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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The gold and silver in the Confederate States Treasury. (search)
ime, no murmur escaped them, and they never faltered. I am sure that Mr. Davis and Mr. Mallory, if they were alive, would testify to the fact that when they saw the corps in Abbeville, way worn and weary after its long march, it presented the same undaunted front as when it left Richmond. They were staunch to the last, and verified the adage that blood will tell. The officers with me at this time were Captain Rochelle, Surgeon Garrelson, Paymaster Wheliss, and Lieutenants Peek, McGuire, Sanxay, and Armistead. Lieutenants Peek, McGuire, and Armistead are living, and will testify to the truth of the above narrative. Immediately after turning the money over to General Duke I disbanded my command. And here ends my personal knowledge of the Confederate treasure. What became of the money. On the evening of May 2d, the President and troops started for Washington, Ga. The next day the cavalry insisted upon having some of the money (so it is stated), and General Breckenridge, wit
The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The seizure of the New Orleans Mint, &c. (search)
Mayor's Court. --Alderman Sanxay presided on Saturday. A number of persons, charged with offences against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth, were duly arraigned to receive judgment proportioned to the magnitude of their crimes. First came Wm. Booth, arrested for making an assault on Thomas Smith — committed in default of surety to keep the peace. Francis McNemara was charged with entering the room of Margaret O' Brien, with the intention of stealing money. Mrs. O' Brien stated that she had taken a pocket-book containing $100, to keep for a young man who was drunk; that she laid it on her mantelpiece; that McNemara came into her room during the night, and the next morning the money was missing. In the absence of any testimony to show who stole it, Mac was discharged. John Nowlan, arrested for threatening to assault Jackson Dunn — continued to Monday. The investigation of the case of Orris Harrison, charged with stabbing Miles McJordon, was postponed to Friday next,
Hustings Court. --Aldermen Sanxay, Bray Timberlake and Regnault, presiding. C. Burging, for permitting his slave James to go at large, pleaded guilty, and was fined ten dollars and costs. Commonwealth vs. John Henry Lambert, an indictment for a misdemeanor. This matter having been settled between the defendant and prosecutor, a nolle prosequi was entered on payment of costs. Charles, slave of Cornelius B. Lipscomb, was found guilty of larceny, and sentenced to twenty-five lashes. Commonwealth vs. Wm. Kingstry, presentment for an assault. A capias was awarded against the defendant, returnable to the next term of the Court. William, a slave, the property of Thomas Emmett, was found guilty of setting fire to the premises of John T. West, and condemned to sale and transportation beyond the limits of the United States, for the term of his natural life. This negro is a small boy. The Court fixed his value at $600, if sold publicly, under a knowledge of the
Local Matters. Hastings Court, Thursday, Feb. 14th. --Present: Senior Alderman Sanxay and Messrs. Bray, Timberlake and Anderson. Martin Mueller, a native of Germany, took the requisite oaths and was admitted a citizen of the United States. In the case of Wm. Cavenagh, Thos. Devlin and Jas. McCorson, indicted for misdemeanors, the prosecution was abated as to Devlin, defendant, being dead. The other parties being put on trial and found guilty.--Cavenagh was fined $10 and McCorson $5, with costs, and ordered to 30 days imprisonment, and thereafter until said fine be paid. In the case of John Hagan, indicted for abusing officer Seal while in the discharge of his duty, a rule was awarded against J. Callahan, J. Wright, and Dr. Picot, his witnesses, for non- attendance. In the case of Henry Flowers, for misdemeanor, a rule was awarded against Michael Fleming, a recusant witness, returnable forthwith. Oliver Crosmore, indicted for misdemeanor, gave $200 bail f
Husting Court--Friday, Feb. 15th. --Present: Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Sadler, Hill, Timberlake and Anderson. A nolle prosequi was entered in the case of Henry Flowers, indicted for misdemeanor.--The same course was pursued in relation to Henry Burruss, a free negro, indicted for remaining in the State contrary to law. Wm. M. Fisher, indicted for habitually carrying concealed weapons, gave $100 security for his appearance at the next term, and was discharged from custody. John Hagan, indicted for abusing officer Seal while in the discharge of his duty, was put on trial, and the jury having heard the evidence and retired, returned and reported to the Court that they were unable to agree, whereupon one of the jury was withdrawn, and the case was continued until the next term. The prosecution against Wm. G. Pollard for allowing his slave to go at large, was dismissed. Wm. Cavanagh and Jas. McCorson, heretofore fined for misdemeanor, paid the same and were disc
The Ordinance passed to exclude vagrants and other dangerous persons from the city, after providing for the payment of damages by railroad companies, steamboats, &c., for bringing them into the city, says that they shall be taken out by the same means by which they came in, and if, after being so carried out, they shall return, they are to "be placed in the chain-gang of the city, and compelled to work upon the streets." The law has operated very well thus far. The Mayor has appointed alderman Sanxay to execute the law.
