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referring to the effects of Zollicoffer's late disaster at Mill Spring. General Buell had advanced his forces, numbering from seventyfive to eighty thousand men, to within forty miles of Bowling Green, at Bacon Creek, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad; General Grant was at Cairo and Paducah, with twenty thousand men, pressing an expedition which was to move—General Johnston thought—either up the Tennessee River, against Fort Henry, or up the Cumberland, against Fort Donelson; and General Pope, with at least thirty thousand men, in Missouri, stood confronting Major-General Polk. The entire Federal forces, under the chief command of General Halleck, with headquarters at St. Louis, amounted to about one hundred and thirty thousand men. To oppose such a host, General Johnston stated that he had, at Bowling Green, some fourteen thousand effectives of all arms; at Forts Henry and Donelson about five thousand five hundred more, under General Lloyd Tilghman; that General Floyd was co
General Grant, by marching westward from Fort Henry to Union City or Clinton—some sixty or seventy miles—after forming a junction with part of the forces under General Pope, which might have landed in Kentucky, above the fort, could complete its investment within a few days; while batteries placed below it, on both sides of the riw Orleans, as between those two points there was not another organized body of troops capable of offering any resistance to the united forces of Generals Grant and Pope. Fort Pillow, about fifty miles above Memphis, was not then in as good condition as Fort Columbus; its defences being still incomplete. It was not yet armed, and was retreating towards northeast Alabama and Georgia before Buell's overwhelming forces, the Federal army, under General Grant, with or without the cooperation of Pope's command, might move from Fort Henry, upon the rear of Columbus, or execute a still more dreaded movement by ascending the Tennessee River to Hamburg or Eastport,
ected by a line of cavalry pickets thrown well out in advance, from Hickman, on the Mississippi, to Paris, near the Tennessee River. Mounted parties, supplied with light artillery, patrolled the west bank of the latter stream, and kept General Beauregard well informed of the movements of the enemy's boats. During the evacuation of Columbus, reports of great preparations for an offensive movement had reached General Beauregard from the Federal rendezvous at Cairo, Paducah, and Fort Henry. Pope's forces were then moving upon New Madrid, the left of our river defences, and it seemed evident that the abandonment of Columbus must necessarily stimulate active hostile operations in the valley. Convinced that there was early danger to be apprehended from the direction of the Tennessee River, which might result in completely isolating General Johnston's forces, General Beauregard, who now had the assurance of being soon joined by General Bragg and the reinforcements promised him by the
the enemy. arrival of federal divisions at Savannah. General Sherman's attempted raid to destroy the railroad. burning of small bridge near Bethel Station.-General Pope before New Madrid. the place abandoned. General Beauregard's instructions to General McCown. General MacKALLall relieves him. bombardment of Island no.10. orinth. After this the division fell back to the landing and re-embarked, showing the same degree of nervousness that characterized the Sherman expedition. General Pope, in co-operation with these movements on the Tennessee, had appeared before New Madrid, about the end of February, and attacked that place with artillery. Not00 infantry and artillery, 4300 cavalry, and fifty field guns. This estimate excludes 7000 men at Island No.10 and vicinity, who were indispensable to hold at bay Pope's army of over 20,000 men, and to keep control of the Mississippi River at that point. Moreover, the forces General Beauregard had hastily collected (about 25,000
h, this phenomenon might, however, possibly have happened; for in about thirty days, with our defective means of transportation, we had collected at Corinth, from Murfreesboroa, Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, and other distant points, an effective force of over forty thousand men of all arms, while the Federals had failed to bring together, in time, at Pittsburg Landing, notwithstanding their ample means of land and water transportation, the armies of Buell, from Nashville, Tennessee, and of Pope, from southeast Missouri. Yet the Confederate army had advanced and was then assembled at Monterey and vicinity, less than nine miles in his front. Our forces, as they had arrived in the afternoon of the 5th, at the intersection of the Griersford (Lick Creek) and Ridge roads, from Corinth to Pittsburg, less than two miles from the Shiloh meeting-house, were formed into three lines of battle; the first, under General Hardee, extended from near Owl Creek, on the left, to near Lick Creek,
of troops under General McCown. arrival of General Pope on the 28th of February in front of New Mad fall of Island no.10 on the 7th of April. General Pope's forces transported to vicinity of Fort Piundred men of all arms. His opponent, Major-General Pope, who had left Commerce, on the Mississipt. Meanwhile, towards midnight on the 7th, General Pope's entire army had crossed the river and wasen. It follows, as a matter of course, that General Pope's official report of the number of Confederf Island No.10, transports were filled with General Pope's forces, and, thus loaded, descended the sre any active operations were undertaken by General Pope against Fort Pillow, he was suddenly orderehis order was carried out; and on the 21st, General Pope's army was encamped at Hamburg, on the Tenny being in a state of complete inactivity. General Pope should have been allowed to continue his opississippi River, it is to be presumed that General Pope's operations around New Madrid would have [6 more...]
onstruct defensive works around Vicksburg. General Pope takes Farmington. Confederate attack. Fedght they might find better accommodations. General Pope made an evasive answer to General Beauregar. On his arrival near Pittsburg Landing, General Pope established himself behind Seven Miles Creedaily decreasing on account of sickness. General Pope's recent successes on the Mississippi River his front, and, with his right overlapping General Pope's left, take it in rear and cut off the Fedy captured two brigades forming the rear of General Pope's command. The enemy lost quite a number inth would, ere long, become a necessity. General Pope having again, on the 18th, advanced towards. The object was, as previously, to attack General Pope's forces and cut off their line of retreat t when the foregoing despatch was penned by General Pope the Confederate forces were actively evacua fifteen thousand stand of arms captured by General Pope's forty thousand men, he makes the followin[10 more...]
der them to report here, in case of an attack. Acting entirely on the defensive alone has produced the worst effect. General Pope replies to the proposition for an exchange that he thinks there will be no difficulty in effecting an exchange at a moe medical officers of your army in my possession to return to your camp, or to send them, by the Mississippi River, to General Pope. Respectfully, General, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, Genl. Comdg. Corinth, Miss., April 14th, 1862. few moments had fallen into the enemy's hands, were rescued. These are the two thousand men untruthfully reported by Generals Pope and Halleck to their War Department as captured and paroled on that occasion. I desire to record that one Colonel blished in Cincinnati and Chicago journals, touching the amount of property and stores destroyed by us at Corinth, and General Pope's alleged pressing pursuit. Major-General Halleck's despatch of June 4th may particularly be characterized as disgrac