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P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 332 0 Browse Search
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 1 256 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden) 210 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 188 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 178 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 164 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Odyssey (ed. Samuel Butler, Based on public domain edition, revised by Timothy Power and Gregory Nagy.) 112 0 Browse Search
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 84 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 82 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 80 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 41 results in 14 document sections:

P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 8, line 365 (search)
And Nestor might have perished then, so long before he fought the heroes of old Troy, but ever wise, he vaulted on his long lance from the ground into the branches of a sheltering tree; where in a safe position, he could look down on his baffled foe. The raging boar whetted his gleaming tushes on an oak. Then with his sharpened tusks he gored the thigh of mighty Hippasus. Observed of all, and mounted on their horses—whiter than the northern snow—the twins (long afterward transformed to constellations) sallied forth, and brandishing their lances, poised in air, determined to destroy the bristling boar. It thwarted their design by hiding in a thicket intricate; where neither steed nor lance could penetrate. But Telamon pursued undaunted, and in haste tripped up by tangled roots, fell headlong.—Peleus stooped to rescue him. While he regained his feet, the virgin, Atalanta, took her bow and fitting a sharp arrow to the notch, twanged the tight cord. The feathered shaft quivered beneath th<
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 11, line 194 (search)
His vengence now complete, Latona's son borne through the liquid air, departed from Tmolus, and then rested on the land of Laomedon, this side the narrow sea dividing Phrygia from the land of Thrace. The promontory of Sigaeum right and on the left Rhoetaeum loftily arose; and at that place an ancient altar had been dedicated to great Jove, the god Panomphaean. And near that place he saw laomedon, beginning then to build the walls of famous Troy. He was convinced the task exceeded all the power of man, requiring great resource. Together with the trident-bearing father of the deep, he assumed a mortal form: and those two gods agreed to labor for a sum of gold and built the mighty wall. But that false king refused all payment, adding perjury to his false bargaining. Neptune, enraged, said, “You shall not escape your punishment.” And he drove all his waters high upon the shores of Troy—built there through perfidy. The sad land seemed a sea: the hard-earned wealth of all its farmers was<
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 12, line 1 (search)
erpent seized together with the mother-bird as she was fluttering round her loss. And every bird the serpent buried in his greedy maw. All stood amazed: but Calchas, who perceived the truth, exclaimed, “Rejoice Pelasgian men, for we shall conquer; Troy will fall; although the toil of war must long continue—so the nine birds equal nine long years of war.” And while he prophesied, the serpent, coiled about the tree, was transformed to a stone, curled crooked as a snake. but Nereus stormed in those Aonian waves, and not a ship moved forward. Some declared that Neptune thus was aiding Troy, because he built the walls of that great city. Not so Calchas, son of Thestor! He knew all the truth, and told them plainly that a virgin's blood alone might end a virgin goddess' wrath. The public good at last prevailed above affection, and the duty of a king at last proved stronger than a father's love: when Iphigenia as a sacrifice, stood by the altar with her weeping maids and was about to offer he<
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 12, line 580 (search)
But Neptune, who commands the ocean waves, lamented with a father's grief his son, whose person he had changed into a bird— the swan of Phaethon, and towards Achilles, grim victor in the fight, his lasting hate made him pursue resentment far beyond the ordinary manner of the gods. After nine years of war he spoke these words, addressing long haired Sminthean Apollo: “O nephew the most dear to me of all my brother's sons, with me you built in vain the walls of Troy: you must be lost in grief, when you look on those towers so soon to fall? Or do you not lament the multitudes slain in defence of them—To name but one: “Does not the ghost of Hector, dragged around his Pergama, appear to you? And yet the fierce Achilles, who is bloodstained more than slaughtering war, lives on this earth, for the destruction of our toil. Let him once get into my power, and I will make him feel the action of my triple spear. But, since I may not meet him face to face, do you with sudden arrow give him dea
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 1 (search)
Ulysses hoped. But he has won reward enough already. He can boast, when vanquished, that he strove with me. “I, even if my merit were in doubt should still excell in birth. I am the son of Telamon, who with great Hercules brought low the power of Troy and in the ship of Jason voyaged even to the Colchian shores. His father, Aeacus, now is a judge among the silent shades—where Sisyphus toils and is mocked forever with the stone. Great Jove himself calls Aeacus his son. Thus, Ajax is the third frn to the same arms with ourselves! by whom the arrows of great Hercules are used, as his successor; broken by disease and famine, clothed with feathers, now must feed on birds and squander for his wretched fare the arrows destined for the wreck of Troy. “At least he lives, because he has not stayed too near Ulysses. Hapless Palamedes might wish that he too had been left behind, then he would live or would have met a death without dishonor. For this man, who well remembered the unfortunate discov<
