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the Ponds of Misticke with the said ponds, I do freely give to Jotham Gibbon, his heyres, executors, and assigns for ever; not willing to have him or his disturbed in the said gift after my death. And this I do without seeking too of him or any of his, but I receiving many kindnesses of them, and willing to acknowledge their many kindnesses by this small gift to their son, Jotham Gibons. Witness my hand, the 13th of 11 mo., 1636. The Squa. Sachem E marke. Webecowit O marke. Witness, Edmund Quincy. Aug. 1, 1637: Squa Sachem and Webber Cowet did acknowledge in Court, that they had received of Mr. Gibbins, for the town of Charlestown, 36s. for the land between Charlestown and Wenotomies River, which they acknowledge themselves to be satisfied for. Another grant, by the Squa Sachem of Mistick, of lands bordering on Medford, is as follows:-- The 15th of the 2d mo., 1639: Wee, Web-Cowet and Squa Sachem, do sell unto the inhabitants of the towne of Charlestowne all the lan
lectmen. He died of small-pox, in England, in 1781, and was buried there. His wife died in 1770. Funeral sermon by Rev. Mr. Turell. We have shown above how the virtues and hospitality of his character secured his estates from confiscation, when those of his sons-in-law, Mr. George Erving and Sir William Pepperell, were not spared. But when it was subsequently testified that he had gone voluntarily to our enemies, and his estates were therefore confiscated in 1778, he writes to Mr. Edmund Quincy, of Boston, 1779, complaining bitterly of this injustice, declaring that he had been prevented from returning to Medford solely by ill health. These acts of oppression, as viewed by him, did not weaken his attachment to this town; for in his will, made in London in 1779, he bequeathed generously to the clergymen of Medford, to the church, and the schools. Many valuable tokens he left to friends in Boston and to the town of Worcester. His daughter Elizabeth, who married the second
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Quincy, Edmund -1635 (search)
Quincy, Edmund -1635 Born in Wigsthorpe, England, 1602; emigrated to Massachusetts in 1628; several thousand acres of land in Mount Wollaston plantation were granted to Edmund Quincy and William Coddington in 1635. Upon this tract the town of Quincy was laid out. He died in Mount Wollaston, Mass., Dec. 9, 1635. Quincy, Edmund -1635 Born in Wigsthorpe, England, 1602; emigrated to Massachusetts in 1628; several thousand acres of land in Mount Wollaston plantation were granted to Edmund Quincy and William Coddington in 1635. Upon this tract the town of Quincy was laid out. He died in Mount Wollaston, Mass., Dec. 9, 1635.
ching heroism to incur. In spite, however, of this general opprobrium, of legislative menace, or the perils of a ruthless mob, the tide of sympathy for our fellowmen in bondage was slowly swelling; and one friend of freedom after another, as Edmund Quincy, Wendell Phillips, William H. Burleigh, and Henry Wilson, son, nobly rose to assert that the aggressions of the slave-power could and must be met. Now where will Mr. Sumner take his stand? He is the pride of the aristocratic circles of Bosto the Republic. Strenuous efforts were therefore made by the friends of freedom to prevent the consummation of this slaveholding scheme. Conventions were held, petitions signed, in various sections of our State, and eloquent speeches made by Edmund Quincy, Henry Wilson, Theodore Parker, William Henry Channing, R. W. Emerson, and others, with the design of influencing Congress on the final vote, On the 4th of November, 1845, a large meeting was held in Faneuil Hall in Boston, at which resolutio
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Lowell (search)
plant to another, and gathers sweetness from every flower in the garden. Finally he was rusticated, just after he had been elected poet of his class, with directions not to return until commencement. We recognize the Puritanic severity of President Quincy in this sentence, which robbed young Lowell of the pleasantest term of college life, as well as the honor of appearing on the stage on Class Day. That his poem should have been read by another to the assembled families of his classmates, sen extinct species of mammal from fossil bones. Lowell did not join the Free-soilers, who were now bearing the brunt of the anti-slavery conflict, but attached himself to the more aristocratic wing of the old abolitionists, which was led by Edmund Quincy, Maria Chapman, and L. Maria Child. Lowell was far from being a non-resistant. In fact, he might be called a fighting-man, although he disapproved of duelling; and this served to keep him at a distance from Garrison, of whom he wisely remar
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 2: old Cambridge in three literary epochs (search)
