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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of Shiloh. (search)
was General Smith's Division, commanded by General W. 11. L. Wallace, of Illinois. He was advised of the attempted flank movement, and requested to change his line of march in the direction indicated. That gallant officer adopted the suggestion, and ordered a brisk movement in the direction indicated. He soon fell mortally wounded. Half an hour after we separated he engaged the enemy, and the most terrific firing heard during the day came from that quarter. The force encountered was Ruggles' Division of Bragg's Corps. He requested that a battery should be sent to him. Captain J. W. Powell, with great promptness, took position, and remained in command of his battery until his right arm was shot off. This gallant officer is the distinguished Major Powell, in charge of the geographical and geological survey of the Rocky mountain region. As a scientist he is doing good service, as he did as a soldier in the wilderness of Tennessee. He was a meritorious officer, and his success
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
ned one day on the road by high water-had to swim my mules and get the wagon over by hand. My mare took me very comfortably, but all my wardrobe, from my socks up to my plume, was immersed in the muddy water-epaulets, sash, etc. They are, however, all dry now. Major Thomas traveled with me from Fort Mason. We are in camp together. Captain Bradford, whom we knew at Old Point, is on the court. Colonel Chapman, of the infantry, from Georgetown, Captain Marsey, Colonels Bainbridge, Bumford, Ruggles, and Seawell, and Captain Sibley, an old classmate of mine. Colonel Waite is president of the court and Captain Samuel Jones, of the artillery, judge advocate. The latter brought his wife and child with him in a six-mule road wagon from Sinda, about one hundred and twenty miles up the river. All the court are present and yesterday we commenced the trial of our old friend, Giles Porter. I hope he will clear himself of the charges against him. I am writing with much inconvenience from a s
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Speech of Gen. Pemberton at Brookhaven, Miss., June, 1863. (search)
in the God of battles, in a few days your General will again fling your banners to the breeze, and march forward to retrieve the recent disasters we have suffered in this department. The General was loudly cheered as he closed his address to the troops, who appeared to be quite satisfied with their new commander. It is worthy of note that the two principal Generals in the rebel army immediately in our vicinity, on the east bank of the Mississippi, are Northern men, and, we believe, from Massachusetts--Pemberton and Ruggles. It is also worthy of note that the dislike of England is quite as strong in the rebel army as in the ranks of the defenders of the Union. in the Third Wisconsin regiment it is a rule that no soldier can leave camp without a pass. The chaplain one day distributed tracts; among them was one headed: Come, Sinner, come! Soon afterward, the tract was picked up in the camp, and under the heading was pencilled: Can't do it; Colonel Rogers won't sign any pass!
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., In vindication of General Rufus King. (search)
came into my camp about 10 o'clock looking for McDowell, to report the result of your action. I told him I had no idea where McDowell was, but to return at once to you with the message to hold your ground. He got something to eat, I think with Ruggles, and went off. . . . Whether he was on your staff or not I really do not know, though I thought he was your staff-officer. Several officers of McDowell's staff came to me during the night looking for him, and to more than one of them I gave t King or his officers since 2 o'clock in the afternoon. McDowell, in hunting for Pope, got lost in the woods, and Houston, hunting for McDowell, stumbled in on Pope's camp late at night, told there of King's battle, got refreshment, he says, of Ruggles, and went off; but he remembered no message from Pope to King, and if there was one, which he doubts, he did not deliver it, for he never attempted to return to King, but went on in search of McDowell until he found him late the following day. N
s District than in the State of South Carolina. After a long and spirited debate, mainly by Southern senators, Mr. Calhoun's motion to reject was defeated by a vote to receive the petition — Yeas 35, Nays 10, as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Benton, Brown, Buchanan, Clay, Clayton, Crittenden, Davis, Ewing of Illinois, Ewing of Ohio, Goldsborough, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Hubbard, Kent, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Knight, Linn, McKean, Morris, Naudain, Niles, Prentiss, Robbins, Robinson, Ruggles, Shepley, Southard, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tomlinson, Wall, Webster, Wright. Nays: Messrs. Black, Calhoun, Cuthbert, Leigh, Moore, Nicholas, Porter, Preston, Walker, White. In the House, February 5, 1836. Mr. Henry L. Pinckney, of South Carolina, submitted the following resolve: Resolved, That all the memorials which have been offered, or may hereafter be presented to this House, praying for the abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia, and also the resolutions offere
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
27 14 59 5th Virginia Garnett's Jackson's 9 48 4 61 Shiloh, Tenn.             April 6, 7, 1862.             4th Tennessee Stewart's Clark's 36 183 -- 219 4th Kentucky Trabue's Breckenridge's 30 183 -- 213 4th Louisiana Gibson's Ruggles's 24 163 22 209 154th Tennessee B. R. Johnson's Cheatham's 25 163 11 199 27th Tennessee Wood's Hardee's 27 105 48 180 33d Tennessee Stewart's Clark's 20 103 17 140 9th Arkansas Bowen's Breckenridge's 17 115 -- 132 Crescent Reg't (La.) Pond's Ruggles's 23 84 20 127 18th Alabama J. K. Jackson's Withers's 20 80 20 120 13th Arkansas Stewart's Clark's 25 72 3 100 Williamsburg, Va.             May 5, 1862.             24th Virginia Early's D. H. Hill's 30 93 66 189 11th Virginia A. P. Hill's Longstreet's 26 105 3 134 19th Mississippi Wilcox's Longstreet's 15 85 -- 100 7th Virginia A. P. Hill's Longstreet's 13 64 -- 77 9th Alabama Wilcox's Longstreet's 10 45 6 61 McDowell, Va.  
