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Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 81 17 Browse Search
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 23 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 10, 1863., [Electronic resource] 20 0 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 12 2 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 10 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. 9 1 Browse Search
Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 8 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. 6 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 16, 1864., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
Lieutenant Commanding; Edwin Shaw, First Master; Jason Goudy, Second Master; James Martin, Third Master; Patrick McCarty, Fourth Master; John Sebastian, Pilot; David Hiner, Pilot; Thomas H. Kearney, Assistant Surgeon; William B. Coleman,Acting Paymaster; Samuel Goble, Chief Engineer; D. Edward Weaver, First Assistant Engineer; Edward W. Goble, Second Assistant Engineer; Oscar S. Davis, Third Assistant Engineer; Ferdinand T. Coleman, Master's Mate; Herman Peters, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Thomas Russell, Carpenter; Elihu Stevens, Armorer. Gun-boat St. Louis. Leonard Paulding, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; John V. Johnson, First Master; James Y. Clemson, Second Master; Charles S. Kendrick, Third Master; Alexander Fraser, Fourth Master; John B. McDill, Assistant Surgeon; Llewellyn Curry, Acting Paymaster; Frank A. Riley, Pilot; Robert G. Baldwin, Pilot; William Carswell, Chief Engineer; T. F. Ackerman, First Assistant Engineer; James L. Smith, Second Assistant Engineer; John
at condition of unity, peace, and concord, which belongs to us as a Christian people. I thank you, gentlemen, for remembering me so kindly on this occasion, and remain respectfully and truly your friend and servant, Robert C. Winthrop. Hon. Thomas Russell, Col. N. A. Thompson, H. F. French, Esq., Committee. Letter from Hon. Emory Washburn. Cambridge, Sept. 9, 1861. Gentlemen: You have entire permission to make any use of my name you may think proper in promoting the objects of tship, or, by refusing to lend a hand, suffering her to drift upon the shoals and breakers that surround her. Not doubting that old Faneuil Hall will again ring to-night with eloquence worthy of the grave ovation which calls the people together, and hoping to share with others the pleasure of listening to the distinguished gentlemen who are to address them, I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Emory Washburn. Hon. Thomas Russell, Hon. Newell A. Thompson, Hon. Henry F. French.
1748, and the one hereto appended:-- dise, to a large amount, was carried by water to and from Boston; and it was supposed that our bricks especially could be carried by teams with less cost and breakage. But the friends of the measure outnumbered its opposers, and, on the 7th of February, 1785, we have these two important records: Voted to oppose Mr. Cabot's petition for building a bridge from Leachmere's Point over Charles River; and to petition the General Court that the petition of Thomas Russell, Esq., and others be granted for building a bridge over Charles River where the ferry now is. June 12, 1786: Voted to petition the General Court to prevent the building of a bridge across Mystic River at Penny Ferry. It was thought that this bridge from Malden to Charlestown would almost ruin the navigation of Mystic River. For the same reason, the town voted, May 9, 1796, to oppose the building of Chelsea Bridge. 1795: A revision of the Constitution is proposed to the people. M
ollowing votes were passed; viz., That the Hon. James Sullivan, Hon. James Winthrop, and Christopher Gore, Esq., be a committee to arrange the business of the meeting, which they reported in the following order:-- Voted that the business of the corporation be transacted by a committee, annually elected, consisting of thirteen directors, who shall choose their president and vice-president out of their own number. Voted that the Hon. James Sullivan, Loammi Baldwin, Esq., the Hon. Thomas Russell, Hon. James Winthrop, Christopher Gore, Esq., Joseph Barrell, Esq., Andrew Cragie, Esq., Hon. John Brooks, Captain Ebenezer Hall, Jonathan Porter, Esq., Ebenezer Storer, Esq., Caleb Swan, and Samuel Jaques, be directors for pursuing the business of the canal for the present year. At a meeting of the directors, Oct. 11, the following vote was passed:-- Voted that the Hon. James Sullivan be president; Loammi Baldwin, Esq., first vice-president; and Hon. John Brooks, second vic
ck Street, which was for a long period the home of the family. The house, of which a good view is here given, fronts toward the west, and stands on an eligible site about half way down the declivity of the street. It is now occupied by the Hon. Thomas Russell, late Collector of the port of Boston, and contains many interesting mementoes of the Sumner family, among which may be mentioned the old mahogany writing-desk on whose tablet the eloquent senator penned many of those pregnant sentences The early home of Charles Sumner, no. 20 Hancock St., Boston. Now the residence of the Hon. Thomas Russell. which moved to its profoundest chambers the free spirit of the nation. The other children of Charles Pinckney and Relief Sumner were,--Matilda, twin-sister of Charles: she was slender and fragile in person, and modest and retiring in manner. She died of consumption, March 6, 1832, and is buried at Mount Auburn. Albert, born Aug. 31, 1812: he became a sea-captain, married Mrs. Bar
