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Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Committees appointed for the school outside the Neck, together with the annual appropriations. (search)
cis, Henry Gardner, John Skinner, Samuel Rand, £ 250, or £ 33. 6. 8. lawful Money. May 20, 1751, Peter Tufts, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Joseph Phipps, £ 200. O. T. May 12, 1752, Samuel Bowman, Henry Gardner, Seth Reed, Benjamin Parker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26. 13. 4. lawful money, MJoseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, £ 200, or £ 26. 13. 4. lawful money, May 14, 1753, Benjamin Parker, Seth Reed, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated locality beyond the Neck, or outJoseph Phipps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered a considerable diminution in territory. This indefinitely designated locality beyond the Neck, or outside the peninsula, consisting, we see, of distinct communities separated by wide stretches of unsettled or sparsely settled territory, to all appearances, after the vote of May, 1736, amicably portioned out the sums we have quoted above. That each district had a school of its own is not certain, but we are inclined to think it
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Charlestown schools within the peninsula Revolutionary period (search)
re chosen in their places. These are all the items I find on the subject, and I must confess my mind is in some doubt as to what were the exact school accommodations on the peninsula after the Revolution. Timothy Trumbull was town clerk and schoolmaster, 1780–‘82. The account of him in Wyman would seem to need verification. He was the son of James and Phebe (Johnson) Trumbull, and was born in 1754. At one time he was living in Andover, where he married (1778) Frances, daughter of Joseph Phipps. Wyman makes brief mention of three children, but does not allude to his son John, of Norwich, whom I find referred to on the selectmen's books. Evidently Mr. Trumbull fell ill in 1782, when his family was not with him, for Jonathan Bradshaw received out of the rent for the school lot £ 3 8s. 7d. for boarding him four weeks and four days. In their anxiety, the selectmen sent a messenger, Mr. Wyeth, to Norwich to confer with the son about boarding his father for the ensuing winter. As
outh Church, 30. Old State House, 4. Outline of Study of Somerville History, 60, 61. Oxbow, 2. Oyster Bay, N. H., 37. Paige, —, 51, 73. Palestine, 50. Parker, Benjamin, 16. Parker, Captain, John, 71. Parker, Rev., Theodore, 71. Parkman, Dr., Samuel, 38. Paul Revere's Ride, 60. Payne, Edward, Master, 51. Payson, Samuel, 68. Peggy, 88. Perry, Hon. A. A., 42. Philip, King, 86. Phillips, Elizabeth, 18. Phillips, Henry, 12. Phipps, Frances, 68. Phipps, John, 68. Phipps, Joseph, 16, 68. Phipps Street, Charlestown, 18, 90. Pierce, —, 29. Pierce, Augusta Smith, 71. Pierce, James, 16. Pierce, John, 71. Pierce, Sarah, 71. Pierce, William, 32. Pigeon, John, 88. Plymouth, Mass., 30. Poor (family), 42. Portsmouth, N. H., 21, 37. Pound, The, 24. Powder House, 20, 31. Prentice, Rev., Thomas, 45. Prospect Hill, 38, 57, 60. Putnam (General), 58. Quincy Market, 4. Raising of the Flag on Prospect Hill, 62. Rand, John, 43. Rand, Samuel, 16. R
Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906, Charlestown schools without the Peninsula Revolutionary period. (search)
ns, no, local officer would be appointed to, relieve them. In 1754, when our account begins, Nathaniel Francis and Joseph Phipps were representing these two districts. The former had been elected as early as 1744, and served, with some interruptwn; Paige and Wyman both speak of him. He died September 2, 1764, aged seventy-one, and was buried in West Cambridge Mr. Phipps served continuously from 1751 to 1757. He was a descendant of Solomon Phipps, an early settler of Charlestown, and in he Neck. Committee of management for the schools outside the Neck:— May 13, 1754, Nathaniel Francis, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps; £ 180; £ 24. May, 1755, and May, 1756, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, Henry Putnam (same amounts). May 10, 1757, Joseph Phipps, Henry Putnam (same amounts). May 10, 1757, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, James Fosdick (same amounts). May, 1758, and May, 1759, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, Captain John Hancock (same amounts). May, 1760, ‘61, ‘62, ‘63, ‘64, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, Joseph Lamson; £ 180; £ 25 6s 8
