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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 1 1 Browse Search
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Roster of the First Massachusetts Light Battery. October 3, 1861. Capt. Josiah Porter, Commanding. First Sergt., Jos. W. B. Wright. Commissioned, later. Quartermaster Sergt., Jno. B. Mccartney. Discharged for disability. Died since muster out. Clerk, Jno. W. Bell. Guidon, Nicholas G. Lynch. Buglers, Francis Hoyt, Discharged for disability. Died since muster out. Thos. S. Hanick. First section--right. Lieut. Wm. H. Mccartney, Commanding. (Commissioned Captain, Dec., 1862.) First Detachment.—Sergt. Joseph Barnes; Gunner, Geo. Lawrence; Chief of Caisson, Thos. H. Daily. Killed or died in hospital. Privates, Alfred Bunker, Received a warrant, later. Taken prisoner. Died since muster out. Henry S. Hall, Alex. Harper, Received a warrant, later. Jno. Jaques, Jno. Carter, Benj. Richardson, Wounded. Died since muster out. Ira Walker, Discharged for disability. R. J. Isaacs, David Covell, Wm. J. Mills, Thos. F. Longley,
the summer of 1861, the old Boston Light Artillery had returned to Massachusetts, its three months term of enlistment, under the 75,000 call, having expired. Josiah Porter of Cambridge, an experienced officer of the old battery of the Massachusetts militia, was commissioned captain of a company of light artillery, to be recruitedt. Vernon road below Alexandria; Sumner's and Franklin's on the right of Heintzelman, near Fairfax Seminary; McDowell's and Keyes's on the right of Franklin; then Porter's, and on his right, McCall's. East of the Blue Ridge there were no Federal troops in Virginia to the west of McCall; but on the Maryland side, in the vicinity ofves). Third Brigade.—Gen. Philip Kearney, 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th New Jersey Volunteers. Artillery. Platt's Battery D, 2d United States, 6 Napoleon Guns. Porter's A, Massachusetts, 4 10-pd. Parrott Guns; 2 12-pd. Howitzer Guns. Hexamer's A, New Jersey, 4 1–pd. Parrott Guns; 2 12-pd. Howitzer Guns. Wilson's F, Ne
ed States Artillery, chief of the artillery brigade of our division. After a moment's interval, the latter rode up to Capt. Porter, who was in position in front of his company; some words were exchanged, and Capt. Platt rode away. Our commander tureight train. After an interval of rapid firing, during which time a captain of infantry with his company reported to Capt. Porter under orders to support our battery, our captain directing him as to the disposal of his men, we were ordered to ceasece from Yorktown had reached a point near Roper's Church on the Williamsburg and Richmond road. These men belonged to Gen. Porter's Corps (Fifth), which, with the corps of Generals Sumner and Franklin (Sixth), was to form the right wing and to procw York Volunteers, and 95th Pennsylvania (Gosline Zouaves). Artillery. Platt's D, 2d United States, 6 Napoleons. Porter's A, Massachusetts, 4 10-pd. Parrotts, and 2 12-pd. Howitzers. Hexamer's A, New Jersey, 4 10-pd. Parrotts, and 2 12
however, hasty. It was only Franklin's corps; Porter's remained on the left bank till after the bat was a terrible artillery combat in progress. Porter must be engaged. With what troops? Have theyt far from Mechanicsville, and had fallen upon Porter at that place, while Jackson, who two days befe, if a large Confederate force is confronting Porter alone on the north side, perhaps the bulk of tream, was evidently severely pressed. If only Porter's corps up to this moment was on this side, heorces upon the right of their line, to destroy Porter and McCall? The infantry contiguous to us seethat when the Federal line broke on the left, Porter had called into action all his artillery, and h side of the river, posted in the vicinity of Porter's position of yesterday, launched forth a heavfficers was superb. The calm resolution of Capt. Porter, the sanguine energy and inspiring self-conwe limber up and draw out upon the road. Capt. Porter rides in the darkness into the enclosure, a
o us. Our sorrow for him was mingled with heart-felt sympathy for his wife and daughter, whom we saw bide him farewell last October at Camp Cameron. Just what was the status of Gen. McClellan at this moment, we knew not; a portion of his army, Porter's corps, which had preceded us from Fortress Monroe, had been sent to reinforce Gen. Pope, who had been for several days menaced by the larger part of the Confederate army of northern Virginia. Heintzelman's corps, weary and footsore, now numbere pike; that McDowell had succeeded in checking Lee at Thoroughfare Gap in the Bull Run mountains; but that Jackson, having been attacked on the 29th, near the old battleground of 1861, was reinforced by the combined strength of Lee's army; that Porter's corps was for some reason not engaged, and that the battle was renewed on the 30th, lasting all day. It was further averred that, despite the appearance of the curious crowd which we encountered at Cub Run, Pope's force, that was engaged all da
