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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Pinkie Pomeroy or search for Pinkie Pomeroy in all documents.

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Female Cavalry company.--A cavalry company, composed of young ladies, has recently been formed at Pittsfield, Mass., under the name of Di Vernon phalanx. Miss Pinkie Pomeroy is the Captain, and Miss Anna Kipp is the Lieutenant.--Providence Journal, Aug. 2.
A Model body guard.--Brick Pomeroy, of the La Crosse (Wis.) Democrat, on being invited to assist in forming a body guard for President Lincoln, after due consideration decided to go in, provided the following basis could be adopted and rigidly adhered to throughout the war: The company shall be entirely composed of colonels, who shall draw pay and rations in advance. Every man shall have a commission, two servants, and white kids. Each man shall be mounted in a covered buggy, drawn by two white stallions. Under the seat of each buggy shall be a cupboard, containing cold chicken, pounded ice, and champagne, a la members of Congress and military officers at Bull Run. Each man shall have plenty of cards and red chips to play poker with. The only side-arms to be opera-glasses, champagne-glasses, and gold-headed canes. The duty of the company shall be to take observations of battle, and on no account shall it be allowed to approach nearer than ten miles to the seat