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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
njoyed the luxury of a delightful climate and picturesque scenery. When the war broke out he left his home. The hill was soon stripped of its trees, scarred by trenches, and crowned with a heavy battery, built by Bragg; and a week before our visit his house was burned by accident. The ruined walls of it may be seen in the foreground of the picture on page 163. Headquarters of Thomas and Sherman. this house was on Walnut Street, near Fort Sherman. It belonged to an Englishman named Richardson, who had espoused the, cause of the Confederates. From Cameron's Hill we rode to the Cemetery, in the direction of the Missionaries' Ridge, where Chaplain Van Horn officiated at the funeral of the child of a captain at the post. When the solemn service was over we carefully examined the Cemetery grounds and the holy work going on there under the direction of the chaplain. The Cemetery was beautifully laid out in the form of a shield, on an irregular knoll, whose summit is forty or f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
h Congress, with the names of the States they severally represented:-- Senate. California.--John Conness, James A. McDougall. Connecticut.--James Dixon, Lafayette S. Foster. Delaware.--George Read Riddle, Willard Saulsbury. Illinois.--W. A. Richardson, Lyman Trumbull. Indiana.--Thomas A. Hendricks, Henry S. Lane. Iowa.--James W. Grimes, James Harlan. Kansas.--James H. Lane, Samuel C. Pomeroy. Kentucky.--Lazarus W. Powell, Garrett Davis. Maine.--Lot M. Morrill, William P. Fessenden. Maroons with him. One bridge — an important one, near Lafayette — was left standing, and over that he passed with a large drove of cattle and other plunder, and nearly all fresh horses, and escaped under cover of an attack on Colliersville, by General Richardson. This attack misled Grierson, who was waiting and watching for Forrest at La Grange; and the wily guerrilla had too much the start when Grierson, properly informed, pressed on in pursuit, to be easily caught. Grierson gave up the chase at
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
the Confederates with wild fury, caused a large portion to throw down their arms, while the remainder sought safety in a most disorderly flight westward, pursued many miles, long after dark, by the cavalry of Merritt and McKenzie. Mr. Swinton, in his Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, page 600, says of Warren, who was in the van of the charging column, his horse was fatally shot within a few feet of the breastworks, and he, himself, was in imminent peril, when a gallant officer (Colonel Richardson of the Seventh Wisconsin) sprang between him and the enemy, receiving a severe wound, but shielding from hurt the person of his loved commander. during this grandly fought battle, General Sheridan, who was watching and directing the movements, became impatient at the seeming tardiness of Warren, and when he saw Crawford's division oblique, and Ayres's give way, he conceived the idea that the troops were not managed with proper skill and decision. He at once issued an order deprivin
iatt, Abraham, April 28, 1862. Plummer, J. B., Oct. 22, 1861. Porter, Andrew, May 17, 1861. Pratt, Calvin E., Sept. 10, 1862. Quinby, Isaac F., Mar. 17, 1862. Raum, Green B., Feb. 15, 1865. Reid, Hugh T., Mar. 13, 1863. Reilly, James W., July 30, 1864. Revere, J. W., Oct. 25, 1862. Rodman, Isaac P., April 28, 1862. Ross, Leonard F., April 25, 1862. Rowley, T. A., Nov. 29, 1862. Rice, Americus V., May 31, 1865. Rice, James C., Aug. 17, 1863. Rice, Samuel A., Aug. 4, 1863. Richardson, W. A., Sept. 3, 1861. Rutherford, F. S., June 27, 1864. Sanders, Wm. P., Oct. 18, 1863. Scammon, E. P., Oct. 15, 1862. Schimmelpfennig, Alex., Nov. 29, 1862. Schoepf, Albin, Sept. 30, 1861. Seward, W. H., Jr. , Sept. 13, 1864. Shackelford, J. M., Jan. 2, 1863. Shepard, Isaac F., Oct. 27, 1863. Shepley, Geo. F., July 18, 1862. Sherman, F. T., July 21, 1865. Shields, James, Aug. 19, 1861. Sill, Joshua W., July 16, 1862. Slough, John B., Aug. 25, 1862. Smith, G. A., Sept. 19, 1862
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roll of Company B, Ninth Virginia cavalry. (search)
Lewis, W. H. Loving, W. B. Lightfoot, W. S. Luck, James A. McLaughlin, wounded, R. C. A. Moncure, M. A. Moncure, J. D. Moncure, A. H. Martin, died in hospital, John G. Mason, Edgar McKenney, James L. McKenney, R. C. L. Moncure, Jr., T. N. Norment, William M. Oliver, R. B. Oliver, D. B. Powers, Thomas Powers, killed in battle, Willie Powers, died in prison, O. D. Pitts, J. L. Penny, J. G. Parrish, Sample Pave, H. C. Rowe, Carleton Rowe, killed in battle, James W. Rowe, J. R. Richardson, W. A. Richardson, killed at Gettysburg, George G. Richardson, P. L. Robb, P. T. Samuel, F. W. Scott, F. K. Sutton, Archibald Sutton, Page T. Sutton, J. A. Slaughter, J. J. Sale, Benjamin Satterwhite, W. R. Taylor, Temple Taylor, R. J. Taylor, wounded, M. D. Temple, W. S. Temple, Charles Temple, L. Temple, A. B. Terrell, John M. Terrell, lost a leg, J. W. Thomas, W. W. Thomas, T. C. Thornton, George T. Todd, died in hospital, R. H. Upshur, R. S. Wright, Wesley Wright, W. B. Wright, W. S. Wright, B. B. Wr