I shall write to Mr. Hurlbut at once, and to the others in a day or two. Those who have already promised to write are Mr. Carter (formerly of the Commonwealth), who will furnish a political article for each number, Mr. Hildreth (very much interested in the undertaking), Thos. W. Parsons, author of an excellent translation of Dante, Parke Godwin of the New York Evening Post, Mr. Ripley of the Tribune, Dr. Elder of Phila, H. D. Thoreau of Concord, Theodore Parker (my most valued friend), Edmund Quincy, James R. Lowell (from whom I have a most exquisite gem). Many to whom I have written have not replied as yet. I shall have the general supervision of the Magazine,intending to get the best aid from professed litterateurs in the several departments. We do expect to pay as much as Putnam — that is at the rate of three dollars for such pages as Putnam's, though it is probable that we shall use a trifle larger type than our New York contemporary. Poetry, of course, we pay for accord
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 3: Holmes (search)
rvative on the slavery question until the Civil War, hated quacks and fanatics with honest and unflinching hostility, and it was only the revolt of his kindly nature against Calvinism which threw him finally on the side of progress. The Saturday Club with all its attractions did not lead him in that direction. It brought together an agreeable set of cultivated men, but none of the more strenuous reformers of its day, however brilliant, except Emerson and occasionally Sumner and Howe. Edmund Quincy and James Freeman Clarke were not admitted until 1875, after the abolition of slavery. Garrison, Parker, Phillips, Alcott, Wasson, Weiss, and William Henry Channing were never members of the Saturday Club and probably never could have been elected to it; but they were to be looked for every month at the Radical Club,afterward called the Chestnut Street Club,which certainly rivalled the Saturday in brilliancy in those days, while it certainly could not be said of it, as Dr. Holmes said o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
Peirce, Prof., Benjamin, 143. Peirce, C. S., 16. Peirce, J. M., 16. Percival, J. G., 175, 191. Perry, T. S., 70. Petrarch, Francis, 191. Phelps, E. J., 195. Phillips, M. D., 68. Phillips, Wendell, 104, 179. Phillips, Willard, 44. Pierce, Pres., Franklin, 113. Poe, E. A., 137, 144, 173. Pope, Alexander, 90, 91. Popkin, Dr. J. S., 23. Potter, Barrett, 119. Pratt, Dexter, 126. Pratt, Rowena, 126. Putnam, Rev., George, 54, Putnam, Mrs. S. R., 16. Puttenham, George, 159. Quincy, Edmund, 67, 104. Quincy, Pres., Josiah, 29, 43, 157. Read, Gen., Meredith, 132. Richter, J. P. F., 85, 116. Riedesel, Baroness, 149, 150. Ripley, George, 48, 54,57, 67, 113. Rossetti, D. G., 132. Rousseau, J. J., 191. Ruggles, Mrs., 151. Ruggles, Capt., George, 150. Russell, Miss P., 75. Sackville, Lord, 195. Sales, Francis, 17, 23. Sanborn, F. B., 156, 174, 177. Scott, Sir, Walter, 26, 35, 177. Scott, Sir, William, 45. Scudder, H. E., 69, 70. Sewall, Samuel, 12. Sewell, Jona
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 5: the crisis (search)
n had a right to tax the Colonies; and we have heard the mob at Alton, the drunken murderers of Lovejoy, compared to those patriot fathers who threw the tea overboard! (Great applause.) Fellow-citizens, is this Faneuil Hall doctrine? ( No, no. ) After giving a clear exposition of the difference between the riot at Alton and the Boston Tea Party, Phillips continued: Sir, when I heard the gentleman lay down principles which place the murderers of Alton side by side with Otis and Hancock, with Quincy and Adams, I thought those pictured lips (pointing to the portraits in the Hall) would have broken into voice to rebuke the recreant American--the slanderer of the dead. (Great applause and counter-applause.) The gentleman said that he should sink into insignificance if he dared not gainsay the principles of these resolutions. Sir, for the sentiments he has uttered, on soil consecrated by the prayers of Puritans, and the blood of patriots, the earth should have yawned and swallowed him up
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 8: the Rynders mob (search)
he mass of his backers. The audience, despite a natural agitation, gave way to no panic. The Abolitionist leaders upon the platform remained imperturbable. I was not aware, writes Dr. Furness, of being under any apprehension of personal violence. We were all like General Jackson's cotton-bales at New Orleans. Our demeanor made it impossible for the rioters to use any physical force against us. Rynders found himself in the midst of Francis and Edmund Jackson, of Wendell Phillips, of Edmund Quincy, of Charles F. Hovey, of William H. Furness, of Samuel May, Jr., of Sydney Howard Gay, of Isaac T. Hopper, of Henry C. Wright, of Abby Kelley Foster, of Frederick Douglass, of Mr. Garrison--against whom his menaces were specially directed. Never was a human being more out of his element. The following, according to the Herald, was what greeted Mr. Garrison's ear: Captain Rynders (clenching his fist)--I will not allow you to assail the President of the United States. You shan