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John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 173 1 Browse Search
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were those sent and brought to it by Lieutenant General Polk, and formed the corps of the Army whi, prior to the 9th of May; and that the head of Polk's column, which was Canty's Division, joined Gehis Senator, in his estimate of the strength of Polk's Corps, Johnston's Narrative, page 591. say was at that time Assistant Adjutant General of Polk's Corps, says on November 13th, 1869, in answerand Hood's Corps; nineteen thousand (I9,000) in Polk's Corps; eight thousand four hundred and ten (8tates, In the evening a telegram from Lieutenant General Polk informed me that he had been ordered was sent to General Cooper, at Richmond, by General Polk from Demopolis, Alabama, My troops are conced. It will be seen that on the 4th of May, Polk's Army had been ordered to join the Army of Tenund, viz: in front of Rocky-faced Ridge. General Polk was not far distant from Dalton, when it is to have held our position until the arrival of Polk's Army, when a grand assault upon Sherman's lef[6 more...]
ition to General Johnston to reinforce him with Polk's troops, then in Mississippi, and Longstreet'sieve our entire country. The troops under Generals Polk and Loring having united with the forces hof the Cumberland, would it not be well for General Polk's troops to unite with this Army, as we shod I should not separate myself too far from General Polk. I called his attention to the enemy, in seply was Very well, or words to that effect, Polk had not moved from the position in which I had d have been in position to attack in flank when Polk engaged the enemy in front, Polk would already hat the retreat was ordered because you and General Polk had declined to fight — or rather had givenral artillery, commenced firing upon Hood's and Polk's troops soon after they were formed, and conti is affirmed that Johnston wished to fight, but Polk and I were not inclined to do so. The folloth much respect, I am most truly yours, A. M. Polk. General Johnston, as evidence that wit[34 more...]
denial of General Johnston's statements in regard to that which he avers to have been said by General Polk and myself, at Polk's headquarters, during this important council; and when I charged GeneralPolk's headquarters, during this important council; and when I charged General Johnston with the suppression of the most important part of the recommendations made to him by each of us, I was under the impression that only Johnston, Polk and I were present in the room during thPolk and I were present in the room during the discussion. Fortunately, however, the complete vindication of my assertion has arisen from a source I little expected. In addition to the strong evidence adduced by the letters of General Shoupe and Doctor Polk, I am favored with the subjoined full and explanatory letter from a gentleman of no less position than that of chief engineer of a corps d'armee, and who was present, in the room, during the council of war held by Johnston, Polk, and myself, with map and measurement of angles of the position in question: New York, June 25th, 1874. Dr. W. M. Polk, 288 Fifth Avenue, New York.
e the time he (the enemy) will require for preparation, and should, consequently, put ourselves in condition for successful resistance as soon as possible by assembling here the troops you enumerate. Again, Johnston's Narrative, page 296. I would have the troops assemble here without delay, to repel Grant's attack and then make our own. It is hereby evident that as long as General Johnston endeavored to obtain the transfer, to his own command, of Longstreet's Corps in Virginia, and of Polk's Army in Mississippi, he spoke continually of fighting at Dalton; when, however, Sherman appeared at Tunnel Hill, in front of Rockyfaced Ridge, and he was given an Army of over seventy thousand (70,000) available troops — as I have demonstrated — he decided to retreat. What followed at Resaca? Retreat. New Hope Church? Retreat. Cassville? Retreat. Kennesaw Mountain? Retreat. Would we have fought at Atlanta after our inglorious campaign, the abandonment of the mountain fastnesses, and the f
ry. After having established communication with the corps and the cavalry of the Army during the forepart of the night, I found myself, upon the morning of the 19th, in readiness to fulfil these grave duties devolving upon me. Our troops had awakened in me heartfelt sympathy, as I had followed their military career with deep interest from early in May of that year. I had witnessed their splendid condition at that period; had welcomed with pride the fine body of reinforcements under General Polk; but, with disappointment, I had seen them, day after day, turn their back upon the enemy, and lastly cross the Chattahoochee river on the night of the 9th of July with one-third of their number lost — the men downcast, dispirited, and demoralized. Stragglers and deserters, the captured and the killed, could not now, however, be replaced by recruits, because all the recruiting depots had been drained to reinforce either Lee or Johnston. I could, therefore, but make the best dispositions
h river, for the periaod commencing May the 7th, and ending May 20th, 1864: Corps. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 119 859 978 Hood's 283 1,564 1,847 Polk's Army, Mississippi 42 405 447   444 2,828 3,372 Consolidated summary of casualties of the Armies of Tennessee and Mississippi in the series of engagements around New Hope Church, near Marietta, Georgia: Corps. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 173 1,048 1,221 Hood's 103 679 782 Polk's Army, Mississippi 33 194 227   309 1,921 2,230 Consolidated summary of casualties of the Armies of Tennessee and Mississzipi in the series of engagements around Marietta, Georgia, from June 4th to July 4th, 1864: Corps. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 200 1,433 1,633 Hood's 140 1,121 1,261 Polk's Army, Mississippi 128 926 1,054   468 3,480 3,948 Consolidation of the above three Reports is as follows:   Killed. Wounded. Total. Dalton to Etowah river 444 2,828 3,272 New Hop
tance: Richmond, September 5th, 1864. General J. B. Hood:--Your dispatches of yesterday received. The necessity for reinforcements was realized, and every effort made to bring forward reserves, militia, and detailed men for the purpose. Polk, Maury, S. D. Lee, and Jones have been drawn on to fullest extent. E. K. Smith has been called on. No other resource remains. It is now requisite that absentees be brought back, the addition required from the surrounding country be promptly madee Army would have taken possession of the country as far north as the Ohio, if it had marched in the early Spring of ‘64, to the rear of the Federals (who were at Chattanooga assembling their forces); and when, in addition to the troops at Dalton, Polk's Army, Longstreet's Ccrps, and ten thousand men from Beauregard, were proffered for the purpose. After halting two days at Cross Roads, I decided to make provision for twenty days supply of rations in the haversacks and wagons; to order a heav
to the public, in which the action of Lieutenant General Polk and myself has been impugned. I thorohnston, in the presence of Generals Hardee and Polk, to move back upon the enemy and attack him at place. No conclusion was obtained. While Generals Polk and Hardee and myself were riding from Gendquarters the matter was further discussed; General Polk enthusiastically advocated, and General HarAdairsville road, in front of Polk's position. Polk's Corps was in line of battle, and my corps wasouac on his right. We all rode to the right of Polk's line, in front of my bivouac. Hardee soon leeral Polk. I called his attention to where General Polk's right was resting, and informed him that on the ridge in rear of the one occupied by General Polk, a line which was enfiladed by heights of wery on these heights, and began to enfilade General Polk's line. Observing the effect upon the trootion was unsuited for defence. Accordingly General Polk and myself said to General Johnston that ou[5 more...]