Your search returned 12 results in 4 document sections:

6, 48 seq. Rocky face, Ga., II, 350. Rocky face Gap, Ga., III., 108. Rocky face Ridge, Ga., III., 108, 318. Rocky Gap, Ky., II., 336, 342. Roddey, P. S., X., 253. Rodenbough, T. F.: quoted, III., 100; IV., 7, 16; quoted, IV., 109, 262, 292; X., 25. Rodes, R. E.: II., 324; III., 152, 326, 330, 332; quoted, VIII., 120; IX., 201; X., 145, 282. Rodgers, C. R. P.: II, 347, 351; IV., 47, 127, 270; VIII., 335. Rodgers, G. W., VI., 44, 173. Rodgers, J.: I., 189, 333; V., :312; VI., 139, 171, 182, 212, 272, 312. Rodgers, L., IV., 113. Rodgers Battery, Va.: V., 85, 87. Rodman, I. P.: Il, 74, 75, 76, 324; V., 87; X., 133. Rodman, T., V., 137. Rodman guns: smooth bore, V., 87, 89. Rogers Ii. C., X., 229. Rogers, W. P.: II., 141, 156, 160; dead body of, II., 145. Rogersville, Tenn., II., 346. Roll call, N. G. Shepherd, IX., 136, 137. Rolling Fork, Ky., IV., 150, 154. Rolling Fo
The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Lexington Cadets — Presentation of a flag. (search)
Stealing a sabre. --Peter Allen, a member of Rodgers's cavalry, being in the city without leave, on Thursday evening got drunk, and amused himself by riding about Seventeenth street, in a manner perilous to pedestrians. In the course of his ride chancing to pass a blacksmith shop, where another cavalry man's horse was being shod, he seized a sabre which was strapped to the cavalryman's saddle, and made off up 17th street. Officer Adams's attention having been attracted to Allen's pranks,of some citizens succeeded in capturing him near the old distillery. Allen fought and resisted so that it took four men to hold him, and it was found necessary to tie him and bring him to the watch-house in a cart. The case was brought before the Mayor yesterday, when Captain Rodgers, being present on other business, and informing the Mayor that Allen was an excellent soldier. His Honor agreed that the captain should take his man, upon condition of returning him at once to his company.
Unfaithful Stewart. --Last February Capt A J. Rodgers being on duty with his company in Charles City county, sent one of his men, D. J. Wyatt, into the city with a horse and wagon for stores. Wyatt came in, obtained the stores, and then getting drunk sold the horse and wagon and stores, and failed to report back to camp. Capt Rodgers came in to look after his interest, and succeeded in finding the horse and wagon — the one having been sold to a man named O'Brien, and the other to a Mrs. Capt Rodgers came in to look after his interest, and succeeded in finding the horse and wagon — the one having been sold to a man named O'Brien, and the other to a Mrs. Holland, both living near the upper end of 17th street. But Wyatt was no where to be found, and did not turn up until last Saturday, when he was arrested by officer Adams in the neighborhood of the Old Market. The case was before the Mayor yesterday, when the facts having been heard, the case was adjourned till this morning, that O'Brien and Mrs. Holland might be brought into cour
fixed by the State commissioners, appointed under the provisions of the impressment acts, and said commissioners have no control over the subject, by appeal or otherwise; and the quantity and quality, as well as the value, of said articles, is to be ascertained and assessed, in case of disagreement between the tax-payer and assessor, by disinterested referees, appointed in the manner specified in the act imposing the tax in kind." Mr. Watson, of Mississippi, presented the petition of J. Rodgers, which was referred. Also, a bill to revive and extend the act in relation to the receipt of counterfeit treasury notes by Government officers. Referred. Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, offered a resolution, which was agreed to, that the bills, etc., returned to the Senate last session, as unfinished business, by the Naval Committee, be taken from the files and recommitted to the committee. Mr. Sparrow, of Louisiana, from the Military Committee, to whom had been referred the resol