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lowing Medford names among the list of freemen between 1630 and 1646. How many were settlers here we know not. Nathaniel Bishop, Thomas Reeves, John Collins, Jonathan Porter, Richard Bishop, Thomas Brooke, John Waite, William Manning, John Hall, Richard Francis, William Blanchard, Henry Simonds, Zachery Fitch, Richard Wade, Richarations. Mr. Thomas Seccomb's large brick house, on the north side the market-place, was the first copy of Col. Royal's. Rev. Mr. Turell's house, now owned by Jonathan Porter, Esq. is a good example of another style; also the one now owned and occupied by Gorham Brooks, Esq. The old dilapidated mansion of the late Dr. Simon Tufts, persevered, and subscriptions for stock were opened in 1804, and Medford was deeply interested in it. An act of incorporation was obtained, June 15, 1805, by Jonathan Porter, Joseph Hurd, Nathan Parker, Oliver Holden, and Fitch Hall. The route was designated in the act. It was to run from the house of John Russell, in Andover, in
1785. Thomas Brooks1788. Willis Hall1789. Ebenezer Hall1790. Richard Hall1794. John Brooks1796. Ebenezer Hall1798. John Brooks1803. Caleb Brooks1804. Jonathan Porter1808. Nathan Waite1810. Nathaniel Hall1812. Luther Stearns1813. Jeduthan Richardson1821. Nathan Adams1822. Turell Tufts1823. Joseph Swan1826. Dudley Ha Benjamin Parker1743. Edward Brooks1750. Thomas Brooks1756. Aaron Hall1761. Thomas Brooks1763. James Wyman1767. Jonathan Patten1778. Richard Hall1786. Jonathan Porter1790. Isaac Warren1793. Samuel Buel1794. John Bishop1798. Joseph P. Hall1804. Joseph Manning1808. William Rogers1823. Henry Porter1825. Turell Tufts182n Hall, jun1783. Andrew Hall1792. Nathaniel Hall1794. Samuel Swan1796. Nathaniel Hall1797. Luther Stearns1803. Nathaniel Hall1806. Abner Bartlett1810. Jonathan Porter1819. Abner Bartlett1820. William Rogers1826. Abner Bartlett1827. William D. Fitch1834. Oliver Blake1836. Joseph P. Hall1846. Governor Brooks. I
Abner BartlettJan. 26, 1820. Samuel SwanJan. 12, 1821. Turell TuftsJune 16, 1821. Abner BartlettFeb. 16, 1822. Jonathan PorterMay 7, 1822. Dudley HallJan. 1, 1823. Jonathan BrooksJan. 1, 1823. John P. BigelowFeb. 7, 1823. William WardJan. 24. Nathan AdamsFeb. 8, 1825. Nathaniel HallJuly 7, 1826, Abner BartlettJan. 4, 1827. Turell TuftsJune 5, 1828. Jonathan PorterFeb. 21, 1829. Dudley HallOct. 19, 1829. Jonathan BrooksJan. 30, 1830. Peter C. BrooksDec. 20, 1831. Nathan AdamsJan. 25, 1832. Nathaniel HallMay 18, 1833. Abner BartlettDec. 18, 1833. Turell TuftsMar. 28, 1835. Jonathan PorterJan. 27, 1836. Dudley HallAug. 30, 1836. John SparrellNov. 24, 1836. Thatcher MagounDec. 6, 1836. Nathan WaiteDec. 31, 1836. J Nathan AdamsJan. 8, 1839. Nathaniel HallApril 16, 1840. Abner BartlettOct. 1, 1840. Turell TuftsFeb. 22, 1842. Jonathan PorterDec. 17, 1842. Henry PorterJan. 5, 1843. Judah LoringFeb. 25, 1843. Alexander GreggFeb. 25, 1843. Dudley HallJune
from the first settlement of the town to the year 1824! He kept no record of deaths. He baptized 1,037 persons; married 220 couple; and admitted to the church 323 communicants. Some further light may be shed on the character of Mr. Turell by a few extracts from his wills. One will is dated Oct. 8, 1758; another, in 1762; and a third, in 1764. He shows sound judgment, kind affections, and Christian justice, in his bequests. His dwelling-house, which is now owned and occupied by Jonathan Porter, Esq., he gave to the church in Medford, for the use of the ministry for ever. He gave his largest silver tankard, and a silver spoon, which has a lion's head engraved on it, to the church in Medford. He gave to Madam Elizabeth Royal, and Peter Chardon, Esq., each a mourning ring. I give to Mrs. Lucy Tufts her aunt Turell's picture. I give to Mr. Faneuil, and Mrs. Hatch, their grandfather's and grandmother's pictures. I give to Harvard College the learned Dr. Isaac Barrow's
r C. Brooks, and Jonathan Brooks, Esqs. It was built immediately, at the cost of $3,824.05, and was acceptable to pastor and people. Fund.--This subject was a cherished one by a few earnest members of the parish; and, at a public meeting on the 24th of March, 1834, a committee report, that they find the act incorporating trustees passed the 9th of March, 1827; and it appears that Messrs. Jonathan Brooks, Nathaniel Hall, Turell Tufts, Dudley Hall, Nathan Adams, John Symmes, jun., and Jonathan Porter, were incorporated trustees by the said act. These originators of the fund performed the duties of trustees with judgment and perseverance; and the result is, that the fund now amounts to $8,600. April 17, 1837: The parish voted to raise $1,400, to pay the minister's salary and other current expenses. March 11, 1839: A committee of seven was appointed this day to consider the expediency of building a new meeting-house, and to procure plans and estimates. They finally recommend