for the colored regiment, consisting of George L. Stearns, Amos A. Lawrence, John M. Forbes, William I. Bowditch, Le Baron Russell, and Richard P. Hallowell, of Boston; Mayor Howland and James B. Congdon, of New Bedford; Willard P. Phillips, of Salhis hearers, by the love they bore their country, not to deter by word or deed any person from entering the service. Judge Russell said in his remarks, You want to be line-officers yourselves. He thought they had a right to be, and said,— If yng of March 20, when speeches were made by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wendell Phillips, Rev. Dr. Neale, Rev. Father Taylor, Judge Russell, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hallowell. Later, through the efforts of Colonel Shaw and Lieutenant-Colonel Hallowell, a spilliam Endicott, Jr., Francis L. Lee, Oakes Ames, James L. Little, Marshall S. Scudder, George Higginson, Thomas Russell, Edward S. Philbrick, Oliver Ellsworth, Robert W. Hooper, John H. Stevenson, John H. Silsbee, Manuel Fenoll
Now and then the monotony of camp life was broken by some noteworthy event. On April 21, a visit was received from the Ladies' Committee. Mrs. Governor Andrew, Mrs. W. B. Rogers, Mrs. E. D. Cheney, Mrs. C. M. Severance, Miss Abby W. May, Judge Russell, Rev. Mr. Grimes, Charles W. Slack, and J. H. Stevenson were of the party. Another event was the review by Governor Andrew and Secretary Chase in the afternoon of April 30, the President's Fast Day. The line was formed with eight hundred and18, a memorable one. The day was fine and cloudless. Very early, friends of the command began to arrive in private carriages, and by the extra trains run to Readville. Many prominent persons were present, including Surgeon-General Dale, Hon. Thomas Russell, Professor Agassiz, Prof. William B. Rogers, Hon. Josiah Quincy, George S. Hale, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Samuel May, Rev. Dr. Neale, Frederick Douglass, and many others. The parade was thronged with white and colored pe
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ord. 9 Oct 63; 14 Apl 65 Gen. Hos. New York; dis. Wounded 30 Nov 64 Honey Hill, S. C. $50. Russell, James T. 35, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Schenck, Anthony 26, semiah 1st Sergt. 22, sin.; boatman; Cincinnati, O. 28 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Reported dead. Russell, Henry 21, sin.; laborer; Oxford, O. 28 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Scott, William 42, —— —— Rutr; Dayton, O. 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65 Wounded Jly 63 ——. $50. Parkis, Francis 40, mar.; laborer; Russell. 24 Nov 63; died of wounds 2 Dec 64 Gen. Hos. Beaufort, S. C. Wounded 30 Nov 64 Honey Hill, S.g 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Toledo, O. story, Samuel P. jr. 18, sin.; laborer; Russell. 24 Nov 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Sugland, John G. 21, —— —— Vernon, Vt. 14 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. — trsfd to 68th U. S. C. T. Discharged. bright, Alfred 8 Dec 63; 19 Dec 63. —— Cornish, Russell 28 Nov 63; 20 Dec 63 —— Foster, Charles 8 Feb 65; 22 Sep 65. $325.
se, 56. Robertson, B. H., 208, 214, 249,258. Robertsville, S. C., 265. Robinson, Thomas J., 231, 314, 316. Robinson, Thomas J., letter to E. N. Hallowell, 231 Rock, John S., 12. Rockwell, A. P., 55, 63. Rodgers, George W., 111. Rogers, Frederick E., 196, 276, 291, 292, 293, 316. Rogers, W. B., 16, 24. Rogers, Mrs. W. B., 23. Roster of officers, 34, 317. Russel, Cabot J., 34, 55, 58, 59, 60, 67, 83, 89, 90,91, 96, 103. Russell, Judge, 13, 15, 23. Russell, Le Baron, 11. Russell, Thomas, 15, 24. Ryan, W. H., 88. S. Sabin, William A., 40. Salkehatchie Bridge, S. C., 270. Salkehatchie Creek, 269. Salkehatchie, Fort, 275. Salkehatchie River, 267, 271, 272, 273. Sammon, Simeon, 161. Sanderson, Fla., 154, 155, 157, 159, 169, 170, 171. Sanford, O. S., 119, 121. Sanitary Commission, 131, 218, 261. Sanitary measures, 131,197. Santee River, S. C., 298, 305, 307. 311. Santee Bridge, 284, 289, 293. Sapping and Trenching, 113, 117, 118, 119 121. Savage, Jam
, Albert Wallis, and Moses S. Herrick, all of Beverly, lieutenants. Company F, City Guards, Lynn. Officers: James Hudson, Jr., of Lynn, captain; Edward A. Chandler, Henry Stone, Mathias N. Snow, all of Lynn, lieutenants. Company G, American Guard, Gloucester. Officers: Addison Center, of Gloucester, captain; David W. Lowe, Edward A. Story, Harry Clark, all of Gloucester, lieutenants. Company H, Glover Light Guard, Marblehead. Officers: Francis Boardman, of Marblehead, captain; Thomas Russell, Nicholas Bowden, and Joseph S. Caswell, all of Marblehead, lieutenants. Company I, Light Infantry, Salem. Officers: Arthur F. Devereux, of Salem, captain; George F. Austin, Ethan A. P. Brewster, and George D. Putnam, all of Salem, lieutenants. This company belonged to the Seventh Regiment, but was ordered, on the evening of the 17th of April, to join the Eighth, and, at ten o'clock the next morning, reported at Faneuil Hall with full ranks. Before leaving Salem, it was addressed