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The Georgia Legislature. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 22 --Gov. Brown sent in a special message yesterday, in which, in view of the election of Lincoln, and in order to unite and promote the sentiment of the State, he recommends that the Legislature (the people having failed to do so) choose Presidential Electors on Saturday next. The recommendation was adopted. R. B. Rhett, Gen. Pillow of Tenn, and E. Ruffin of Va., were invited to the floor of the Senate. Ex-Gov. McDonald is at Marietta, Ga., and too feeble to go to Milledgeville and cast a vote as Breckinridge Elector, even if the Legislature were to choose him. It is probable the Legislature will take a recess after the 1st prox.--some think adjourn some to a fixed time, and some say until called again by the Governor. There was a killing frost here this morning.
r bushels, for sort lump; soft hall $4.50. Hard lump and hall $4.50. Corn.--We quote 65@70 cts. per bushel. Corn Meal--85 cts. per bushel. Cotton.--8½ to 12 cents. Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21 @22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers — In demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; klide Island $18; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Navassa, or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $33 per ton. Fish,--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@ $3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@$3.50 from store. No North
Negroes for sale. --Twenty-five or thirty likely Negroes, women and children, in families, just from the country. Apply to me, at the Bollingbrook Hotel, Petersburg, or to Mr. Reuben Ragland, also of Petersburg. I want to Hire, on my Coggins' Point Farm, in Prince George county, Wheat Cutters, Dinders and Shockers. The highest prices will be given; or I will give one-half the crop — supposed 5,000 bushels, for cutting and threshing the other half, and delivering it in the city of Petersburg. je 27--2t* E. Ruffin, Jr.
e not burned.--The windows were broken, and the inner walls defaced with charcoal scribblings of the most rascally character. The following chaste epistle, written with a pencil, was found in the house after the miscreants had departed: Mr. E. Ruffin; "They tell me you did fire on Fort Sumter." Taking pattern from some epistles left by your chivalry at Yorktown, &c., I have thought it not out of place to leave this note. We leave here in a few minutes, and feel sorry at so doinge we have taken of your property, you will no doubt thank us, but don't mention it. Please forward this to the editor of the Petersburg Express, or Richmond papers, and oblige a Penna Reserved Yankee, alias "McCall's Dutch." P. S.--What do you think of me, anyhow? Mrs. Martha Cocke, of Tar Bay, a neighbor of Capt. Ruffin, fared no better. The whole of that flourishing vicinage has been reduced to a state of desolation, from which it is feared it will not recover for years.
The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1862., [Electronic resource], Convention of North Carolina manufacturers. (search)
Fifty Dollars reward. --Just after the evacuation of Westover by the enemy a negro man of mine, by name Israel, was captured near Evelynton by some of our troops. He was seen in their hands by the overseer who had charge of him, and by several of the neighbors who knew him. I supposed Israel was carried to Richmond Israel is about 22 years old, very black and likely about 5 feet 10 inches high. I will give the above reward for any information which will lead to his recovery. Address Old Church P. O. Hanover county, Va. [de 12--eod3t] E. Ruffin. Jr.
Twenty-three Negroes for Sale at Amelia Courthouse. --On Thursday, the 24th of November, at Merlia Courthouse (that being court day,) I shall sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, Twenty-three Negroes, in families. E. Ruffin, Jr. no 19--5t*
The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1864., [Electronic resource], Vice-President Stephens on reconstruction. (search)
Twenty-three Negroes for Sale at Amelia Courthouse. --On Thursday, the 24th of November, at Amelia Courthouse (that being court day), I shall sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, Twenty-three Negroes, in families. E. Ruffin, Jr. no 19--2t*
Twenty-three Negroes for Sale at Amelia Courthouse. --On Thursday, the 24th of November, at Amelia Courthouse, (that being court day), I shall sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, Twenty-three Negroes, in families. E. Ruffin, Jr. no 19--3t*
Twenty-three Negroes for sale at Amelia Courthouse. --On Thursday, the 24th of November, at Amelia Courthouse (that being court day), I shall sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, Twenty-three Negroes, in families. E. Ruffin, Jr. no 19--5t*