f Medford supported their schools at as cheap a rate as they could, because their means were not abundant. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. The Rev. Mr. Porter acted as private teacher, and doubtless rendered great help to the cause of education. 1700: Neal says, Hardly a child of nine or ten years old, througho803 Daniel Swan1803 John Brooks1805 Joseph Hall1807 William C. Woodbridge1811 Edward Brooks1812 David Osgood1813 Andrew Bigelow1814 Gorham Brooks1814 Jonathan Porter1814 John P. Bigelow1815 Convers Francis1815 Charles Brooks1816 William Ward1816 Sidney Brooks1819 Thomas Savage Clay1819 William H. Furness1820 Edwards most friendly, as a critic most caustic, and as a wit most ready. He died Sept. 3, 1850, aged seventy-four. Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci. Jonathan Porter, Esq., born in Medford, devoted the energies of a strong mind and a ripe scholarship to the science of law; and, while his health allowed, he practised his pr
ore to the prosperity of this country than the absence of those systems of internal restriction and monopoly which continue to disfigure other countries. Mr. Jonathan Porter opened a store of English goods previous to the Revolution, and gradually enlarged his business till he sold all the heavier articles of inland commerce. Tugh the waters of Mystic River, to the town of Boston. There were present at this meeting the Hon. James Sullivan, Benjamin Hall, Willis Hall, Ebenezer Hall, Jonathan Porter, Loammi Baldwin, Ebenezer Hall, jun., Andrew Hall, and Samuel Swan, Esq. After organizing, by the choice of Benjamin Hall as chairman, and Samuel Swan as csq., the Hon. Thomas Russell, Hon. James Winthrop, Christopher Gore, Esq., Joseph Barrell, Esq., Andrew Cragie, Esq., Hon. John Brooks, Captain Ebenezer Hall, Jonathan Porter, Esq., Ebenezer Storer, Esq., Caleb Swan, and Samuel Jaques, be directors for pursuing the business of the canal for the present year. At a meeting of the
Jonas Dixon. Duncan Ingraham. John C. Jones. John Walker and Jos. Tysick. Joanna Kidder. Samuel Kidder. Abner Peirce. Thomas Learned. William Lowder. John Leathe. Jude Symonds. David Osgood. Josiah Polly. Jonathan Porter. Isaac Pratt. Thomas Hewes. Benjamin Reed. Peter Tufts. James Tufts. G. Williams & Dan. Farrington. William Bucknum. Sam. Hall and John Greenleaf. J. Bannister & Lucy Pritchard. Jeduthan Richardson. Joshua Syoot of Rock Hill, at the West End, and sometimes called the Rock Hill Tavern. Among its keepers were Messrs. Usher, Wesson, Frost, and Putnam. It was a favorite resort for teamsters, and gained great popularity. The new house, built by Mr. Jonathan Porter in the market-place, was opened as a tavern, but did not long continue as such. The Medford house, standing on the north-east corner of Main and Spring Streets, and now the only public-house in the town, was built by Mr. Andrew Blanchar
uildings and fences, $677; fruit-trees, $500; ornamental trees, $200; fruit, vegetables, and hay, $80; carriages and hay-rack, $1751,632 Alfred Brooks — Buildings, $350; fruit-trees, $100450 Noah Johnson — Buildings, $445; hay and grain in barn, $40; ox-wagon and farming-tools, $42527 James Wyman — Fruit-trees30 Moses Pierce — House25 John V. Fletcher — House, $25; fruit-trees, $2045 Joseph Swan — Fruit-trees20 P. C. Hall-Fruit-trees, $920; ornamental trees, $50; fruit, $801,050 Jonathan Porter — Fruit-trees, $75; fruit, $35110 William Roach — Fruit-trees25 Dudley Hall — Fruit-trees25 Samuel Kidder — Buildings, $50 ; fruit-trees, $400; ornamental trees, $50500 Thatcher R. Raymond — Fruit-trees, $100; ornamental trees, $100; fences, $10210 John A. Page — Fruit-trees, $150; ornamental trees, $50; fences, $50250 ----Russell — Ornamental trees150 Orchard (East of Andover Turnpike)40    $18,768 Loss of property in West Cambridge, $23,606. In Wal
nst imposition in this all-important article of daily food. Such officers in Europe are deemed indispensable. 1774.--An old house, owned, and kept as a tavern, by Eben. Hills, stood in the market-place. This year, it was purchased by Mr. Jonathan Porter, and kept by him as a tavern and a store, and was a favorite resort for British and Hessian officers during the Revolution. In 1785, Mr. Porter took down the house, discontinued the tavern, and built his private residence and store on theMr. Porter took down the house, discontinued the tavern, and built his private residence and store on the spot where they continue to this day. 1775.--Before the battle of Bunker Hill, General Stark fixed his Headquarters at Medford, in the house built by Mr. Jonathan Wade, near the Medford House, on the east side of the street. After the battle, twenty-five of the general's men, who had been killed, were brought here, and buried in the field, about fifty or sixty rods north of Gravelly Bridge. Their bones have been discovered recently. 1775.--Our patriot fathers cut down those white-pine t