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n immediate movement northward, as they have not a force sufficiently strong to meet our troops in the open field. Nearly all the rebel troops in Arkansas, he thinks, are in the vicinity of Little Rock, at any rate, that there is not a large force in the western part of the State. We have no reason to doubt this latter part of his statement, for our reconnoitering parties are ever now and then returning from the vicinity of Van Buren, and in each instance report no enemy in force. Captain John Rogers, of the battalion Sixth Kansas cavalry, with a detachment of two hundred men, returned yesterday evening (13th) from beyond Cane Hill, in the Boston Mountains, and reports having met with no signs of the enemy. He saw, however, at Cane Hill a large number of the rebel wounded that were taken to that place last December from the battle-field of Prairie Grove. We have heard that a large percentage of the rebel wounded-probably nearly as many as General Hindman left on the field --have
ship, the Susquehanna, and Bienville went within six hundred yards, and made terrible havoc with their five-second shells, silencing several of the rebels' guns. This fire was continued for four hours, during which the National fleet delivered over two thousand rounds. The rebels fought with desperation, and inflicted considerable damage on the National vessels, nearly all of which were hit by shots. At three o'clock P. M. the guns of the enemy had been dismounted or silenced, and Commander John Rogers went on shore at Fort Walker, found it vacated, and hoisted the Stars and Stripes. A considerable number of killed and wounded were discovered, and it was estimated that the rebels must have suffered a loss of at least one hundred men killed and an equal number severely wounded. The rebels fled in the greatest confusion, leaving every thing in their tents, even to their swords, watches, private papers, and clothing. The loss on board of the National fleet was eight killed, and six
ame to the President, requesting him to recommend that Congress give you a vote of thanks, in order that you may be advanced to the grade of Commodore in the American Navy. Very respectfully, etc., Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Captain John Rogers, United States Navy, commanding United States Steamer Weehawken, South-Atlantic Squadron, Port Royal, S. C. Philadelphia Inquirer account. Port Royal, S. C., June 19, 1863. Now that the smoke of the late brilliant naval actionng of the Fingal through our fleet, was very great; but the reduction and occupation of Fort Pulaski by the Union forces in this vicinity, participated in by part of the Third Rhode Island regiment, commanded by your efficient young townsman, Colonel Rogers, put an effectual stop to the continuance of such affairs, and the only way to sea left open to the denizens of Savannah was by the inlet or passage to Warsaw Sound, which has been used to a certain extent, only, however, to a point in the no
ilton meanwhile got aground, when the rebels posted a battery of two guns on the opposite bank and commenced a brisk fire on the Milton. A few well-directed shots from Lieutenant Clinton's guns on board the Milton caused them to retire. The Dean went on about a mile further and encountered two more rebel guns, one on each side of the river. A few shots drove them back. Owing to the draft of the Dean she was obliged to return to the spiling. I almost forgot to mention a detachment of Captain Rogers's company, (F,) who accompanied the expedition and were landed below the bluff, and proceeded about a mile to some extensive rice-mills containing about fifteen thousand bushels of rice, and burned them all. We were detained about two hours for the tide to rise, so that we could fulfil the object of our mission. We then weigh ed anchor, and the Milton and the Dean proceed. ed up the river to burn the bridge about fifteen. miles from the spiling. When about six miles from the spiling
lso sent forward to seize Stevens's Gap, which was heavily obstructed with fallen trees. Brannan's division occupied the same position as last night. Reynolds's division headquarters at Trenton, with one brigade at Paine's Mill, three miles south of Trenton. Headquarters of the corps still at Brown's Spring. September 9.--Baird's division moved across Lookout Mountain to the support of Negley. Negley's division moved across the mountain and took up a position in McLemore's Cove, near Rogers's farm, throwing out his skirmishers as far as Bailey's Cross-Roads. Saw the enemy's cavalry in front, drawn up in line. Citizens reported a heavy force concentrated in his front at Dug Gap, consisting of infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Brannan's division in same camp as yesterday Reynolds's division camped as yesterday. The Ninety-second Illinois (mounted infantry) sent on a reconnoissance toward Chattanooga, along the ridge of Lookout Mountain. Corps headquarters moved from Brown's
