven days, 295 Seven English cities, 83 Seven keys to Baldpate, 289 Seven Spanish cities, 164 Seventeen, 420 Seventh annual report (Mann, H.), 408 Severals relat