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under his command had displayed, wisely postponed the final coup de main till the coming of the morrow's light. What the morrow brought forth, and how the rebels, worn out and dispirited by the protracted beleaguerment, concluded to give up their strong-hold and lay down their arms, is already well known. The more detailed particulars of the surrender of Fort Donelson, and its cordon of field-works, the departing mail allows me no time to speak of. G. W. B. Secession Narratives. Personne, the correspondent of the Charleston Courier, writes from Augusta, Ga., under date of February twenty-first, as follows: It has been my good fortune to enjoy an interview with Lieut. F. H. Duquecron, one of the officers engaged in the recent battle of Fort Donelson, who has arrived here disabled by a wound in the leg, received during that terrible contest. From one fragmentary conversation I have woven the following interesting narrative of events preceding, but not including, the surre