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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
n volunteers flocked North, while no Northern troops came South. If we read of the bloody battles in Canada, we are struck with the number of Southern officers there engaged, mostly general officers — Wilkinson, Izzard, Winder, Drayton, Hampton, Scott, Towson, Brooke, Gaines, &c. Kentucky, I believe, furnished more troops than any State for the invasion of Canada. On the authority of the Southern Review, I state, without investigating the truth of it, that Maryland furnished more of the navalnd Butler's South Carolina. The naval officers who performed the most dashing feats were Tatnall, of Georgia, and Hunter, of Virginia. In that wonderful campaign from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico the engineer officers most relied upon by General Scott were Alexander Swift, of North Carolina, and Robert E. Lee, of Virginia. That volunteer brigade that was most relied upon in an emergency was the Mississippi brigade under Quitman. But I need not go on. It is a fact that none will controver
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of a narrative received of Colonel John B. Baldwin, of Staunton, touching the Origin of the war. (search)
oerce a State to remain in the Union. The whole people, even in the imperious North, knew and recognized this truth. The New York Tribune, even, admitted it, violent as it was, and deprecated a Union pinned together with bayonets. Even General Winfield Scott, the military Man Friday, of Federal power, advised that the Government should say: Erring Sisters, go in peace. So strong was the conviction, even in the Northern mind, that such journals as Harper's Weekly and Monthly, shrewdly mercenaonflict, and to pretend contempt for effeminate slavocrats; but he had sense enough to know that the South would make a desperate defence of her rights, and would be a most formidable adversary, if pushed to the wall. Hence, Mr. Seward, with General Scott, had advised a temporizing policy towards the Montgomery government, without violence, and Mr. Lincoln had acceded to their policy. Hence, the promises to Judge Campbell. Meantime, the radical governors came down, having great wrath, to ter
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Governor Letcher, of Virginia. (search)
nor Letcher that Lieutenant-Colonel Hardee, United States Army, be allowed to come to Richmond to drill the Virginia cavalry then encamped at the Fair Grounds, General Scott wrote the following letters. General Hardee complied with the request, and drilled the cavalry several days. New York, October 22, 1860. His Excellency Johle Colonel Hardee will take pleasure in meeting the wishes of your Excellency. With great respect, I have the honor to remain, Your obedient servant, Winfield Scott. Headquarters of the army, New York, October 22, 186<*>. Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. Hardee, First United States Cavalry: Sir — By direction of the Lieutenan proper. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, (Signed) E. D. Keys, Lieutenant-Colonel United States Army, Military Secretary to Lieutenant-General Scott. The following from Honorable George W. Summers, and the reply of Governor Letcher, are important: Kanawha Courthouse, May 3d, 1861. John Letc
Mrs. J. S. Johnston. brilliant offer of General Scott to him declined. its influence on his carlay and Calhoun, Webster, Benton, Everett, and Scott, Lieutenant Johnston had his first experience y was unexpectedly opened by an offer from General Scott to make him his aide-de-camp, a proposal van, he was offered the position of aide to General Scott, and, from his own judgment, refused it, sh much gratified to have been mentioned by General Scott, he felt that the life of inactivity in a right to oppose his inclination, although General Scott was our particular friend. As for myself, full justice to the military abilities of General Scott. When, in his later years, he had, througconfidence, not of magnanimity, that moved General Scott. The question of Lieutenant Johnston's wisdom in declining General Scott's tender may be left to the verdict of others; but the incident illnd social temper, and of popular manners. General Scott, in his autobiography, calls him an excell[1 more...]
