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P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 332 0 Browse Search
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 1 256 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden) 210 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 188 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 178 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 164 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Odyssey (ed. Samuel Butler, Based on public domain edition, revised by Timothy Power and Gregory Nagy.) 112 0 Browse Search
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 84 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 82 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 80 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1206 (search)
less rocks of Libya. Theoklymenos How did this man not perish if he was sailing with him? Helen There are times when common men have more luck than their betters. Theoklymenos Where did he leave the wreckage of his ship before coming here? Helen Where ruin may come upon it— but not on Menelaos! Theoklymenos He is already ruined. In what ship did this man come? Helen Sailors happened to meet him and took him up, as he says. Theoklymenos Where then is that evil creature that was sent to Troy in your place? Helen You mean the cloud image? It has gone into the air. Theoklymenos O Priam, and Trojan lands, how you have perished in vain! Helen I too have shared misfortunes with Priam's race. Theoklymenos Did he leave your husband unburied, or did he hide him in the earth? Helen He is unburied; I am so unhappy in my troubles! Theoklymenos It is for this that you have cut your locks of golden hair? Helen Yes, for he is dear to me, whoever he is, being here. Theoklymenos She ri
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 944 (search)
Chorus Leader The arguments here proposed are worthy of pity, and so are you. But I am anxious to hear what Menelaos will say to save his life. Menelaos I could not endure to fall at your knees, or wet my eyes with tears; for if I were cowardly, I would greatly dishonor Troy. And yet they say that it is fitting for a noble man to let tears fall from his eyes in misfortune. But I will not choose this honorable course, if it is honorable, in preference to bravery. But, if you think it right to save a stranger seeking justly to regain his wife, then restore her and save us in addition; if not, I would be wretched, not now for the first time but as often before, and you will seem to be an evil woman. What I consider honest and worthy of me, and what will touch your heart most closely, these things I will say at the tomb of your father, with regret for his loss. Old man, dwelling in this tomb of stone, give her back, I demand of you my wife, whom Zeus sent here for you to keep for me
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 832 (search)
ntest for your bed. Let anyone who wishes come near! For I will not disgrace my Trojan fame, nor, on my return to Hellas, will I receive great blame—I who robbed Thetis of Achilleus, and saw the slaughter of Aias, son of Telamon, and the son of Neleus made childless; shall I not resolve to die for my wife? Most certainly; for if the gods are wise, they lightly bury in the earth a brave man who has been killed by his enemies, while cowards they cast up out of the earth onto a harsh rock. Chorus Leader O gods, may the race of Tantalos be fortunate at last, and may it be set free from evils! Helen Ah, I am unhappy, for so is my fate! Menelaos, we are destroyed. The prophetess Theonoe is coming out of the house; it resounds as the bolts are unfastened. Try to escape! But what is the use of trying? For whether she is absent or present she knows of your arrival here. Oh, I am lost, unfortunate! Saved from Troy and from a barbarian land, you have come only to fall upon barbarian sword
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 793 (search)
ossible for me to take you home by ship? Helen A sword is waiting for you, rather than my bed. Menelaos So I would be the most wretched of mortals. Helen Do not feel shame now, but escape from this land. Menelaos Leaving you behind? I ravaged Troy for your sake. Helen Yes, for that is better than that our union should cause your death. Menelaos Oh! these are coward's words, unworthy of those days at Troy. Helen You could not kill the tyrant, which perhaps you are eager to do. Menelaos Troy. Helen You could not kill the tyrant, which perhaps you are eager to do. Menelaos Does he then have a body that cannot be wounded by a sword? Helen You will hear. But to undertake impossibilities is no mark of wisdom. Menelaos And so I am to offer my hands to be bound, in silence? Helen You are in a dilemma; we need some contrivance. Menelaos Yes, for it is sweeter to die in action than by not acting. Helen There is one hope, and only one, for our safety. Menelaos Are we to buy it, or dare it, or win it with words? Helen If the tyrant were not to learn of your arrival
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 758 (search)
Chorus Leader My views about seers agree exactly with this old man's; whoever has the gods as friends would have the best prophecy at home. Helen All right; so far all is well. But how you were saved, my poor husband, from Troy, there is no gain in knowing, yet friends have a desire to learn what their friends have suffered. Menelaos Truly you have asked a great deal all at once. Why should I tell you about our losses in the Aegean, and Nauplios' beacons on Euboia, and my visits to Crete an I experienced them; and so my grief would be doubled. Helen Your answer is better than my question. Leave out the rest, and tell me only this: how long were you a weary wanderer over the surface of the sea? Menelaos Besides those ten years in Troy, I went through seven cycles of years on board ship. Helen Alas, poor man, you have spoken of a long time; and, saved from there, you have come here to the slaughter. Menelaos What do you mean? What will you say? Ah, my wife, you have ruined me.
