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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Major R. C. M. Page, Chief of Confederate States artillery, Department of Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee, from October, 1864, to May, 1865. (search)
burg, Va., walked to Saltville. Found there King's, and remnants of Levi's and Sawyer's batteries. King's: three iron 12-pound howitzers, two brass howitzers, one ist, 1861, and General Order War Department, No. 86, series 1863, paragraph 12. Sawyer's battery, so-called, also a local affair, to be worked by salt-works' employeeron 6-pounder, ancient style with double trail, no caissons and no horses. Captain Sawyer in command. Levi's battery, Captain Barr in command: two iron 12-pound how, Smyth county, Va., to attack Stoneman in flank, if possible. Barr, King, and Sawyer were left at Saltville; Barr in command. To-day Lynch's battery, acting with V, Captain King escaping with two brass 12-pound howitzers of his own and one of Sawyer's battery. The officers and men mostly escaped, the nature of the country easich had ever been worth hauling about any way. Remnants of McClung's, Barr's and Sawyer's men were merged into Lynch's battery. January 18th, 1865.—Wytheville, Virg
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Rouse, Capt., Milton, his vindication, 35. Royall, W. L. 295 Rucker, Gen. E., 96, 97. Rudgeley's, 11. Ruffin. Lt. E. T., 92. Ruggles, Gen., Daniel, 301, 308. Russell. Col., 312. Russell. Col R. M., 70, 74. Rutledge, Gov., John, 7 St. Francis river, Arkansas, 81. St. John. Gen. I. M., 273. St. Matthews' Rifles, 132, 134. Saltville, Va., 59, 65. Sanders, Hon., Geo. N., 274. Sargent. Col, 146. Saunders, Major D. W., 351. Sauve Felicie, 448. Savannah, Ga., 4. Sawyer's Battery, 59 64, 65, 66. Saxe, Marshal, 341. Scales, Capt., 114. Schley, Lt. W. C., 92. Seal of the C. S A., 416; of the Southern Historical Society. 416; of England, 49. Secessionville Battle of, 139. Secrest, Col. A. J.. 15. Seddon Hon J. A., 66, 273. Sellers, Capt. Martin A., 132, 134, 143, 159, 163, 169. Semat. Geo., 360. Semmes, Gen. P. J., 449. Semmes, Admiral, Raphael, 273, 439. Semmes, Hon., Thos. J., 418. Semple. Capt., 61, 63, 65, 67. Seven Days Battles, fo