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ds of his whole force, which in all reached less than 6,000 effectives. On December 10th he wrote again: Your two dispatches of the 4th reached me late last night. I infer from yours that I should not have crossed the river, but it is now too late. My means of recrossing are so limited I could hardly accomplish it in face of the enemy. Major-General George B. Crittenden had been assigned to the command of this district by the President. The high rank given him has been cited by Pollard, who speaks of him as a captain in the old army, as a piece of favoritism. But this is an error. He was one of the senior officers who resigned. He was a graduate of West Point, of the year 1832. He resigned, and was reappointed a captain in the Mounted Rifles in 1846, was brevetted major for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, was made a major in 1848, and lieutenant-colonel in 1856. He was a Kentuckian, of a family distinguished for gal
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
55. Religious character, 185. Root General, 70. Root Hog Story, 211. S. Scott, General, 34. Seward, Secretary, 22, 69, 223, 242; on Clay and Webster, 71; on Equestrian Statues, 71; on Emancipation, 72; on Mr. Lincoln, 81; Seward and Lincoln, 290; the last interview, 290; first knowledge of the President's death, 291. Seymour, General, 48. Shakspeare, 49, 115, 150, 162. Shannon, Hon., Thomas, 147, 148. Sherman, General, 233. Shields and Lincoln, 302. Simmons, Pollard, 111. Sinclair, 16, 48. Sizer, Nelson, 134. Slave Map, 215. Smith, Franklin W., 259. Sojourner truth, 201-203. Soldiers' home 223 Spectator, (London,) 31. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 101. Stanton, Secretary, 33, 54, 264, 300 Stephens, Alexander, 211, 215. Stephens, Mrs. Ann S., 131. Stevens, Hon., Thaddeus, 38, 173. Stone, Dr., 81. Swayne, (Sculptor,) 59. T. Taylor, B. F., 154. Thompson, George, 75. Thompson, Rev. J. P., 143, 186, 259. Tilton, 89, 167, 19
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The true story of the capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
, for it surpasses in reckless audacity of invention anything else that he has told us. From a subsequent remark of General Wilson, it seems likely that his only authority for some of his statements-perhaps for this, among others — is that of Pollard, who wrote a defamatory Life of Jefferson Davis. The book is so utterly worthless as authority, that the more intelligent and respectable, even of Mr. Davis' enemies, would blush to quote it. To appreciate this, we must remember that the Shenanduted to Colonel Pritchard. It would require too much space to point out in detail all the misrepresentations in General Wilson's account of this affair. I shall copy merely a paragraph. After quoting from the account of the capture given by Pollard, who, although one of the most virulent and unscrupulous of President Davis' enemies, has rejected the contemptible fiction of the petticoat story, he says: Between the two explanations given above, nearly all the truth has been told, for D
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The ram Manassas at the passage of the New Orleans forts. (search)
n in 1884.Just after the war I thought bygones had better be bygones and the stirring up of bitter memories was a thing to be avoided; now that so many years have passed, it seems to me almost impossible for one who was observant, and had good opportunities to observe, to tell all he believed he witnessed without in some way reflecting upon one or another of those in position who have gone to their rest and are no longer able to meet criticism. But from the day of the veracious historian Pollard to the present one of Captain Kennon, no mention has been made of the vessel under my command on the night Admiral Farragut passed the Forts, except in slighting, sneering, or untruthful statements. There are only a few of those who were with me left, and I think it due to them and to the memory of those gone that I tell in as few words as I can what the Manassas did on the night in question. The Manassas was made fast to the bank on the Fort St. Philip side above the forts, and had a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
ng for a similar movement. They were divided into four columns, and ordered to march at nine o'clock on the night of the 9th, August. so as to surround Springfield and attack the National Army at dawn the next morning. On account of a gathering storm and the intense darkness, McCulloch countermanded the order, and his army, wearied with waiting and watching, was still in camp on Wilson's Creek on the morning of the 10th. Report of General Price to Governor Jackson, August 12th, 1861. Pollard, in his First Year of the War, page 187, says, that after receiving orders to march, on the evening of the 9th, the troops made preparation, and got up a dance before their camp-fires. This dance was kept up until a late hour. This was a fortunate circumstance for Lyon. He had moved at the appointed hour; and as McCulloch, in anticipation of his march upon Springfield, had withdrawn his advanced pickets, and, feeling no apprehensions of an attack by Lyon with his small force, had not thro
