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re is a catalogue of births, marriages, and deaths, mixed up with county rates, &c. The last item in the volume is dated Aug. 20, 1718, and is the receipt of Rev. Aaron Porter for his salary. His signature is in that round and manly style, which, as it stands, seems to be a fit guarantee for the truth of all the preceding records.nches long, six and a half wide, and half an inch thick. It begins May 19, 1712, and ends April 13, 1774. It contains all the records during the ministry of Rev. Mr. Porter, and that of Rev. Mr. Turell. It records births, baptisms, and marriages, the doings of the church, the admissions to the Lord's supper, &c.; but it does not road. They also vote, that every man may work out his own highway tax, and they fix the prices for a day's labor of man, and of a man and team. In 1715, Rev. Aaron Porter, Peter Seccomb, Peter Waite, Thomas Tufts, and Benjamin Parker, wish some enlargement of the road near the bridge, they being residents there; and the town d
hat Mr. Amos Cheever, Mr. John Tufts, and Mr. Aaron Porter, were the candidates. The lot finally was further provided, that the rates for Mr. Aaron Porter's salary be levied on polls and ratable ete of raising and levying the county tax. Mr. Porter accepted this invitation, but demanded one hhe writes:-- Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1713: Mr. Aaron Porter is ordained pastor of the church at Meadfld hold. In the autumn of the same year, Mr. Porter married Susanna, daughter of Major Stephen Say 19, 1712: The town of Medford called me, Aaron Porter, to serve them in the work of the ministry;e, Medford, 1680 to 1840. July 20, 1714, Mr. Porter makes the following record:-- The churcrtance recorded during the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Porter. They prove to us several interesting f duty, Jan. 23, 1722, aged thirty-three. Mr. Porter had some property from his father. There ishis inscription: Sacred to the memory of Rev. Aaron Porter, the first settled minister of Medford. [13 more...]
1781. Read and concurred. Nathaniel Gorham, Speaker. Approved. John Hancock. A true copy. Attest, John Avery, Sec. Medford, Nov. 6, 1781. Received of Simon Tufts, Esq., agent for the estate of Isaac Royal, Esq., an absentee, the silver cup mentioned in the above order of court. David Osgood. By a resolve of the church, in 1824, the pewter dish was sold, and a silver one purchased,--thus making the furniture of the table entire and appropriate. Recapitulation. Rev. Aaron Porter,SettledFeb. 11, 1713.DiedJan. 23, 1722. Rev. Ebenezer Turell,SettledNov. 25, 1724.DiedDec. 8, 1778. Rev. David Osgood.SettledSept. 14, 1774.DiedDec. 12, 1822. Rev. Andrew Bigelow,SettledJuly 9, 1823.ResignedJan. 9, 1827. Rev. Caleb Stetson,SettledFeb. 28, 1827.ResignedMar. 24, 1848. Rev. John Pierpont,SettledAug. 1, 1849.   Desiring that full justice should be done to the history of each religious society in the town, I gave public notice in 1853, that whatever account shoul
year. Room-rentfrom $10.00 to 15.00 a year. Use of Library5.00 a year. Board, not including washing and fuel2.50 a week. Students, who choose, board themselves. Students who keep schools may be absent from college, on that duty, for a period not exceeding thirteen weeks, including the winter vacation; they continuing their studies the mean while. Graduates. List of persons, born in Medford or once resident there, who have received collegiate degrees:-- Thomas Tufts1701 Aaron Porter1708 John Tufts1708 Ebenezer Turell1721 Simon Tufts1724 Ammi R. Cutter1725 Joshua Tufts1736 Simon Tufts1744 William Whitmore1744 Cotton Tufts1749 Samuel Brooks1749 William Symmes1750 Edward Brooks1757 Samuel Angier1763 Simon Tufts1767 David Osgood1771 John Bishop1776 Ephraim Hall1776 Cotton Tufts1777 William Woodbridge1780 George H. Hall1781 Timothy Bigelow1786 Samuel Angier1787 John Brooks1787 Luther Stearns1791 Hall Tufts1794 Abner Bartlett1799 John Hosmer1800
ells. He was kinsman of the Kidders of Medford. Mrs. Samuel Kidder, now of Medford, is a descendant of Rev. John Rogers, the martyr. In 1712, a day-laborer in Medford was allowed two shillings; for a team, one day, five shillings. The Rev. Aaron Porter's signature may be seen in the townrecords, under date of May 15 and Aug. 20, 1717. June 12, 1717.--There was a hearing before the council concerning the question, whether Cambridge or Charlestown should be the shire-town of Middlesex e of the eighteenth century. 1750.--The various spelling of proper names by the different town-clerks of Medford sometimes makes it difficult to determine how families spelled their own names. 1750.--A gallows and a whipping-post stood near Porter's tavern, in Cambridge; and this gave rise to the schoolboy strophe:--Cambridge is a famous town, Both for wit and knowledge: Some they whip, and some they hang, And some they send to college. Sept. 3, 1752.--The Protestants in England adopte