kirmishes. General Henry's engagement at Wisconsin Heights. cholera among General Scott's reinforcements. March from Cosconong to blue Mounds. on the trail. batThat he was not altogether unsuccessful in his diplomacy is best evinced by General Scott's statement that at least eight lodges of Winnebagoes, and many Kickapoos, n need of provisions. July 16th, General Atkinson received dispatches from General Scott. He speaks of the deplorable condition of his command of regular troops at the seaboard were hurried toward the scene of action, under the command of General Scott. But, in their progress across the lakes, the cholera broke out; and, of tlized. Under these circumstances, and for fear of spreading the infection, General Scott prudently and properly held aloof from the campaign. As it turned out, his led to the interposition of the Government. A portion of the troops under Generals Scott and Atkinson, and of the militia of the State of Illinois, were called into
st in the army, nor did I request any friend to do it; nor would I, after that, have accepted any offer. I have had the firmness to resist the most powerful impulse of Nature and education; and, no doubt, for the best, at least so far as my family is concerned. You will oblige me by presenting my most friendly regards to General Butler. His soldierly and gallant bearing commanded the admiration of every one, and I would be glad to know that he will lead an effective force to the aid of Scott; for, truly, the situation of our army is precarious. The force to have accomplished the work given to him, promptly and economically both with regard to blood and treasure, should not have been less than 50,000 men. With that amount of force he could have controlled the resources of the country for the support of his army, and saved all further expense to his own Government after his outfit. A force so small as his present one, and so isolated in the midst of any other people than Mexican
ston made Colonel of the Second cavalry. no Favoritisms. the appointments tested. Ben McCulloch's disappointment. General Scott's opinion of General Johnston's appointment. General Johnston's acceptance. public honors by his neighbors. enlistin battle, he had the generosity to say that Mr. Davis had acted wisely in preferring General Johnston above him. General Scott said to Mr. Preston, who was on intimate terms with him, that the appointments were very good, but that the positionstion, delivered in terms of noble sincerity — an estimate that grew and strengthened to the close. Some years after, General Scott, in another conversation, with Mr. Preston, referring to his former conversation took occasion to say that no better made; that he was equal to any position, and he would not have it otherwise. Captain Eaton informs the writer that General Scott told him in the winter of 1858 that he regarded General Johnston's appointment as a Godsend to the army and to the co
n as they could be put in motion, in July, in a somewhat irregular manner. General Scott suggested to General Harney, on the 26th of June, to send part of his horse in its conduct. ... George W. Lay, Lieutenant-Colonel, Aide-de-Camp to General Scott. General Johnston arrived at Fort Leavenworth, September 11th, and remattle command of 1,700 regulars, buried in the snows of the Wahsatch range. General Scott at first intended to proceed to the Pacific coast to direct the movements odation, and the military authorities gave him every assurance of approval. General Scott wrote, on the 23d of January: Your conduct in command, as set forth ied no act or omission of yours had any part in creating. Early in April General Scott sent renewed assurances of his confidence, and on the 10th of April Generaln and high tone of his army is preeminently due. By command of Brevet Lieutenant-General Scott: Irvin McDowell, Assistant Adjutant-General. The Secretary o
dger. In commenting upon his own official reports, he wrote to General Scott, March 31, 1859: I have refrained from speaking of the hodents occurred on his voyage or after his arrival in the East. General Scott received him with the utmost kindness, approved heartily of allenant-Colonel Joseph E. Johnston. It was said at the time that General Scott urged the name of General A. S. Johnston for the appointment; a of these reports, they evince, nevertheless, the estimate that General Scott was commonly supposed to place upon him. General Johnston wme time apprised, by telegram and letter, of October 30th, that General Scott desired to send him to California to take command of the Pacific coast. On November 2d General Scott addressed an official communication to the adjutant-general to that effect. When General Johnston though without touching the above-named difficulty, that, with General Scott's backing in the matter, he was assigned to the Department of t
ge, so valuable in every contest. There was a reverse to the picture, however. The North, suddenly checked in its vainglorious boast of subjugating the South in ninety days, sobered itself down to a steadier prosecution of its deadly purpose. Scott and McDowell went into eclipse, and McClellan was called to the work of organization and command. Nevertheless, operations were closed on that line for nearly a year, and the activity of preparation was transferred to the West. In the South an s men maintained their allegiance to the Old dominion by stubborn warfare until the close of the contest; and its eastern border was at all times a debatable ground. On this field General McClellan gained his first distinction, which raised him, as the successor of Scott, for a time to the chief command of the United States Army. The movements in this quarter from the Ohio River Valley as a base, though well contested in many a bloody combat, resulted on the whole advantageously to the North.