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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 95 15 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 68 18 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 58 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 56 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 47 41 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 32 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 26 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 22 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 19 7 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 11 9 Browse Search
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no holiday pastime. July, 19 Returned to Huntsville this afternoon; General Garfield with me. He will visit our quarters tomorrow and dine with us. General Rousseau has been assigned to the command of our division. I am glad to hear that he discards the rose-water policy of General Buell under his nose, and is a great djail to-day for preaching a secession sermon last Sunday. He damns the rebel sympathizers, and says if the negro stands in the way of the Union he must get out. Rousseau is a Kentuckian, and it is very encouraging to learn that he talks as he does. Turchin has been made a brigadier. July, 21 An order issued late last evn, or a belief in the supernatural, is an indication of weakness, Napoleon and Sir Walter Scott were the weakest of men. With General Garfield I called on General Rousseau this morning. He is a larger and handsomer man than Mitchell, but I think lacks the latter's energy, culture, system, and industry. July, 24 We can no
ting further orders. They came very soon. At 11 A. M. the Third was directed to take the head of the column and move forward. We anticipated no danger, for Rousseau and his staff were in advance of us, followed by Lytle and his staff. The regiment was marching by the flank, and had proceeded to the brow of the hill overlooking a branch of the Chaplin river, and was about to descend into the valley, when the enemy's artillery opened in front with great fury. Rousseau and his staff wheeled suddenly out of the road to the left, accompanied by Lytle. After a moment spent by them in consultation, I was ordered to countermarch my regiment to the bottom d, we felt quite sure, had fallen dead or disabled on the field. Many eyes were in tears, and many hearts were bleeding for lost comrades and dear friends. General Rousseau rides up in the darkness, and, as we gather around him, says, in a voice tremulous with emotion: Boys of the Third, you stood in that withering fire like men
November, 1862. November, 9 In camp at Sinking Spring, Kentucky. Thomas commands the Fourteenth Army Corps, consisting of Rousseau's, Palmer's, Dumont's, Negley's, and Fry's divisions; say 40,000 men. McCook has Sill's, Jeff C. Davis', and Granger's; say 24,000. Crittenden has three divisions, say 24,000. A large army, which ought to sweep to Mobile without difficulty. Sinking Spring, as it is called by some, Mill Spring by others, and by still others Lost river, is quite a large stream. It rises from the ground, runs forty rods or more, enters a cave, and is lost. The wreck of an old mill stands on its banks. Bowling Green is three miles southward. When we get a little further south, we shall find at this season of the year persimmons and opossums in abundance. Jack says: Possum am better dan chicken. In de fall we hunt de possum ebbery night ‘cept Sunday. He am mitey good an‘ fat, sah; sometimes he too fat. We move at ten o'clock to-morrow. November, 11
ght troops were pouring through Nashville, and going southward. Our division, Rousseau's, moved three miles beyond the city, and went into camp on the Franklin road.ar woods on the right to support McCook, who is reported to be giving way. General Rousseau points me to the place he desires me to defend, and enjoins me to hold it Michigan regiment and attach it to my command, and send a staff officer to General Rousseau to report progress: but before he has time to return, the enemy makes anotorty to sixty minutes, we succeed in repelling this also. I send again to General Rousseau, and am soon after informed that neither he nor Loomis' battery can be fou's brigades are gone. I conclude that the contingency has arisen to which General Rousseau referred — that is to say, that hell has frozen over-and about face my bri and I am left standing alone. Going back to the railroad, I find my men, General Rousseau, Loomis, and, in fact, the larger part of the army. The artillery has bee
elieved from this duty, and retire to a quieter place. About nightfall General Rousseau desires me to get two regiments in readiness, and, as soon as it becomes qthe enemy has already abandoned the field, the affair ends. I try to find General Rousseau to report results, but can not; and so, worn out with fatigue and excitemeand finally making their last solemn petition to God! In the evening I met Rousseau, McCook, and Crittenden. They had been imbibing freely. Rousseau insisted uRousseau insisted upon my turning back and going with them to; his quarters. Crittenden was the merriest of the party. On the way he sang, in a voice far from melodious, a pastorial dfter disappeared. Just when he left, and why he did so, I do not know. At Rousseau's we found a large number of staff and line officers. The demijohn was introde evening to make a report of the operations of my brigade immediately, as General Rousseau intends to leave for Louisville in the morning. It is impossible to colle
