Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Rio or search for Rio in all documents.

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Arrived. Steamship Jamestown, Skinner. N. York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. S. R. Allen, Baker, Boston, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Ada Ames, Ames, Rockland, ice, B. Wardwell & Co. Schr. Virginia, Lakin, Norfolk, oyster shells. Sloop Margaret Ann. Turner, Eastern Shore, potatoes to A. Millspaugh. Sailed, Brig Rolling Wave, Collins, Rio, flour, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Charles, Foulks, down the river, light. Schr. J. W. Sturgess, Scott, down the river, light. Sloop Morella, Garland, York River, J. G. Read. Matanzas, Jan. 22.--Sl'd, schr. Gen. Marion, Richmond. New York, Jan. 30.--Arr'd, schr. Marshall, Richmond. Savannah, Jan. 29.--Arr'd, schr. Golden Gate, Weeks, Va.
45; Patent Sperm 54@56 Cement.--James River $1.70@1.80. per bbl.; Northern Rosendale at $1.7 @1.80. Coal.--White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for grates, $7.50 per cart load of 25 bushels, per ton of 2,240 lbs. $8; Foundry do. $7 per ton of 2,240 lbs. ; Bituminous Lump $5 per load of 25 bushels; Hail $4.50; Smiths' Coal 12@14 per bushel. Coke.--For city consumption $5 per cart load of 25 bushels, for soft lump; soft hail $4.50. Hard lump and hall $4.50. Coffee.--We quote Rio 14@15 cents; Laguayra, 15 ½@16 cts.; Java 18 ½@19 cents; Mocha 18 cts. Corn.--We quote 60@65 cents per bushel, with a little better feeling. Corn Meal.--City Bolted Meal 75@80 cents; country 70@75cts. Cotton.--8 ½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertili