chr. Spruell & Morse, Tarum, Norfolk, shingles.
Schr. Casper Heft, Shoe, Philadelphia, coal, P. C. Larus, Agent.
Schr. St. Cloud, Gwatney, Smithfield, wheat, Selden & Miller.
Schr. Sarah Ann, Eastern Shore, oats, A Millspaugh
Schr. New York, Cornival, James river, lumber, W. W. Wells.
Schr.Jas. English, Nickerson, Portland, syrup, I. & G. B. Davenport.
Schr. Baltimore, Phillips, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co.
Schr. Havre de Grace, Fields, James river, lumber.
Schr. John Frances, Frost, James river, lumber.
Sail Lighter Anacosto, McKown, James river, lumber.
Sail Lighter Albertino, Hare, James river, lumber.
Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore,mdze.
and passengers, D. & W. Currie.
Schr. Westover, Eldridge, New York,mdze., D. & W. Currie.
Schr. Danville, Chester, Rio, flour, Warwick & Barksdale.
Schr. Jenny Lind, Parks, York river, mdze.
Schr. Pinta, Woolford, down the river, light.