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
failure to receive them was a capital reason for his inability to hold that position. Wise, at that time, according to Pollard, was endeavoring to win laurels exclusively for himself in another direction; but, as usual, he failed. He was quick torch of seventeen miles, not more than four thousand strong, and fought nearly two thousand men, behind intrenchments, Pollard, in his First Year of the War, page 165, says: The force of General Floyd's command was 1,740 men. Others put it at a mull of Honor; Pollard's First Year of the War. Whilst evidently giving Lee full credit for rare abilities as an engineer, Pollard regarded him as incompetent to execute well. He says: There is reason to believe that, if General Lee had not allowed tVirginia was a failure, and the hopes centered on him were signally disappointed. The Coniederate historian of the war, Pollard, commenting on Lee's failure to attack Rosecrans, says (1. 171): Thus the second opportunity of a decisive battle in Wes
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
he shore, formed in some order at first, and kept up the hopeless fight for a time, while endeavoring to cross the flood to Harrison's Island. Only one large flatboat was there, and that, with an over-load of wounded and others, at the beginning of its first voyage, was riddled with bullets, and sunk. The smaller vessels had disappeared in the gloom, and there was no means of escape for the Unionists but by swimming. This was attempted by some. Several of them were shot in the water, Pollard says (i. 181) that after the Nationals had surrendered, the Confederates kept up their fire upon those who tried to cross, and many not drowned in the river were shot in the act of swimming. and others, swept away by the current in the darkness, Map of the battle of Ball's Bluff. were drowned. The gallant Captain Beirel was among the last who left the shore and swam across the river. He was compelled to drop his sword midway, in order to save his life. Many of the men, before they
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
at the battle was one of the most gallant and brilliant actions of the War, and laid the blame, if any existed, on Huger and Benjamin, especially on the latter, who, it was said, had positively refused to put the Island in a State of defense. Pollard, the Confederate historian of the War, says, that records showed that Wise, who assumed the command there on the 7th of January, had pressed upon the Government the importance of Roanoke Island to Norfolk. in a Report to Benjamin, on the 18th o, Reno, and Parke, and sadly gave the names of Colonel Charles S. Russell and Lieutenant-Colonel Vigeur de Monteuil the entire National loss in the capture of Roanoke was about 50 killed and 222 wounded. That of the Confederates, according to Pollard (i. 231), was 28 killed, 58 wounded, and 62 missing. Colonel Monteuil was the Commander of a regiment of New York Volunteers, known as the D'epineuil Zouaves. These had accompanied the expedition as far as Hatteras, when, for the want of transp
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
laced under his command was named Essex, in honor of his father's memory. It was all over before the land troops arrived, and neither those on the Fort Henry side of the river, nor they who moved against Fort Hieman, on the other bank of the stream, had an opportunity to fight. The occupants of the latter had fled at the approach of the Nationals without firing a shot, and had done what damage they could by fire, at the moment of their departure. A few minutes before the surrender, says Pollard, the scene in and around the fort exhibited a spectacle of fierce grandeur. Many of the cabins in and around the fort were in flames. Added to the scene were the smoke from the burning timber, and the curling but dense wreaths of smoke from the guns; the constantly recurring, spattering, and whizzing of fragments of crashing and bursting shells; the deafening roar of artillery; the black sides of five or six gun-boats, belching fire at every port-hole; the volumes of smoke settled in dens
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
ing their rear!!--A complete victory!! had allayed all fears; now these were awakened with ten-fold intensity. The churches were instantly emptied, and each citizen seemed to have no other thought but for personal safety. An earthquake, says Pollard (i. 247), could not have shocked the city more. The congregations at the churches were broken up in confusion and dismay; women and children rushed into the streets, wailing with terror; trunks were thrown from three-story windows in the haste 1 killed, wounded, and missing, of whom more than one-half (701) were of Colonel Carr's division. Among the slain was Colonel Hendricks. The loss of the Confederates was never reported. It could not have been less than that of the Nationals. Pollard (i. 277) says Van Dorn estimated his entire loss at about 600. Although victory was awarded to the Nationals, the spoils that fell into their hands were of inconsiderable consequence, for Van Dorn managed very skillfully in carrying away nearl