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Browsing named entities in Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe. You can also browse the collection for Sampson or search for Sampson in all documents.

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ildren received a full share of her attention, nor were her literary activities relaxed. Immediately upon the completion of her European tour, her experiences were published in the form of a journal, both in this country and England, under the title of Sunny memories. She also revised and elaborated the collection of sketches which had been published by the Harpers in 1843, under title of The Mayflower, and having purchased the plates caused them to be republished in 1855 by Phillips & Sampson, the successors of John P. Jewett & Co., in this country, and by Sampson Low & Co. in London. Soon after her return to America, feeling that she owed a debt of gratitude to her friends in Scotland, which her feeble health had not permitted her adequately to express while with them, Mrs. Stowe wrote the following open letter:-- To the ladies' anti-slavery Society of Glasgow: Dear Friends,--I have had many things in my mind to sa personally, but which I am now obliged to say by lette
f, 491. Liverpool, warm reception of H. B. S. at, 207. London poor and Southern slaves, 175. London, first visit to, 225; second visit to, 281. Longfellow, H. W., congratulations of, on Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161; letter on, 187; Lord Granville's likeness to, 233; letters to H. B. S. from, onUncle Tom's Cabin, 161. Love, the impulse of life, 51, 52. Lovejoy, J. P., murdered, 143, 145; aided by Beechers, 152. Low, Sampson, on success of Uncle Tom's Cabin abroad, 189. Low, Sampson & Co. publish Dred, 269; their sales, 279. Lowell, J. R., Duchess of Sutherland's interesti n, 277; less known in England than he should be, 285; on Uncle Tom, 327; on Dickens and Thackeray, 327, 334; on The minister's Wooing, 330, 333; on idealism, 334; letter to H. B. S. from, on The minister's Wooing, 333. M. Macaulay, 233, 234. McClellan, Gen., his disobedience to the President's commands, 367. Magnalia, Cotton Mather's, a mine of wealth to H. B. S., 10; Prof. Stowe's int