ned sea and land forces. We occupy more than one half of Morris Island with land forces, which, aided by batteries afloat and batteries ashore, are pushing siege-works up to Fort Wagner, a strong earthwork which has been twice assaulted with great gallantry, but without success. On the seventeenth of June, the Atlanta, which was regarded by the insurgents as their most formidable iron-clad vessel, left Savannah, and came down the Wilmington River. The national iron-clads Weehawken, Captain John Rogers, and Nahant, Commander John Downs, were in readiness to meet her. At four o'clock fifty-four minutes the Atlanta. fired a rifle-shot across the stern of the Weehawken, which struck near the Nahant. At quarter-past five the Weehawken, at a range of three hundred yards, opened upon the Atlanta, which had then grounded. The Weehawken fired five shots, four of which took effect on the Atlanta. She surrendered at half-past 5. Our lines have not changed in North-Carolina. All attemp
s ordered to cross, guides having represented the stream as fordable, In dashed the Colonel, closely followed by Lieutenant Woodson; Captain Helm, of Texas; young Rogers, of Texas; Captain McClain, A. C. S., Second brigade, and myself. The Colonel's noble mare falters, strikes out again, and boldly makes the shore. Woodson follon in the sunny South, the pressing need of soldiers, and an inherent love of life, actuated me to continue swimming. Behind me I heard the piercing call of young Rogers for help; on my right, Captain Helm was appealing to me for aid; and in the rear my friend, Captain McClain, was sinking. Gradually the gunboat was nearing me. Sore, seizes upon a ten-inch piece of board, jumps into a leaky skiff, and starts back to aid the drowning. He reaches Captain Helm, but Captain McClain any young Rogers are gone. Yes, Captain McClain, the true gentleman, faithful soldier, and pleasant companion, has been buried in the depths of the Ohio. We sadly miss him at qu
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Union vessels in the Vicksburg operations. (search)
Hurd, Act. V. Lieut. Geo. P. Lord, 4 guns, 4 howitzers; Curlew, Act. Ens. H. B. O'Neill, 8 howitzers; Exchange, Act. V. Lieut. J. S. Hurd, 2 guns, 5 howitzers; Fort Hindman, Act. V. Lieut. John Pearce, 6 guns; Hastings, Act. V. Lieut. A. R. Langthorne, 4 guns, 4 howitzers; Kenwood, Act. Master John Swaney, May, 1863, 2 guns, 4 howitzers; Key West, Act. V. Lieut. E. M. King, May, 1863, 6 howitzers; June 16th, 1863, 8 howitzers; Moose, Lieut.-Com. LeRoy Fitch, 6 howitzers; Naumkeag, Act. Master John Rogers, 2 guns, 4 howitzers; New Era, Act. Master F. W. Flanner, Act. Master J. C. Bunner, 6 howitzers; Pawpaw, Act. Master A. F. Thompson, 2 guns, 6 howitzers; Peosta, Act. V. Lieut. T. E. Smith, 6 guns, 8 howitzers; Prairie Bird, Act. V. Lieut. E. E. Brennand, 8 howitzers; Queen City, Act. V. Lieut. J. Goudy, Act. V. Lieut. G. W. Brown, April, 1863, 4 guns, 4 howitzers; Reindeer, Act. V. Lieut. H. A. Glassford, 6 howitzers; St. Clair, Act. V. Lieut. J. S. Hurd, Act. V. Lieut. T. B. Gregory,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
ate brothers in the National navy. On Tuesday, the 5th, Nov., 1861. Commander John Rogers, a passenger with Dupont, on his way to his own ship, the Flag, accomparning sun a grand spectacle was speedily presented. It had been ascertained by Rogers and Wright that Fort Walker, on Hilton Head, was by far the most powerful of thr vessels were falling so thickly upon them at the enfilading point, Commander John Rogers, in a letter to a friend, said: During the action I looked carefundered. There was no one there to respond. The Union flag was hoisted by Commander Rogers, Commodore Dupont, Rogers wrote to a friend, had kindly made me his aidRogers wrote to a friend, had kindly made me his aid. I stood by him, and I did little things which I suppose gained me credit. So, when a boat was sent on shore to ask whether they had surrendered, I was sent. I car the direction of the main, and numbers of them had been shot and killed. Commander Rogers, in a letter to a friend (Nov. 9th), said: A boat which came off to the Se
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
l called Wall's Cut, which had for several years connected Wright's and New Rivers. He reported accordingly, when Captain John Rogers made another reconnoissance at night, and so satisfied himself that gun-boats could navigate the way, that he offeineers, and two companies of Rhode Island volunteer artillery with twenty heavy guns. and the gun-boats were commanded by Rogers. Another mixed force, under General H. G. Wright Wright's troops consisted of the Fourth New Hampshire, Colonel Whipp The latter expedition found obstructions in St. Augustine Creek; but the gunboats were able to co-operate with those of Rogers in an attack Jan. 28, 1862. on the little flotilla of five gun-boats of Commodore Tatnall, which attempted to escape dowf Robert E. Lee, after his recall from Western Virginia, in the autumn of 1861. Soon after the heavy reconnaissance of Rogers and Wright, the Nationals made a lodgment on Jones's Island, and proceeded, under the immediate direction of General Viel