o tall as McCook, and not nearly so heavy. McCook is young, and very fleshy. Rousseau is by far the handsomest man in the army; tall and well-proportioned, but possir. McCook and Wood swear like pirates, and affect the roughand-ready style. Rousseau is given to profanity somewhat, and blusters occasionally. Rosecrans indulges have never heard him do so. He is a good drinker; and the same can be said of Rousseau. Rosecrans is an educated officer, who has rubbed much against the world, and has experience. Rousseau is brave, but knows little of military science. McCook is a chucklehead. Wood and Crittenden know how to blow their own horns exceedinglisker; Thomas shaves the upper lip. Rosecrans' nose is large, and curves down; Rousseau's is large, and curves up; McCook has a weak nose, that would do no credit to a baby. Rosecrans' laugh is not one of the free, open, hearty kind; Rousseau has a good laugh, but shows poor teeth; McCook has a grin, which excites the suspicion t
well known throughout the army, and for a long time unsuspected. April, 12 Called on General Rousseau. He referred to his trip to Washington, and dwelt with great pleasuife on the various effoter, and, in the end, would always succeed. W. D. B., of the Commercial, Major McDowell, of Rousseau's staff, and Lieutenant Porter, called this afternoon. My report of the operations of my brigas. The other members are Colonels Scribner, Hambright, and Taylor. We called in a body on General Rousseau, and found him reading Les Miserables. He apologized for his shabby appearance by saying tis last sentence is written for my wife.) April, 19 Colonel Taylor and I rode over to General Rousseau's this morning. Returning, we were joined by Colonel Nicholas, Second Kentucky; Colonel Ho met General R. S. Granger; paid my respects to General Negley, and stopped for a moment at General Rousseau's. The latter was about to take a horseback ride with his daughter, to whom I was introduce
e his lines. In fact, General Forrest seldom, if ever, travels with so small a command as he is said to have had on this occasion. May, 13 An order has been issued prohibiting women from visiting the army. I infer from this that a movement is contemplated. May, 14 General Negley called to-day, and remained for half an hour. He is a large, rosy-cheeked, handsome, affable man, and a good disciplinarian. I am going to have a horse-race in the morning with Major McDowell, of Rousseau's staff. Stakes two bottles of wine. When we entered Murfreesboro, nearly a year ago, the boys brought in a lame horse, which they had picked up on the road. The horse hobbled along with difficulty, and for a long time was used to carry the knapsacks and guns of soldiers who were either too unwell or too lazy to transport these burdens themselves. The horse had belonged to a Texas cavalryman, and had been abandoned when so lame as to be unfit for service. Finally, when his shattered
ector-General on General Roseerans' staff, and Colonel Harker, challenged me for a race. Soon after, Major McDowell, of Rousseau's staff; joined the party; and, while we were getting into position for the start, Generall Wagner, who has a long-leggey. The spectators were numerous, numbering among other distinguished personages Generals Rosecrans, Thomas, Crittenden, Rousseau, Sheridan, and Wood. The weather was favorable, and the review a success. In the evening, a large party gathered at Neright. June, 24 The note of preparation for a general advance sounded late last night. Reynolds moved at 4 A. M.; Rousseau at 7; our division will leave at 10. A long line of cavalry is at this moment going out on the Manchester pike. Ratinued the remainder of the day. The roads were sloppy, and marching disagreeable. Encamped at Big creek for the night; Rousseau and Reynolds in advance. Before leaving Murfreesboro I handed John what I supposed to be a package of tea, and told
shooters. We found the bridge partially burned, and the river too much swollen for either the men or trains to ford it. Rousseau and Brannan, I understand, succeeded in crossing at an upper ford, and are in hot pursuit. July, 3 Repaired the brfalling almost constantly; to-day it has been coming down in torrents, and the low grounds around us are overflowed. Rousseau's division is encamped near us on the left, Reynolds in the rear. The other day, while sitting on the fence by the r others, who were distant spectators of the scene, have honestly conceived that his troops were doing the fighting. General Rousseau's report contradicts his statements, and in a meager way accords the credit to my regiments. Officers are more sme, white men enough to cultivate the land and keep their families from starving. July, 27 Adjutant Wilson visited Rousseau's division at Cowan, and reports the return of Starkweather from Wisconsin, with the stars. This gentleman has been mo