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following Committee was appointed to solicit contributions: Mrs. Francis G. Hancock, Mrs. Dr. Wm. B. Ball, Mrs. F. B. Clopton, Mrs. Augustus Hancock, Mrs A. E. Moore, Mrs. Dr. McTyre, Mrs. Beverley Hancock, Mrs. Jno. Ellet, Mrs. Gifford, Mrs. Junius Clarke, Mrs. K Graves, Mrs. Marx, Mrs. Jones, Rev. Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Jewett, Miss Ginnie Moore, Miss The. Moore, Miss Sarah Morgan, Miss Anna Winston, Miss Maria Fisher, Miss Sallie Cole, Miss Bettle Cole, Miss Ann Baugh, Miss Elz ayo, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. Isaac Winston, Mrs. Ben Hancock, Mrs. Wm. L. Fore, Mrs. John Burton, Mrs. W. G. Clarke, Mrs. D. Harcock, Mrs. James McTyre, Mrs. Wm. Manders, Mrs. Robert Winfree, Mrs. Mecon Trabue, Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs. Holman Duval, Mrs. John Rheims, Mrs. John Walker, Mrs. James Brooks, Miss Be tie Cook, Miss Ann Branch, Miss Elra Walkins Mrs. B j min Hatcher, Mrs. Charles H. Raodes, Mrs. Dr. F. E. Luckett, Mrs. Col. L. M. Burfoot, Miss S. E. Pulliam, Miss Mary Patteson, Mrs. Maria Clarke, M
Pardon. --The Governor has pardoned a lad named John Robinson, recently sent to the Penitentiary from Augusta county, under sentence of four years, for burglary.
Hen-Roost robbed. --Mrs. King, who lives near Fulton Hill, in Henrico, and whose husband is at Manassas, had her hen house broken open last Sunday night by rogues, who stole all her poultry, consisting of turkeys, hens, and guinea fowls. Constable Thomas, of Henrico, traced the robbery to Moses and Charles, slaves of J. D. Quarles. On examining the house occupied by the prisoners, he succeeded in finding the turkeys and restored them to their owner, although they were minus their caudal appendages. The other fowls could not be found, having been sent to market early next morning, no doubt, by the rogues. While searching for the fowls the Constable came across John Robinson, of Charles City county, a free negro of desperate bad character, who has served two terms in the penitentiary, amounting to fifteen years. He was taken into custody and lodged in jail. The other boys were brought before Justice Duke, who ordered them each 39 lashes.
ith confidence and to reassure the public mind. After reading the resolutions, he desired us to say to the General Assembly that he had received the communication of those resolutions with feelings of lively gratification, and destructed us to assure the Houses that it would be the effort of his life to defend the sol of Virginia and to cover her Capital. Be further stated that he had never entertained the thought of withdrawing the army from Virginia, and abandoning the State; Stiff, in the course of events, the Capital should fall, the necessity of which he did not see of anticipate, that would be no reason for withdrawing the army from Virginia. The war could still be successfully maintained on Virginia soil for twenty years. All which is respectfully submitted. John Robinson, Chairman Senate Committee. Wood Bouldin, Chairman House Committee. A copy — Tests: Wm. F. Gordon, Jr., Clerk House of Delegates. By John T. Cowan, Deputy.
In the Cage. --There was but one party committed to this institution yesterday. This was John Robinson, a colored individual, who represented himself us a free man, but who, unfortunately, had not the credentials to establish the fact, and was charged with stealing peppers, potatoes, and cucumbers from Wm. Whitlock.
Mayor's Court. --Lavinia and Betty, charged with setting on fire the house of Mrs. Martha E. their mistress; case continued.--Wm. T. Crawford charged with beating and robbing Miss Lucy Curry; bailed in the sum of $500 to appear to-morrow morning to answer the charge — John Robinson, free negro, stealing a basket of vegetables from Wm. Whitlock, was ordered 39 lashes.--Thomas McAdam was fined $5 for allowing a dead horse to lie in the street.--Fanny, a slave of John Dudley, charged with attempting to pass counterfeit money, continued.--John P. Sledd, who bought nine hame at the 2d market, to dispose of again, had his hams confiscated.
Arrests. --The only arrest by the civil police yesterday was one John Robinson, for trespassing on the private office of John P. Ballard, at the Exchange Hotel.
e the Hustings Court Grand Jury on the second Monday in November. Wm Conaway, arrested at a house of had repute in Exchange Alley, was sent to jail for further examination, on the charge of stealing Peter Born's horse. Margaret Parvo was rent to jail to await an indictment before the Grand Jury, for initiating a fight with Pocahontas Kiper, on Main street, Sunday last; and the latter gave ball for her future good behavior, and to appear as a witness against her antagonist. John Robinson, a member of the 5th Louisiana regiment, arrested for obtruding himself in the private office of J. P. Ballard, of the Exchange Hotel, and resisting the watchmen, was detained to be reported to Gen. Winder. Dennis O'Brien and John McDonald, arrested for getting into John Clash's carriage and taking his negroes coat on leaving the same, were commented in default of security to appear before the Hustings Court and answer the charge of misdemeanor. James Johnson McCaba, implicate
, a paroled Yankee prisoner; and for desertion: M. Cusick, company B, 10th La. regiment; John Gibbons, alias Wm. Jones, company K, 5th La; A. Deas, company I, 48th N. C; M, Carney, company B, 16th La; ten men from Sallsbury, N. C; Patrick McLaughlin, 1st Md. regiment; John Savage, do.; Pat. Flannagan, company B, 5th Texas; John Medmay, Rodgers's cavalry; Mike Moriarty, do; James Mahan, company G, 2d Miss battalion; Christopher McDonald, battery No. 4; Allen Simpson, company E, 38th N. C; John Robinson, company B, 3d N. C. battalion, substitute and deserter, Richard Griffith, 4th Ohio regiment, was also sent to this prison from the Libby for confinement on Saturday. Yesterday P. Pierce, Co. B, 1st Tenn. (Yankee) regiment, taken in Campbell county; J. J. Barker, Co. E, 2d Tenn. (Yankee) regiment, taken in Claiborne county, and T. McCoy, Co. G, 2d Tenn. (Yankee) regiment, taken in Morgan county, charged with bridge-burning, were brought to Richmond and committed to Castle Thunder fo
e same party arrested and tried about a year since for robbing Antonio Silva, was arraigned for having on the 23rd of December, cut and stabbed Jenn A. Owens. The proof being damned staple, Clarke was committed for trial before Judge Lyons. Robert free negro, was tried for having in his possession, on the 8th of January, a variety of species supposed to have been stolen. Nobody put in a claim for the property, and the defendant was acquitted. The case against Wm. H. Ross and John Robinson, free negroes for the alleged robbery of Alfred, a slave, on the 1st of January, of $22 in Confederate was board and conduced until the next term. James S. Tyler was examined for having on the 28th of December robber Elizabeth Half of in Confederate currency. He was sent on for trial before the Judge of the Hustings Court. Joseph Starkey and Jerry Divine, charged with garroting and robbing W Story, on the 17th of December of a silver watch were examined and committed for tr