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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
to college. Governor Lincoln answered, as he retired from office, in terms appreciative of the sheriff's personal and official character. The sheriff's sureties, on his official bond, were William Sullivan, William Minot, Samuel Hubbard, William Prescott, John Heard, Jr., Timothy Fuller, and Asaph Churchill. These well known names show his high standing in the confidence of the community. Mr. Sumner's home life, which before his appointment as sheriff had been regulated with severe econo. Twice a year, at the opening of the Supreme Judicial Court, he gave a dinner to the judges, the chaplain, and members of the bar and other gentlemen. He gathered, on these festive occasions, such guests as Chief Justices Parker and Shaw, Judges Prescott, Putnam, Wilde, Morton, Hubbard, Thacher, Simmons, Solicitor General Davis, Governor Lincoln, Josiah Quincy, John Pickering, Harrison Gray Otis, William Minot, Timothy Fuller, Samuel E. Sewall; and, among the clergy, Gardiner, Tuckerman, Gre
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 8: early professional life.—September, 1834, to December, 1837.—Age, 23-26. (search)
muel Lawrence, Robert B. Forbes, and Park Benjamin, then living with his sisters, who afterwards became Mrs. J. Lothrop Motley and Mrs. Stackpole. Hillard's kind words had opened the doors of some of these houses to Sumner. Oliver Wendell Holmes, then a young physician, visited most if not all of these families. There was no want of good talking at a dinner or supper where Hillard, Benjamin, Holmes, and Sumner were gathered. Sumner was accustomed to call at William Sullivan's and Judge William Prescott's, both friends of his father; at Jeremiah Mason's, Samuel Austin's, and Mrs. James Perkins's. He frequented the rooms of Mr. Alvord, his former teacher at Cambridge, who passed the winter of 1837 in Boston when serving as a member of the Legislature from Greenfield. Mr. Alvord was the chief promoter of the Personal Replevin statute, intended for the protection of persons claimed as fugitive slaves, and wrote an able report in its behalf Leg. Doe., House, 1837, No. 51. The latt
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 12: Paris.—Society and the courts.—March to May, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
. . . I rejoice to hear from various quarters of the reception of Prescott's book in our country. I have seen a copy and glanced through Gerando's, I met the Procureur-General of Spain. I was full of Prescott's book, and took the occasion to endeavor to scatter some seed in Spanish ground. I described the work and the labors of Mr. Prescott to the Spaniard, who appeared particularly interested and inquired the narlike attachment. She speaks English very prettily. I spoke of Mr. Prescott's book, which I have had an opportunity of reading cursorily at ly, from the author. He requested me, when writing home, to let Mr. Prescott know that he had received it; that he had glanced through its pae on hearing a foreign language read. I trust you to mention to Mr. Prescott what Sismondi requested I should write him. I regret that I have not been able to procure here a couple of copies of Prescott's book, as there are two Spaniards now here, whom I have met several times and f
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 13: England.—June, 1838, to March, 1839.—Age, 27-28. (search)
He obtained an English publisher for Lieber's Political Ethics, and sought to interest in the work the managers of the leading reviews. He also rendered a similar service for some of Judge Story's law treatises. He was assiduous in commending Prescott's first great work, the Ferdinand and Isabella, then recently issued, and in obtaining for it fair criticism in the reviews,—a service which the author gratefully acknowledged. Mr. Prescott, not then personally known to Sumner, wrote to him, Mr. Prescott, not then personally known to Sumner, wrote to him, April 18, 1839: Our friend Hillard read to me yesterday some extracts from a recent letter of yours, in which you speak of your interviews with Mr. Ford, who is to wield the scalping-knife over my bantling in the Quarterly. I cannot refrain from thanking you for your very efficient kindness towards me in this instance, as well as for the very friendly manner in which you have enabled me to become acquainted with the state of opinion on the literary merits of my History in London. It is, indeed
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
his breast and the star on his coat, —kind, bland, amiable; Lady Lansdowne,—neat, elegant, lady-like. Next me was the daughter, about nineteen,—pale and wan, but, I am glad to say, extremely well-informed. I conversed with her during a long dinner, and we touched topics of books, fashion, coronation, &c.; and I found her to possess attainments which certainly do her honor. She was kind enough to mention that she and her mother had been reading together the work of a countryman of mine, Mr. Prescott; that they admired it very much, and that the extraordinary circumstances under which it was written Referring to the author's loss of sight. made them take a great interest in the author and desire to see him. During the dinner, I was addressed across the table, which was a large round one, by a gentleman with black hair and round face, with regard to the United States. The question was put with distinctness and precision, and in a voice a little sharp and above the ordinary key. I d<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
, who wrote that venerable folio on Jus Feudale, in which I have whilom moiled, and who died in the house where I now am. His accomplished family have all read Mr. Prescott's book with the greatest interest, and have made earnest inquiries after his health and the present condition of his eyes. They first read the book, being intthe time of our Revolution, breathes an air of deep historical interest. Lord Fitzwilliam is one of the mildest and purest of men. You will be glad to hear that Prescott's book was in his Lordship's hands, and also in those of several of the ladies of the house; and Lord Fitzwilliam told me that Earl Grey expressed to him the higsition you well know, and to whom I am indebted, not simply for hospitality, but for the greatest and most friendly kindness—inquired with great interest about Mr. Prescott; and Mr. Labouchere, Henry Labouchere, 1798-1869. He was a member of Parliament from 1826 to 1859, became Privy Councillor in 1835, and was Vice-president