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ition of the staff of the General in Chief, and the location of the various ces for the transaction of the business of the army. The headquarters of the army, temporarily superintended by Colonel Cothurn, of the General's staff, will be at General Scott's old quarters, on Seventeenth street, opposite the War Department. General Williams, Assistant Adjutant General, has removed his office from the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Nineteenth street, to the new Headquarters of the Army of the used as a transport, came up past the rebel batteries without difficulty, and last night left the Navy- yard on her return. Headquarters removed. The headquarters of the army is to be transferred from the building formerly occurred by Gen. Scott to apartments in the War Department building. As Commodore Wilkes and family are about returning and require their residence, the headquarters of the Department of the Potomac will be removed to the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Madison Pl
Gen. Scott in New York. The New York Times, of the 9th instant, contains a long account of the complimentary visit from a committee appointed by the Chamber of inted by the Chamber of Commerce to present their resolutions of respect to General Scott met yesterday at 9 ½ o'clock, at the Brevoort House, and paid their respect of prosperity and glory which has never before been attained. Speech of Gen. Scott. Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Chamber of Commerce: Sweet is the lae then presented to the General, and retired. Letter from Gov. Morgan to Gen. Scott. The following letter from Gov. Morgan was received by Lieut. Gen. Scott Lieut. Gen. Scott yesterday: State of New York, Ex. Department. Albany, Nov. 2, 1861. General: It is with deep sorrow that I learn this morning, through the public press, fe wholly spent in the country's service. (Signed,) E. D. Morgan. Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, New York City. I am, dear General, with great respect, your obedient
The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], The great naval expedition — from Fortress Monroe and Hatteras Inlet. (search)
the appointment of representatives to fill vacancies in the Legislature for the counties identified with the Wheeling treason, was laid on the table. Mr. Mallory, of Brunswick, offered a resolution to adjourn sinc die on Thursday next, and Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, proposed as a substitute "That the present Constitution of this Commonwealth ought to be amended, and it is expedient that this Convention should submit amendments thereto for the ratification or the rejection of the people." Some debate ensued, in which the disposition of members to make long-winded speeches was freely commented on, when the previous question was called, and Mr. Scott's substitute adopted by a vote of 55 to 26. The Governor communicated the resignation of John Echols, the member from Monroe, now serving in the army, and called attention to the additional fact of a vacancy in the Provisional Congress, in consequence of the acceptance of a foreign mission by Mr. James M. Mason. Mr. Macfarland s