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 98 (search)
h women's wares arms that might win the spirit of a man. The hero still wore clothing of a girl, when, as he held a shield and spear, I said ‘Son of a goddess! Pergama but waits to fall by you, why do you hesitate to assure the overthrow of mighty Troy?’ With these bold words, I laid my hand on him— and to: brave actions I sent forth the brave: his deeds of Bravery are therefore mine it was my power that conquered Telephus, as he fought with his lance; it was through me that, vanquished and suppt be won by pleading but must be deceived by craft. Had Ajax gone to her, our thousand sails would still droop, waiting for the favoring breeze. “As a bold envoy I was even sent off to the towers of Ilium, and there I saw the senate-house of lofty Troy, and, fearless, entered it, while it was full of heroes. There, undaunted, I spoke for the cause which all the Greeks had given me. Accusing Paris, I demanded back the gold and stolen Helen, and I moved both Priam and Antenor. All the while Paris
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 205 (search)
ve, our king, deceive by A false dream, bids us give up the war— he could excuse his order by the cause. Let Ajax tell him Troy must be laid low or let him fight—at least he can do that! Why does he fail to stop the fugitives? Why not take arms and t With exclamations and without delay, I said, ‘What are you doing? O my friends, has madness seized you that you will quit Troy, which is as good as taken? What can you bear home, after ten years, but your disgrace?’ “With these commanding words, whi things we dared, but not before I had prevailed on him to tell me everything, by which I learned perfidious actions which Troy had designed. “Of such things now, I had discovered all that should be found out, and I might have then returned to enjoy any years, and has a body free of any wound. “What does it prove, if he declares that he fought for our ships against both Troy and Jove? I grant he did, for it is not my wont with malice to belittle other's deeds. But let him not claim for hi
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 313 (search)
red, he must lead us, if we may still maintain our hope for Troy's destruction—therefore, you must not intrust that work to d, Ida stand without its foliage, and Achaia promise aid to Troy itself; ere, lacking aid from me, the craft of stupid Ajax r my captive, as I learned the heavenly oracles and fate of Troy, and as I brought back through a host of foes Minerva's ima may now compare himself with me? Truly the Fates will hold Troy from our capture, if we leave the statue. Where is valiant hostile swords, he goes within not only the strong walls of Troy but even the citadel, lifts up the goddess from her shrine,en bull hides in vain. That night I gained the victory over Troy— 'Twas then I won our war with Pergama, because I made it pture Pergama, have captured it. Now by our common hopes, by Troy's high walls already tottering and about to fall, and by th bold and fearless deeds— if you think any hope is left for Troy, remember me! Or, if you do not give these arms to me, then<
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 399 (search)
lord with them, a final hand at last prevailed to end that long fought war. Both Troy and Priam fell, and Priam's wretched wife lost all she had, until at last she loings frightened foreign lands, where the long Hellespont is narrowed down. Great Troy was burning: while the fire still raged, Jove's altar drank old Priam's scanty bved by a prosperous breeze, resound and wave— the Trojan women cry,—“Farewell to Troy! Ah, we are hurried off! ” and, falling down, they kiss the soil, and leave the om her head, a meager gift, her white hair and her tears. Across the strait from Troy, there is a land claimed by Bistonian men, and in that land was a rich palace, b Phrygian king in secret gave his youngest son to rear, his Polydorus, safe from Troy and war, a prudent course, if he had not sent gold arousing greed, incitement toife,— the soul of Asia's fair prosperity,; now lowest fallen in all the wreck of Troy. The conquering Ulysses only claimed her his because she had brought Hector f
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 494 (search)
were safe from swords. But you, a woman, felt the deadly steel. That same Achilles, who has given to death so many of your brothers, caused your death, the bane of Troy and the serpent by my nest! When Paris and when Phoebus with their shafts had laid him low, ‘Ah, now at least,’ I said, ‘Achilles will no longer cause me dread.’ Yet even then he still was to be feared. For him I have been fertile! Mighty Troy now lies in ruin, and the public woe is ended in one vast calamity. For me alone the woe of Troy still lives. “But lately on the pinnacle of fame, surrounded by my powerful sons-in-law, daughters, and daughters-in-law, and strong in my great husband, I linger? Why does cruel age detain me? Why, pernicious deities, thus hold me to this earth, unless you will that I may weep at future funerals? After the fall of Troy, who would suppose King Priam could be happy? Blest in death, he has not seen my daughter's dreadful fate. He lost at once his kingdom and his life. “Can I im