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The Daily Dispatch: may 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 22 0 Browse Search
James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States. 2 0 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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c acid had been mixed in with some food which the girl had been cooking for the family. There are evidences, also, in every paper I pick up, of the beneficial effect of Northern free emigration. Wherever the free colonists settle, up goes the price of land forthwith. Here is an illustration: Rise of real estate. Mr. Seth Halsey, a few days since, sold his farm of 600 acres near Lynchbury, Va., to Mr. Barksdale, of Halifax, for $45 per acre. He purchased it several years ago of S. M. Scott, for $27 per acre. In the county of Prince George, land, it appears, is equally valuable. The Planter's Advocate notices the sale of a farm in Bladensburg District, consisting of one hundred and ninety-one acres of unimproved land, for $3,247--seventeen dollars per acre. Another farm, near Patuxent City, Charles County, near the dividing line, was sold for $8,000; another still, in the same neighborhood, for $41 per acre. The Advocate contains another paragraph, which I cheerf
l Martin and Major Queyrouse were wounded. The First was in the brigade of Gen. A. H. Gladden. Colonel Deas, later in command, reported that the gallant Adams received a severe wound in the head; and that impartiality compelled him to record as first in the fight the First Louisiana and Twenty-second Alabama. First Louisiana regulars, infantry, Col. D. W. Adams; Fourth volunteer infantry, Col. H. W. Allen; Eleventh volunteer infantry, Col. S. F. Marks; Twelfth volunteer infantry, Col. S. M. Scott; Thirteenth volunteer infantry, Col. Randall L. Gibson; Sixteenth volunteer infantry, Col. Preston Pond; Seventeenth volunteer infantry, Lieut.-Col. Charles Jones; Eighteenth volunteer infantry, Col. Alfred Mouton; Nineteenth volunteer infantry, Col. B. L. Hodge; Twentieth volunteer infantry, Col. August Reichard; the Crescent regiment (N. O.), Col. Marshall J. Smith; Confederate Guards Response battalion, Maj. Franklin H. Clack; Thirteenth battalion (Orleans Guards), Maj. Leon Queyrous
Why the troops were hurried up. --A Washington letter says: Republican Congressmen say that the reason of the late hurrying up of troops to this point from the North was because Gen. Scott found that troops were concentrating in Virginia much faster than he had anticipated. The troops here are going rapidly into camp upon the high grounds in the flank and rear of the city, but there are no indications that fieldworks are to be thrown up thereon, as has been suggested in the New York administration papers. The command of the Potomac precludes the necessity of such steps at present.
t, John Moore. Bible Board, located in Nashville, Tenn.--Vice Presidents: J. W. M. Williams, Md.; Iveson C. Brookes, S. C.; B. Manly, Ala.; D. Hickman, Mo.; W. H. Bayliss, Texas; Nat. G. Smith, Ark.; C. D. Mallory, Ga.; Mat. Hillsman, Tenn.; B. Egan, La.; W. B. Caldwell, Ky.; T. D. Coleman, Va.; L. H. Milliken, Miss.; J. L. Pritchard, N. C.; L. W. Allen, Corresponding Secretary; A. Nelson, Recording Secretary; C. A. Fuller, Treasurer. Board of Managers: W. L. Murfree, J. D. Winston, S. M. Scott, C. K. Winston, W. B. Bang, W. P. Jones, A. C. Beech, A. L. Maxwell, L. B. Woolfolk, G. H. Slaughter, B. M. Tilman, R. Ford, J. T. Forbes; D. DuPree, G. W. Griffin. Rev. J. H. Campbell, of Ga., offered a resolution declaring it inexpedient for this body to attempt public collections for any of the objects embraced in its Constitution during its present session. After some discussion, the resolution was laid on the table. The committee on time and place of next meeting reported,
indred measures will be a great advantage to the South. It will set on foot a thousand branches of manufacture which would never have taken spontaneous root in the South. How very many classes of manufacture there are connected with the equipment of armies. Half the wants of domestic life are supplied by the same factories which provide the outfit of the soldier. If we are made to manufacture all the articles requisite in war within ourselves, we shall continue to manufacture them when the war shall have ceased. No sooner has Gen. Scott's list of things contraband of war been made public, than immediate steps are taken in Richmond to manufacture here all that was not manufactured before. All that we ever wanted for the establishment of these manufactures in the South, was a prohibition of the Northern rival article. No sooner is that prohibition decreed by Lincoln, than the new manufacture springs up spontaneously around us. Surely are the Fates working for us in this contest.
ly eleven thousand dollars offered for three heads, that it would be an excellent bargain for the Yankees to get at eleven millions. We hope there will be no retaliation. We hope that no one will offer a reward for the head of Abe Lincoln or GenScott, or Com. Pendergrast. Indeed, a friend suggests that a large reward should be offered to any one who will guarantee that the heads of Lincoln, Scott, Pendergrast & Co. shall be kept on their shoulders. We can wish cur vindictive enemy no worse lScott, Pendergrast & Co. shall be kept on their shoulders. We can wish cur vindictive enemy no worse luck than to have those incompetent skulls just where they are. It would be shameful extravagance and inhuman contempt of the brute creation to offer the reward of a calf's head for the whole lot. One word in regard to the infamous assault upon Lieut. Maury. It is simply false that he left a mass of unfinished work at the Observatory. Every duty connected with his department was fulfilled up to the last moment, and if be said nothing to the Secretary of the Navy of his intention of resigni
General Scott. The Petersburg Express says that a gentleman of that city, who saw General Scott last Saturday, says: "He is a complete wreck. Infirm, gouty and overwhelmed with the lashiGeneral Scott last Saturday, says: "He is a complete wreck. Infirm, gouty and overwhelmed with the lashings of a guilty conscience, he has become a sort of terror to all around him. His Aids tremble in his presence, and his petulancy prevents him from giving any one a civil answer. "Old Abe." it is sa latter has not forgotten and never will, the remark of Lincoln to Rev. Dr. Fuller, that he was "Scott's legal master." Scott, who was present at the time of the interview, managed to restrain his paScott, who was present at the time of the interview, managed to restrain his passion until the Doctor and the members of the Young Men's Christian Association left, but they had scarcely cleared the room, before he let out on Lincoln. At one time it was thought that Cameron and Seward would have to interfere to prevent a personal collision. Scott raved like a madman, and told Lincoln that he was a stupid fool, a most consummate ass, and lavished sundry other choice epith
[for the Dispatch.]University of Virginia, may 11. To the Editors of the Richmond Dispatch: Dear Sirs: It has been suggested, as I learn from your paper, that the ladies of Richmond hold a meeting to make arrangements for demanding from General Scott the sword which was presented to him by Virginia. As a friend and admirer of the ladies of Richmond, Implore them not to follow out or favor such an idea. It would inflict a deep and lasting mortification on thousands of brave hearts in Virginia to see her fair daughters honor the old traitor with such a notice. Let him keep the sword, and ture its sharp edge against the mother who gave it. The true sons of Virginia had rather meet him with that sword in his hand than any other he could possibly bear. But they will never meet him. He must despise himself, and will never fight again. Even the base villains, who use the old traitor in planning and plotting against his native Commonwealth, must despise him in their hearts.