con David Goodwin, Samuel Payson. 1803 and 1804, the same, with the exception of Samuel Payson, who was succeeded by Captain Nehemiah Wyman. 1805, Seth Wyman, Captain Harris, Matthew Bridge, Deacon Goodwin, John Stone, Peter Tufts, Jr., Joseph Phipps. 1806, Seth Wyman, Matthew Bridge, Peter Tufts, Jr., James Green, Elijah Mead, John Tufts, Samuel Thompson. 1807, James Green, Elijah Mead, Peter Tufts, Jr., Captain Daniel Reed, John Kettell, Daniel Parker, Samuel Kent. 1808, the sa the exception of James Green, who was succeeded by Timothy Thompson. 1809, the same. 1810, the same, with the exception of Timothy Thompson, who was succeeded by David Devens. 1811, Rev. William Collier, Jonas Tyler, William Austin, Joseph Phipps, Samuel Kent, Philemon R. Russell, Ebenezer Cutter. 1812, Rev. William Collier, Dr. Abram R. Thompson, Captain Nehemiah Wyman, Captain Daniel Reed, David Stetson, Captain Joseph Miller, George Bartlett. 1813, 1814, 1815, the same. 18
ly in February, 1731. He was a grandson of Solomon Phipps, the carpenter, and a nephew of Samuel Phipps, the recorder. His father was a son of the carpenter, Joseph Phipps, and his mother, Mary Kettell. Samuel was born 1696, town clerk 1726, and died 1730-1, leaving a widow, Abigail, and five children, Abigail, Joseph, Samuel, Elijah, and Solomon. The widow married Joseph Whittemore, Jr., and died in 1734. Mr. Phipps' real estate lay in three parcels, within the limits of present Somerville, or, as it was then expressed, in Charlestowne without the neck. An appraisal rehearses and values it, viz.:— Homestead, 7 acres, 21 rods on the highway leading died in 1759. His son John followed the business of his father, as a tanner; so did James; but Timothy became a distiller, and married Frances, a daughter of Joseph Phipps, the baker. John Wood, the glazier, was son of Joseph and Mary (Blaney) Wood, and brother of Joseph, who was killed by the Indians at Rutland in 1734. John
Payson, Elias Phinney, Rev. James Walker, Joseph Phipps, Samuel P. Teel, Nathan Tufts, 2d. 1823, Rev. Edward Turner, Rev. James Walker, Joseph Phipps, Nathan Tufts, 2d, James Russell, Samuel Garard M. Parker. 1824, Rev. James Walker, Joseph Phipps, James Russell, Samuel Gardner, Leonard M.amuel P. Teel were elected to their places. Mr. Phipps was chosen secretary. The town also voted tave already made. Voted that the secretary (Mr. Phipps) furnish Mr. Blanchard with a copy of this vhe Neck. April 14, Messrs. Parker, Tufts, and Phipps were a committee appointed for contracting witool was examined by Messrs. Parker, Tufts, and Phipps, and a number of visitors. The government appby Samuel Gardner; No. 3 by Messrs. Hooper and Phipps. They were also to have charge of the new schpresident of the board, Messrs. Adams, Hooper, Phipps, and some visitors. The same gentlemen attendches were respectable. Messrs. Adams, Hooper, Phipps, Rev. Mr. Fay, and a number of visitors were p[1 more...]
Phillips, Mary, 79. Phillips, Mary (Dwight), 79. Philosophy of Universalism, The, 2. Phils, Solomon, 83. Phinney, Elias, 90, 91. Phipps, Abigail. 82, 83, 84. Phipps, Betty, 83, 84. Phipps, Elijah, 82, 83. Phipps, Frances, 15, 88. Phipps, Joseph, 14, 21, 63, 64, 82, 83, 88, 90, 96, 98, 99, 100. Phipps, Samll., 83. Phipps, Samuel, 77-89. Phipps, Solomon, 14, 78, 79, 82, 84, Phipps, William S., 90. Pierce, 79, 87. Pierce Academy, 1. Pierce, Jacob, 68, 70. Pierce, JerathmPhipps, Samll., 83. Phipps, Samuel, 77-89. Phipps, Solomon, 14, 78, 79, 82, 84, Phipps, William S., 90. Pierce, 79, 87. Pierce Academy, 1. Pierce, Jacob, 68, 70. Pierce, Jerathmeel, 85, 87. Pike, Major, 57. Pike, Mr., 45. Pine Street, Somerville, 7. Plains of Moab, 44. Plymouth Plantation, 77. Polly's Swamp, 7, 11. Ponchartrain, Lake, 50. Pool, Lot, 90. Porter,——49. Port Hudson, 53, 54. Port Royal (Hilton Head), 34. Pound Lot, 99. Powder House, 7, 16, 98. Powers, Thomas, 85, 87. Prentiss, I., 73, 92. Prospect Hill, 6, 7, 8, 15. Prospect Hill Schoolhouse, 47. Prospect Street, Somerville, 7, 47. Providence, R. I., 1. Putnam, Aaron, 42, 6
Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908, Original English inhabitants and early settlers in Somerville.—(Ii.) (search)
one of his nine children who remained in Somerville. He married Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Adams. Three of the children of Samuel remained in Somerville: Sarah and Rebecca, who married successively Nathaniel Hawkins, and Lucy, who married Joseph Adams. Lucy's descendants are the only posterity of John Kent now in this city-five persons. John Fosket, 1677, married a daughter of Robert Leach, as already stated, and may have lived here, but none of his descendants are now here. Joseph Phipps, 1685, was son of Solomon, who may have lived in Somerville. Joseph probably lived in the Highfield. He married Mary, daughter of Samuel Kettle, and their son Samuel, town clerk in 1726, had wife Abigail. He had a homestead in the Highfield, which descended (or, at least, a part of it) to his son Joseph, who sold to Benjamin Stokes the mansion and nine and one-half acres of land; and the family soon became extinct in Somerville. The heirs of Stokes sold to the Catholic church in 1829