he army and its corps commanders. Posterity will do him justice. On the morning of the first day after our arrival at the camp beyond Rockville, our teams came up and our mail-carrier, Comrade Marsh, rode in with a full pack. We recollect Capt. Porter's greeting of the carrier, and the captain's characteristic smile which was a part of the greeting. A smile that shines through clear spectacles is peculiarly attractive, if the eyes behind them are in a genial face, as they were in this cass well as feeble. Privates who had not answered sick-call since the army moved in April, were now obliged to succumb for a time to the ravages of this debilitating scourge. It was during our tarry at Bakersville, that our commander, Capt. Josiah Porter, was compelled, by pressure of family bereavement, and business affairs growing out of it, to accept leave of absence. As he never returned to this command, we wish to give testimony here to his worth as a gentleman and a citizen, and his
company had always been attached, was now commanded by Gen. Brooks, a stern disciplinarian and able soldier, Gen. Slocum having succeeded to the command of the Twelfth Corps. The division artillery organization remained substantially the same; but Company D, Second U. S., the one regular army battery of the four attached to this division, was in charge of Lieut. Williston. Our battery commander had not yet received his captain's commission, though a vacancy existed by the resignation of Capt. Porter. Lieut. Federhen was our junior first, and Lieutenants Sawin and Greene (the latter raised from the ranks by the commission of the governor of his state) were respectively our senior and junior second. Sergt. French, previously of the first detachment, had been made orderly sergeant, and was next in order of promotion to the junior second lieutenancy. The company, by means of two batches of recruits during the year last past, had now nearly the original complement. The line of march
, may be taken as representative indications of the various shades of sentiment with which the immortal proclamation was received. There were men in every company of the Army of the Potomac who perfectly comprehended the relation which slavery sustained to secession, and who had foreseen the necessity of an emancipation measure when the first gun was fired. There were others who looked upon the measure, this day, as a dangerous expedient. Long before we had entered upon the new year, Capt. Porter had resigned, and it was inexplicable why the governor of our state had not forwarded to the efficient commander of our battery his captain's commission. How well he had led his company hither, on the toilsome marches from Antietam, how ably he had handled his company on the 13th of December, was sufficiently evidenced by the indorsement of his corps, division, and brigade commanders. But when at last there was a tardy recognition of his merits and his rights, another vexatious mistake
ere, who fell at Gettysburg. After graduation Porter studied law and was admitted to practice in thd of the First Massachusetts Light Battery. Capt. Porter evinced great executive ability in the ardu of New York. The resignation of Colonel Josiah Porter, Twenty-second Regiment, N. G. S. N. Yed himself a first-class infantry officer, Colonel Porter's fame is associated with his war record aal Barry, chief of artillery, complimented Captain Porter on the drill and discipline of the battery When the Union army advanced into Virginia, Porter's battery was assigned to Slocum's division of Gaines' Mills it was ordered to reinforce General Porter's Fifth Corps, and at the close of the dayttle of Glendale, or Charles City Cross Roads. Porter's battery and Upton's battery of regular artile position, was repulsed with great slaughter, Porter's howitzers making wide gaps in the enemy's li battle, urgent private business compelled Captain Porter to apply for leave of absence, which being[13 more...]
the Peninsula. . 33, 66, 55 Pay-day .......... 31 Pamunkey River..36, 37, 155 Peach Orchard ......54 Persimmons ......... 92 Petersburg .......158, 159 Platt, Lieut. Col. E. R., U. S. A... 32, 75 Pleasanton, Gen. .....107, 113 Porter, Gen. F. J ....... 46, 50 Porter, Capt. Josiah 17, 34, 36, 58, 59, 84 Ponchas .......... 28 Pooler, John .......99 Poolesville .........162 Prisoners, 77, 126, 138, 152, 153, 155, 177, 179, 183, 88. Rations .......... 42 RaidPorter, Capt. Josiah 17, 34, 36, 58, 59, 84 Ponchas .......... 28 Pooler, John .......99 Poolesville .........162 Prisoners, 77, 126, 138, 152, 153, 155, 177, 179, 183, 88. Rations .......... 42 Raids ........155, 159 Rappahannock River, 93, 99, 102,109, 110 Rappahannock Station..... 136 Rappahannock Ford.. 138 Rapidan ...... 42, 149 Refugees .........182 Reminiscences, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 74, 85, 89, 134, 138, 139. Reynolds, Gen. John F ... 93, 97 Reno, Gen. ......... 78 Return ........ 182, 185 Right Grand Division ... 89 Rockville .......... 72 Rodes, Gen.....165, 171, 175 Rosters .....13, 42, 47, 105, 128 Russell, Gen. D. A ... 138, 175 Salem ....