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 698 (search)
Chorus Leader If indeed you should find happiness in the future, it would be a match for the past. Messenger Menelaos, give me as well a share of that joy which I understand, but not clearly. Menelaos Come and take part in our talk, old man, you too. Messenger This woman is not the arbitrator of all the trouble in Troy? Menelaos She is not; I was tricked by the gods and had in my arms the baneful image of a cloud. Messenger What are you saying? We suffered in vain for the sake of a cloud? Menelaos It was the work of Hera, and the rivalry of the three goddesses. Messenger And the one who is truly your wife is this woman here? Menelaos This is she; trust my word for that. Messenger O daughter, how intricate and hard to trace out is the nature of the god! In some way that is good, he twists everything about, now up, now down; one man suffers, and one who has not suffered comes afterwards to a bad end, having no security in his current fortune. You and your husband have had
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 625 (search)
ut the god who took you from my home is driving us on to another fortune, better than this. An evil that was good brought you together with me, your husband after a long time, but may I still benefit by my good luck. Chorus May you benefit indeed, and I join in the same prayer; for when there are two, it is not possible for one to be unhappy and the other not. Helen My dear friends, I no longer sigh or grieve over what is past. I have my husband, for whom I have been waiting to come from Troy for many years. Menelaos You have me, and I have you; although it was hard to live through so many days, I now understand the actions of the goddess. My joy is tearful; it has more delight than sorrow. Helen What can I say? What mortal could ever have hoped for this? I hold you to my heart, little as I ever thought to. Menelaos And I hold you, whom we thought to have gone to Ida's city and the unhappy towers of Ilion. By the gods, how were you taken from my home? Helen Ah! ah! You are sett
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 566 (search)
s one man, I am certainly not the husband of two women. Helen You are the master of what other wife? Menelaos The one hidden in the cave, whom I am bringing from Troy. Helen You have no other wife but me. Menelaos Can it be that I am in my right mind, but my sight is failing? Helen Don't you think that when you look at me yo that at least. Helen Who then shall teach you, if not your own eyes? Menelaos It is there that I am ailing, because I have another wife. Helen I did not go to Troy; that was a phantom. Menelaos And who fashions living bodies? Helen The air, out of which you have a wife that the gods labored over. Menelaos What god's handiwork? You are saying things beyond hope. Helen Hera's, as a substitute, so that Paris would not have me. Menelaos How then could you be here and in Troy at the same time? Helen The name may be in many places, though not the body. Menelaos Let me go! I have come here with enough pain. Helen Will you leave me, and take that ph
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 515 (search)
Helen and the chorus enter from the palace. They do not notice Menelaos. Chorus I have heard the prophetic maiden, who gave a clear answer within the palace: Menelaos is not yet dead and buried, gone to the land of shadows where darkness takes the place of light; but he is still wearing out his life on the ocean swell and has not yet reached the haven of his country, wretched in his wandering life, bereft of every friend, approaching every land in his sea-going ship from the land of Troy.
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 476 (search)
Old woman Before the Achaeans went to Troy, stranger. But get away from the house; for something is happening within, by which the palace is thrown into confusion. You have not come at the right time; and if my master catches you, death will be yor troubles, this present event that I hear of is an unhappy one, if I have come here, bringing my wife who was taken from Troy, and she is kept safe in the cave, but some other woman who has the same name as my wife lives in this house. She said theith its lovely reeds? The name of Tyndareus is the name of one alone. Is there any land of the same name as Lakedaimon or Troy? I do not know what to say; for there are probably many things in the wide world that have the same names, both cities andway from a servant's fears; for no man is so barbaric at heart as to refuse me food when he has heard my name. The fire of Troy is famous, and I, Menelaos, who lighted it, am well known in every land. I will wait for the master of the house; he give