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Standing armies and navies of the world (search)
Seating law. --We had always thought that a man could get as much law, if not justice, in this world, as might suffice for his reasonable wants, without running in danger from the article handled. Yesterday, however, Alderman Sanxay sat in judgment on a person calling himself William Denley, who was accused of entering the temple of justice at the City Hall and surreptitiously possessing himself of "a Guide to Magistrates,"which was evidently no guide to Denley, who was seen leaving the ilding with the property on his person, by Jos. Mayo, Mayor, &c., the lawful owner of the book in question, and, of course, nabbed. It is as well for Denley and all others to know that it does not comport with a due regard to the existing order of things that they should obtain law from the Mayor's Court other than through the regularly appointed channels. To impress this fact on the offender, and through him on others, Alderman Sanxay remanded the offender for indictment by the Grand Jury.
Hustings Court. --The regular monthly term of this Court commenced yesterday, senior Alderman Sanxay presiding. The Court was occupied most of the day in hearing applications for and granting ordinary licenses. A good deal of miscellaneous business, such as registering free negroes, &c., was also done.--Two prisoners charged with felony were brought up by the jailor, but no testimony was heard in either case. James E. Carter, charged with forgery, will have a hearing to-day or to-morrow. Wm. T. Cummings, charged with bigamy, in marrying Josephina Donnelly in this city, having previously espoused Sarah E. Holdsworth in Washington, D. C., was greeted, on his appearance, by both of his batter halves. The first Mrs. Cummings continued to sob during the time the --gay deceiver" remained in Court. His case will be called to-day.
Hustings Court, April 9th. --Present: Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Lipscombe, Sadler, Regnault and Anderson. The case of Wm. J. Cummings, charged with bigamy, was continued until Thursday, and rules were a warded against his witnesses for non-attendance. The Court ordered rules to be awarded against John Curry, Philip Lambert and others, witnesses against two parties, named Bloomer, charged with a felonious assault. Frederick Fromer and Jas. Rogers, aliens took the oath of allegiance to the U. States, and were admitted to citizenship. Moses McDevitt, indicted for misdemeanor, was tried and acquitted by a jury. The specific charge was receiving a lot of rope knowing the same to have been stolen.
Hustings Court,Wednesday, April 10th. --Senior Alderman Sanxay, presiding: James Edward Carter, charged with committing a felony on the 15th February, in this: that he did forge a certain paper writing purporting to be an order drawn by one Lawrence S. Marye, directed to Mr. Hill, for the delivery of a pair of boots, and did employ the same as true and genuine, was set to the bar for examination, when, on motion of the prisoner, the case was continued until the May term of the Court. Another case against the same person, for forging a certain paper commonly called a check, purporting to be to the order of A. W. Thomas, upon the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, for the payment of $13 to one William F. Frayzer, or bearer, dated Richmond, March 8th, 1861, which he passed to Moses Endol, for goods, and was likewise continued till the next term. Oliver Crossmore was put on trial for exhibiting a lottery for darkeys, against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth, and the case