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t, as he had a customer in waiting. Mr. L'Hommedien replied that he had, and gave Hurry an $8,000 note. Hurry, it is alleged, took it, and, saying he would return in about twenty minutes, left the office. He, however, failed to return; and it is alleged that, after disposing of the note, he procured a draft on the Bank of the Republic for the full amount, proceeded direct to the bank, drew the amount in cash, and left. His not returning created some little suspicion on the part of Messrs.Quick & L'Hommedien, and on the following day, not being able to ascertain Hurry's whereabouts, they proceeded before Justice Welsh, where a complaint was made against him. Hurry, the same afternoon, from his own story, finding himself the holder of this large sum of money, concluded to visit some of our leading gambling saloons and try his luck at the game of faro. His first step was to dive into the establishment corner of Broadway and Fulton street, where a day game is always kept goin
scharging. Baltimore, Feb. 13.--Cl'd, schr. Mary Willis, Richmond. Norfolk, Feb. 12.--Arrived, schr. Joshua Bates, Norfolk. Cleared, schr. Young Sultan, do. Havana, Jan. 28.--Arrived, ship Halvetia, Norfolk. Feb. 5--Arrived, schr. Relief, do. Matanzas, Jan. 27.--Arrived, bark Ospray, Norfolk. Boston, Feb. 10.--Arrived, schr. Herald, Norfolk. Disaster.--A schr. of about 150 tons, with two topmasts, sunk last Thursday night, during the N. W. gale, in the Vineyard Sound, about two miles south of Quick's Hole. About eight feet of her lower masts are out of water. It is supposed that the ice made so fast on the vessel that she foundered, carrying down all on board. Small pieces of a boat and cabin work have washed ashore on the north side of the Vineyard. The wreck is supposed to be that of schr. R. R. Freeman, (of Wellfleet,) Smith, from Tangier, Va., with oysters for Boston. The R. R. Freeman was last seen at 9 o'clock Wednesday night, off Absecum.
in, City Point. Charleston, Feb. 14.--Ar'd steam tug James Gray, Richmond. Boston, Feb. 14.--Ar'd schr. Magnolia, Richmond via City Point. Holmes' Hole, Feb. 13.--Sl'd. schr. Citizen, Virginia. Newport, Feb. 14.--Ar'd schrs. I. D. Snow and M. L. Partridge, Rockland, for Petersburg, Va.; Leading Breeze, Providence, for Rappahannock, Va. Plymouth, Feb. 5.--Cl'd schr. Martha Washington, Norfolk. Providence, Feb. 14.--Ar'd schr. S. B. Bailey, Norfolk. New York Feb. 16.--Cl'd stm'r. Yorktown, Richmond; schr. Leroy, Norfolk. Spoken.--Schr. Vapor, Dissosway, from Richmond for Rio Janeiro, Feb. 9, lat. 35.15, lon. 66. Disaster.--Schr. R. R. Freeman, of Tangier, Va., sunk in Quick's Hole, was visited on the 13th inst, by Capt. ower, the submarine diver, for the purpose of ascertaining the fate of her crew. He would commence operations on the 14th. Her mainmast was gone, and the foremast probably is by this time, as the rigging had been cut off.