of His of President and Vice-President of the Confederate States, to wit: Accomac — W. H. B. Curtis, T A T Joynes, Edward O Finny. Albemarle — T J. Randolph, S. F. Lake, J. J. Bowcock. Alexandria County--Dr. H. S. Wander, James T. Ball, Anthony Frazier. Alexandria City — J. Morgan Johnson, W. N. Brown, J Buckingham. Alleghany — W. G. Holloway, Heay Roberson, Colonel S. Carpenter. Amelia — W F C Gregory, Edward W. Eggleston, R A Featherson. Amherst — Paurus Powell, W. A. Richardson, J. D. Davis. Appomattox — Thomas H. Flood, L. E. Chestham, Robert labell. Augusta — Jacob Baylor, Benjamin Crowford, Thomas J. Michie Barnour--Col. D. E. Auville, L. D. Morrell, James T. Hartman. Bath — William H. Terrill, S. A. Porter, A H. McClintie. Bedford — E D Buford, Wm A Wingfield, L. C. Arthur. Berkeley--Col. J. B. A. Nadenbush, A. C. Hammond J. Blair Hoge. Boone — Andrew J. Barrett, Wm D. Pate, Griffin Stollings. Botetourt — W. A. Glasgow, C
f the 7th, captured a large amount of property at the depot, the rolling stock at the White House, and burnt a steamer and several sloops. (!) The train in which Butler was moving to Boston, on the 10th, collided with another, but he escaped uninjured. [A man born to be hanged will never be killed by an accident.] The steamer St. Louis had sailed from San Francisco with three hundred thousand dollars for New York, and five hundred and eighty thousand dollars for England. W. A. Richardson has been nominated for United States Senator from Illinois. A dispatch from Memphis, dated the 9th, say McClernand supercedes Shorman. The ship George Griswold sailed from New York Friday, with forty thousand dollars' worth of provisions and sixty-eight thousand dollars in money for the suffering operatives in England. The Washington Chronicle says the election of Seymour was an act of rank treason, and gave aid and comfort to Jeff. Davis, that the men who nominated him a
The Daily Dispatch: January 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], A speech on Lincoln's message from a Newly-elected U. S. Senator. (search)
A speech on Lincoln's message from a Newly-elected U. S. Senator. Hon. W. A. Richardson, now in the Federal House of Representatives, has been elected by the Illinois Legislature to the vacant rest in the U. S. Senate. Last week, in the House, Mr. Richardson made a speech scathing the gorilla. He said: Mr. Chairman--TMr. Richardson made a speech scathing the gorilla. He said: Mr. Chairman--The annual Message recently sent to this House by the President of the United States is the most remarkable of any that has over been delivered to Congress. It is remarkable for what it says, and still more remarkable for what it omits to say. One half of the twenty-one pages which it covers is devoted to the negro. No page, no sand fairly, and attempted to do my duty in this great crisis of our country. The course to be pursued by the New Senator. The Washington Chronicle says Mr. Richardson's future course is to be judged by the resolutions of the caucus which nominated him; therefore the policy he will pursue is foreshadowed in the following abs
is is one of the most important events which has transpired in the Federal Union since the rupture of the old Union. Mr. Richardson was nominated by a Legislative caucus of that State, which adopted a series of resolutions denouncing the Lincoln desof hostilities and the assembling of a Convention. These resolutions we publish to- day, together with a speech from Mr. Richardson himself, taking very strong grounds against the despotic acts of Lincoln. These resolutions are in themselves important; but their consequence is greatly strengthened by the intelligence that Richardson has been elected to the Senate by the Illinois Legislature, receiving sixty six out of a hundred--the entire number of both houses. We hope this may be true. lly demoralized society at the North. It is true that the men who are making this bold movement in Illinois, and Mr. Richardson at their head, studiously persevere in the idea of that impossibility: the restoration of the old Union--They could d
ed to the Senate committee, and the joint vote stood; Rives 41; Russell, 38; Allen, 34; Floyd, 32; scattering, 2. Whole number of votes cast, 147; necessary to a choice, 74. There being no choice, the name of John B. Floyd was dropped. Mr. Richardson, of Mercer, re-nominated Gen. J. B. Floyd, which was transmitted to the Senate, and the House proceeded to the third ballot, with the following result; Rives, 23; Floyd, 27, Allen, 26; Russell, 23; Caperton, 1. The vote was transmitted to th, the name of Judge Allen was dropped. Another message was received from the Senate, asking the concurrence of the House in a post- ponement of the joint order until to-morrow morning at 10½ o'clock. The House concurred, and on motion of Mr. Richardson the House at 6½ o'clock, adjourned until to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. The balloting was continued until eight were reached without a choice, and with varying results, during which time the name of Judge Allen was withdrawn and that