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ering upon the inhabitants of the districts invaded, and the destruction of the few villages and hamlets reached. Our military objects were to defeat such raids, to guard against the destruction, by the enemy, of the railroads and their machinery, and to be in readiness to reenforce the garrison of Mobile. Most of the predatory warfare was waged by Federal troops stationed on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, and near it in Mississippi. On the eastern part of that frontier Brigadier-General Ruggles commanded Ferguson's brigade of Confederate cavalry, and ten or twelve field-pieces; and the western was defended by Brigadier-General Chalmers, with his brigade of cavalry and a field-battery; Colonel Logan, with another mounted brigade, operated near Natchez and Port Hudson; and Colonel Power with his regiment, also mounted, in Northeastern Louisiana. These dispositions had been made by Lieutenant-General Pemberton. After the Federal army, under Major-General Sherman, moved fr
m S. C. 4. John B. Floyd, Va., U. S. Sec. of War. 5. Ben. McCullough, Texas, Maj. Texas Rangers. 6. Wm. H. T. Walker, Ga., Lieut.-Col. Inft. U. S. A. 7. Henry A. Wise, Va., late Gov. of Va. 8. H. R. Jackson, Ga., late Minister to Austria. 9. Barnard E. Bee, S. C., Capt. Inft. U. S. A. 10. Nathan G. Evans, S. C., Major Inft. U. S. A. 11. John B. Magruder,, Va., Major Art. U. S. A. 12. Wm. J. Hardee, Ga., Lieut.-Col. Cav. U. S. A. 13. Benj. Huger, S. C., Major Ordnance U. S. A. 14. Robert S. Garnett, Va., Major Inft. U. S. A. There have been other appointments made, but they are not yet known outside of the War Office. Gens. Fauntleroy, Winder, Cocke, Ruggles, and Holmes are in the Provisional Army of Virginia. Gens. Theophilus H. Holmes, Gwynn, and Gattin are in the Provisional Army of North Carolina. Gens. Pillow and Anderson have appointments as Major-Generals in Tennessee. Major-General Jere. Clemens commands in Alabama.--Richmond Whig, July 12.
New Orleans, Nov. 24.--Twenty-eight thousand troops were reviewed yesterday by Gov. Moore, Gen. Lovell, and Gen. Ruggles. The line was seven miles long. There was one regiment of fourteen hundred free colored men. The military display was grand. One company displayed a black flag.--Cincinnati Gazette, Dec. 4.
so greatly in the loss of troops by death. As I have said, Baton Rouge was very healthy for the troops, and I saw fit to leave them there for a few days until health was restored. Indeed, there were some regiments that could not bring into line more than two hundred men. On the 29th of July, General Breckinridge ordered a general movement of all his troops on Baton Rouge. His own division consisted of four brigades, in addition to General Clark's division and the large portion of General Ruggles' brigade. Orders were issued requiring all troops to concentrate for this move, stating it to be of the greatest importance. True, Breckinridge's division had suffered somewhat from disease, but not in any degree as ours had suffered. The other troops had been quietly camped and drilled at Camp Moore and elsewhere for months. On the 30th of July he moved from Baton Rouge with his full force. In his report, which he did not render until the 30th of September, he makes every at