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The Daily Dispatch: July 25, 1861., [Electronic resource] 34 0 Browse Search
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wounded; private Middlekeff, slightly wounded. Fourth Virginia Regiment. Rockbridge Grays--Private Goolsby, mortally wounded; private Cox, mortally wounded; private Marstella, slightly wounded. Montgomery Fencibles--Lieut. Langhorn, slightly wounded. Fourth Alabama Regiment. Lieutenant John Simpson, Company H, probably killed. Privates James Jackson, of Florence, wounded; Tom Kirkham, of Florence, wounded; Colonel Jones, severely wounded; Lieutenant Laws. wounded; Major Scott, wounded; Chas. Weem, wounded. Second Virginia Regiment. Captain Roan, mortally wounded; Captain Clarke, slightly wounded; Captain Chambers, killed; Private Scott Dishman, Company C, killed; Private Palmgrate, Company C, killed; Private Sam Ritter, Company C, wounded; Private C. Whiting, Company C, wounded; Private Mead, Clarke county, Company F, wounded. Washington Artillery, of New Orleans. Sergeant Joshua Reynolds, killed, struck in forehead by a shell, while giving w
s Lawrence, when the grape shot was in his ear, crying, "Boys, don't surrender; " afterward pillowing his drooping head on the breast of his valiant soldiers kneeling beside him. He has fallen, and at the hands of whom? I know the mind of Gen. Scott to be of too martial a cast to be easily moved; but when the news of this death reached his ears, he must have thought of him who caused to blaze all the deeds of his life; who from Niagara to the shores of the Gulf filled the brazen throat of fame with the tale of his prowess. He must have remembered the day when he paraded the streets of this city, amid the shouts of our people, the magic of the young warrior's eloquence, hanging as a mantle of glory over his shoulders. Oh! General Scott, 'twas you who armed the hand which snapped his heart-strings, and that, too, on the soil of your mother State. Yet, "Like the day star in the wave Sank the hero in his grave, "Midst the dewfall of a nation's tears." So young to
Lieutenant General Scott. We do not know any feature of the late battle, the contemplation of which affords us more exquisite satisfaction than as a defeat of General Scott. The "bubble reputation" was never more a bubble than in his case; buve been made in the prodigious military vanity of Lieutenant General Scott, who ought now to return to the original and corrurprised if the Republican cohorts at once decapitate Lieut. Gen. Scott. The popular vengeance will demand a victim, and as t one at present on this side of the Potomac, they will make Scott responsible and depose him from the chief command. A largeIf anything could enhance the mortification and the rage of Scott at his late defeat, it will be the intelligence that his olon there is one at this moment who suffers such pangs as Gen. Scott. Even Gen. Wool, whose feelings doubtless at Gen. Scott', whose feelings doubtless at Gen. Scott's defeat are too strong for utterance, must pity the sorrows of the poor old man.
General items. --The Central cars yesterday brought down, besides a number of passengers, &c, 27 of the Georgia soldiers who were released by Gen. McClellan. Col. John Pegram was carried to Washington and ordered to be confined in Fortress Monroe by General Scott. He is now there. There are at Staunton 150 more of the Rich Mountain prisoners waiting to come down. One hundred hogsheads of bacon taken from the abolition forces last Sunday were marked "Richmond, Virginia," and some of the packages had "Capitol Square" written on them — The Lincolnites no doubt thought they would go right through without let or hindrance.--A number of our wounded men brought down last evening were carried to the houses of private citizens for nursing. Two trains arrived, the second bringing the wounded. A third was expected last night with Yankee prisoners to the number of five or six hundred. The prison depot is already full. Among the lot of rubbish brought here Tuesday night, were 65 Yanke
General Beauregard did not bring more than fifteen thousand men into the action.--The total force under Gen. McDowell was over 50,000, but 35,000 will probably cover the force in action at the Stone Bridge. Many of the prisoners say that General Scott slept on Saturday night at Centerville, and was within two miles of his lines on Sunday in his carriage. Whether this be so or not, this defeat is his, and the first he ever suffered; but the men who fought and won his battles were now array in company with Mr. Ely, Congressman from the Rochester District, N. Y., who was captured, and Senator Foster, of Connecticut. They came to witness a Waterloo defeat of the Confederate Army. They fled after witnessing a Waterloo defeat of Gen. Scott's grand army. Of the pursuit, already the particulars are known. Suffice it to say, we followed them on the Leesburg road and on the Centreville road as far as Centreville and Fairfax. The poor wretches dropped their guns, their knapsack
lanted by General Banks. The place of Gen. Banks to be filled by Gen. Dix. It is alleged Gen. Patterson moved too slowly, allowing Gen. Johnston to retreat and reinforce Beauregard at Manassas, which seriously interferes with the programme of Gen. Scott. I have it also, but cannot vouch for the truth thereof, that eighteen regiments under Patterson refused to move if he were retained in command. It is currently stated here to-day that the above changes have been agreed upon. There is saif the Second Rhode Island Regiment, were killed in the action. It appears from intelligence received in Richmond, from a reliable gentleman, that the enemy thought they had whipped the Confederates at 3 o'clock P. M., and so telegraphed to Gen. Scott, who was at Centreville. This was sent to Washington, and thence telegraphed North. From Fortress Monroe. The following is from the Baltimore papers of Monday last: The steamer Georgiana, Capt. Pierson, arrived on Saturday mornin
hillips, Jesse Embury, Joseph Embury, Perry Cody, James A. Bannett and E. W. Hayle, all slightly. Faulding Volunteers. Killed.--None. Wounded.--Those seriously wounded are Captain C. S. Jenkins, W. Burrows, D. G. Hollis, Allen White, Noah Adcock, Thomas Oglam, B. F. Lee, Moses Cooper, A. Stainham. Only one slightly wounded, G. B. Harris. Core Confederate Guards. Killed.--None. Wounded Seriously.--Captain T. S. Mayor, B. F. Wan, C. Meek. Slightly Wounded.--J. N. Scott, S. H. Smith, F. M. Duncan, E. Bishop, W. N. Conant, S. F. Mayo, W. F. Meadous. Decale light Infantry. Killed.--None. Wounded Seriously.--W. Y. Brown, W. Herring, W. R. Northam, W. W. Brennin. Slightly Wounded.--James Richardson, F. N. Nash, W. W. Nash, Thomas Arwood, D. P. Chandler. Iverson Invincibles. Killed.--None. Badly Wounded.--Captain A. T. Burke. Slightly Wounded.--F. F. Duke, E Coleman. Thomas McDonald, S. Seter, L. E. Dole, John Harris, Da