, in 1659; and d. 1689, leaving seven children.  2-3Samuel Porter, son of the last, was b. Apr. 6, 1660; afterwards judge; m. Joanna, dau. of Aaron Cook, of Hadley. He d. July 29, 1722, aged 62, leaving three sons and four daughters.  3-4Rev. Aaron Porter, second son and third child of the last, was b. July 19, 1689. Grad. H. C., 1708; and m., in 1709, Susanna Sewall, sister of the chief justice; and had--  4-5Aaron, b. July 9, 1714; d. young.  6Susanna, b. Mar. 1, 1716; m., Aug. 4, 1739,2, 1719; m., Jan. 1, 1735, Josiah Cleveland.   He died Jan. 24, 1722, and has many descendants through the Clevelands; especially, of those now alive, are Rev. Charles Cleveland, of Boston, and Professor Charles D. Cleveland, of Philadelphia.  9Porter, John, came from England, 1632; of Salem, 1637; was made freeman, 1646. Had children, who settled at Topsfield and Wenham, from which latter place Deacon William Porter removed to Braintree, about 1740; his son, Jonathan, moved to Malden, about
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Index to Births, deaths, and Marriages, published in Nos. I, 2, and 3 of register. (search)
n, 64. Newhall, Lydia, 63. Nutting, Benjamin, 92. John, 64. Josiah, 63. Mary, 93. Oakes, Elizabeth, 96. Patten, Aaron, 96. John, 94. William, 60. Patterson, James, 63. Peirce, Abigail, 64. Benonie, 93. Benjamin, 61, 64. Eleanor, 64. Francis, 62. Hannah, 61. Jonathan, 95. Lydia, 63. Mary, 93. Nathaniel, 60, 94. Rebecca, 95. Robert, 94. Sarah, 64 (2). Susanna, 95. Thomas, 94. Polly, Elizabeth, 95. Ruth, 96. Samuel, 94. Porter, Aaron, 93. Margaret, 96. Susanna, 95. Purchase, Sarah, 63. Reuben, a Negro, 96. Richardson, Abigail, 95. Joshua, 94. Mary, 96. Russell, Phillip, 62. Sargent, Joseph, 95. Seccomb, Anne, 93. Charles, 92. John, 63 (3). Jonathan, 93. Peter, 61. Thomas, 92. Willis, 62. Sheppard, Jacob, 28, 29. Solomon, Ann, 62. Tufts, Abigail, 63. Anna, 25, 28. Cotton, 26 (2). Dorothy, 27 (2), 28 (2), 62. Elizabeth, 25. Henry, 95. John, 26 (3). Jonathan, 2
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Births, Deaths and Marriages from early records. (search)
d 1718 Mariages John Bradshaw and Mercy Tufts were married March ye 14 1718/ By ye Revd mr Porter— John Giles and Susanna Hall were married March ye 27 1718/ By ye Revd mr Porter Peter WaiPorter Peter Wait of Medford and Abigail Peirce of Woborn were married May 22 1718/ By ye Revd mr Porter. Ebenezer Hills and Margarett Hayes were maried July 29 1718. By Thomas Tufts Esqr Ebenezer Burgifs and Porter. Ebenezer Hills and Margarett Hayes were maried July 29 1718. By Thomas Tufts Esqr Ebenezer Burgifs and Mary Fowle both of Cambridge were married Octr ye 22d 1718 By Thomas Tufts Esqr— Joseph Frost and Rebecca Frost both of Bilreca were married Decr. 8 1718 By Thomas Tufts Esqr Joseph Blogget and Peter Wait & Abigal his Wife Born Aprill 21 1720 Joanna Porter Daughtr. of ye Revernd Mr. Aaron Porter & Mrs Susanah his Wife Born March 21st 1719 Jona Polley & Ledia Nutting wr. Maried by ye R Maried by ye Revernd Mr Aaron Porter Aprll 27/1720 Jane Porter Daughtr. of ye Revernd Mr. Aaron Porter Mr. Susanah his Wife Born November 9th/1720 Mr. Thomas Oaks and Abigail Brooks maried by y
de choice of a minister in 1712, when the lot fell to Mr. Aaron Porter. Mr. Tufts was afterward the honored minister of the church in Newbury. Aaron Porter. The last Wednesday of April, 1712, the town appointed as a day of fasting and prayerhest number they were to select one as their pastor. Mr. Aaron Porter was the choice, and in May, 1712, the town voted to iangers' money and twenty cords of wood, or seven pounds. Mr. Porter, in accepting the invitation, demanded one hundred pound2, is interesting: I go to Salem; see Mr. Noyes marry Mr. Aaron Porter and Miss Susan Sewell at my brother's. Was a pretty d it to Windsor tune. After about nine years of ministry Mr. Porter died on Jan. 23, 1722, at the age of thirty-three. Very little is known of Mr. Porter's ministry. The town was small and feeble, and had been torn by dissensions over Mr. Woodbrie town had been without a settled minister, but now with Mr. Porter's ministry it took on regular and stable ways. Ebenez
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., Church records,—1713-1721. (search)
Church records,—1713-1721. The following list comprises the persons who were admitted to full communion in the church at Medford during the ministry of Rev. Aaron Porter. In the church records, under date of November 18, 1751, Mr. Turell wrote that at that time only John Willis, Benjamin Teal, and Benjamin Parker remained as members. 1713, June 14,Stephen Francis, sen. Stephen Willis, jun. Isaac Farewell. Elizabeth Farewell, wife of Isaac. Rebeccah, wife of William Willis. 1714, June 6,Susannah Porter, wife to Aaron Porter. Nov. 21,John Tufts, sen. 1715, Jan. 2,Mary Leatherby, wife to Stephen Leatherby. Feb. 13,Peter Wait. Sarah Wait, wife to Peter Wait. Hannah Sargent, wife to Joseph Sargent. May 8,Hannah Seccomb, wife to Peter Seccomb. June 12,Hannah Larrence. 1716, April,John Willis. Elizabeth Alberry, wife to John Alberry. May 13,Ephraim Leatherby (dismissed). 1718, Mar. 16,Benjaminn Teal. Anna Teal, wife to Benjamin Teal. April 27,Benjamin Parker. Ab