ver, 18, 20
Powder House, 51, 81.
Powers. Robert. 58.
Prescott Grammar School, 2.
Prince of Wales.
Prospect Hill, 11. 17, 18, 26, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 53, 75, 81.
Prospect Hill Grammar School. 9.
Prospect Street, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14. 32, 34, 35, 39.
Prospect Street Station, 16.
Provincial Congress. 1.
Public Library.
75. 77. 81.
Pulsifer. David. 79, 80.
Pump Works.
Putnam. Dr. Charles I., 5.
Raccoon, Ford, 22.
Randall. Deacon Benjamin, 9.
Rand. Robert, 52.
Rind, Sarah, 52.
Rand, Thomas, 52.
Rand, William, 52.
Rapidan River, 22, 44, 45.
Rappahannock River. 21.
Rappahannock Station, 21, 43,
Raymond, Mrs. Francis H., 15.
Reading, Mass., 2, 3.
Revere House, Boston, Mass., 38.
Revolution, The, 83, 84.
Richardson. Ezekiel, 30, 55.
Richardson, Thomas, 31.
Richmond, Va., 43, 61, 65, 66, 70.
Richmond Whig, 64.
Ricker, Benjamin F., 13.
Ricker, Melvin F., 13.
Road to Cambridge, 28, 51, 52.
Robertson's Tavern 43.
Roberts, William, 30.