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plished General Sill; the heroic, ingenious, and able Colonels Roberts, Millikin, Shaffer, McKee, Reed, Foreman, Fred. Jones, Hawkins, Knell, and the gallant and faithful Major Carpenter of the Nineteout a mile and a half from the front, and one regiment of my brigade, the Nineteenth Illinois, Col. Reed, which was guarding the train that night, but were to be sent to me early in the morning. To le retired, supporting Edgarton's battery, still further retired. The Seventy-ninth Illinois, Col. Reed, as before remarked, was, by your order, guarding the train. In the evening Gen. Davis shortef wounds received in our skirmish at La Vergne, added to the laurels he had earned at Shiloh. Col. Reed of the Seventy-ninth Illinois, was killed at the head of his regiment, but not till he had proh Ballard and First Lieut. Snodgrass, of company H; Lieut. Robert Cullen, of company I; and William H. Reed, Second Lieutenant, commanding company K. These officers, sir, all did their duty bravely
infantry, (which two regiments, together with the Seventh Tennessee, had been temporarily brigaded and placed under command of Colonel Craddock, of the Sixteenth Kentucky,) the battery of artillery, and the Thirty-fourth brigade, commanded by Colonel Reed, moved in pursuit. The order of the march was as follows: first, the squadron of cavalry under Major Gratz; second, one section of the battery; third, the Ninth Kentucky cavalry; fourth, section of the battery, supported by company A of the Sixteenth Kentucky; fifth, the Sixteenth Kentucky infantry; sixth, section of the battery, supported by company I of the Sixteenth Kentucky; seventh, Twelfth Kentucky infantry, mounted in wagons; eighth, the brigade of Colonel Reed unbroken. In the above order, we moved on the Campbellsville road until we reached a point near New-Market. Here we were informed by a citizen of the death of the gallant, accomplished, and lamented Colonel Halisy, whom I could but admire for his great zeal in the ca
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company F. (search)
Va. Patrick Navill, Salem, 39, m; laborer. Sept. 1, 1862. Trans. Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C., April 22, 1864. M. O. Oct. 18, 1865., Acting Corp. Henry H. Prentiss, Cambridge, 43, n; printer. Aug. 4, 1862. Prisoner of war. Disch. June 13, 1865, Readville, Mass. Abel Purrington, Gloucester 31, s; mariner. Aug. 30, 1862. Deserted from Gen. Hospital, Boston, Dec. 12, 1862. Peter Readymacher, Boston, 25, m; seaman. Sept. 16, 1862. Deserted Nov. 8, 1862, New York City. William H. Reed, Cambridge, 18, s; seaman. Sept. 5, 1862. Deserted Feb. 1, 1865. John Ripley, Lynn, 38, s; shoemaker. Sept. 3, 1862. Trans. to V. R. C. May 31, 1864. Thomas D. Rogers, Chelmsford, 35, m; carpenter. Aug. 12, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. John Ryan, Salem, 26, m; seaman. Sept. 1, 1862. Deserted Nov. 8, 1862, New York city. John Smith, South Boston, 42, m; slater. Feb. 8, 1864. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Richard T. Stone, Cambridge 37, m; hostler. Aug. 22, 1862. D
f need be, punishment of those whose neglect and indifference have inflicted there kindred ignominies on an ancient Commonwealth where the step of invasion has not been felt for more than seventy years, and where personal liberty, as secured by law, has never before been violated. You will, I am sure, excuse these suggestions for the future. Something may be pardoned to freedom of speech suddenly restored. I have the honor to be gentleman, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Wm. H. Reed. To Messrs. Ancona, Galt, Beyer, Moyer, and Fillman, Committee. A Northern Lady Disgusted with the Management of affairs — the effect of M'Clellan's Removal. Philadelphia, Dec,--1862. Dear Brother: You have satisfied me at last. I can be quiet for a while. I was anxiously expecting a letter from you, because I want to write Me I did not think about sending no money home, except you were not paid — indeed, I could not think of such a thing as you being a bad boy. If y
e whipped. William, slave of Wm. Barrett, war ordered to be whipped for stealing chickens. Wm. H. Harvey and Wm. H. Reed were charged — the former with assaulting, the latter with threatening to assault, Joseph H. Moore. It appeared that Office of the Confederate Treasury Department, lodged with the head of the department some information against Harvey and Reed, which they considered slanderous. On Friday morning Harvey walked into the Auditor's Office, where Moore was at work, and, charging him with slandering him, pulled his ears and slapped him. Just as this performance was concluded, Reed came in, and, exhibiting to Moore the letter that the latter had written about him, made some menace towards him. The Mayor discharged d him. Just as this performance was concluded, Reed came in, and, exhibiting to Moore the letter that the latter had written about him, made some menace towards him. The Mayor discharged Reed, but required Harvey to give security to keep the peace.