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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 274 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 26 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller) 22 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 18 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 12 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 6 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 4 0 Browse Search
Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.) 4 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 4 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 41 (search)
Behind them follows a throng of luxurious Lydians and thoseA covert reference to the Ionians, kinsmen of the Athenians, who served under compulsion in the expedition against Greece.who hold in subjection all the people of the mainland, whom Metrogathes and brave Arcteus, their regal commanders,and Sardis rich in gold sent forth, riding in many a chariot, in ranks with three and four steeds abreast, a spectacle terrible to behold. They too who live by sacred Tmolus pledge themselvesto cast the yoke of slavery upon Hellas—Mardon, Tharybis, anvils of the lance, and the Mysians, hurlers of the javelin. Babylon, also, teeming with gold, sends a mixed host arrayed in a long line, both mariners borne in galleysand those who rely on their skill in archery. The nation too which wears the sabre follows from every part of Asia in the fearful procession of the King. Such are the warriors, the flower of the Persian land,who have departed, and in fierce longing for them the whole land of Asia, th
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 290 (search)
of the Egyptian Nile, Adeues, and Pharnuchus of the mighty shield—all these were hurled out of one ship. Matallus of Chrysa, commander of ten thousand,leader of the Black Cavalry, thirty thousand strong, in death dyed red his thick and shaggy beard, changing its color with a deep crimson stain. Arabus, too, the Magian, perished there, and Bactrian Artabes, a settler now in a rugged land.Amistris, and Amphistreus, wielder of a painful spear, and brave Ariomardus, whose death brought grief to Sardis, and Seisames the Mysian, and Tharybis, admiral of five times fifty ships, a Lyrnaean by descent, a man of physical beauty,lies dead in a state of misery, no longer attended by good fortune.The ironical phraseou) ma/l' eu)tuxw=s, which is contrasted with eu)eidh/s, probably refers to his unburied state. Cp. Soph. Aj. 1126. Syennesis, also, the governor of the Cilicians, foremost in courage, he whose prowess did the foe most harm, found there a glorious death. Such were the leaders about wh
Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 696 (search)
Philocleon Can it be I am treated thus? Oh! what is it you are saying? You stir me to the bottom of my heart! I am all ears! I cannot express what I feel. Bdelycleon Consider then; you might be rich, both you and all the others; I know not why you let yourself be fooled by these folk who call themselves the people's friends. A myriad of towns obey you, from the Euxine to Sardis. What do you gain thereby? Nothing but this miserable pay, and even that is like the oil with which the flock of wool is impregnated and is doled to you drop by drop, just enough to keep you from dying of hunger. They want you to be poor, and I will tell you why. It is so that you may know only those who nourish you, and so that, if it pleases them to loose you against one of their foes, you shall leap upon him with fury. If they wished to assure the well-being of the people, nothing would be easier for them. We have now a thousand towns that pay us tribute; let them command each of these to feed twenty Athen
Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 1122 (search)
t must I do? Bdelycleon Take off your cloak, and put on this tunic in its stead. Philocleon Was it worth while to beget and bring up children, so that this one should now wish to choke me? Bdelycleon Come, take this tunic and put it on without so much talk. Philocleon Great gods! what sort of a cursed garment is this? Bdelycleon Some call it a pelisse, others a Persian cloak. Philocleon Ah! I thought it was a wraprascal like those made at Thymaetis. Bdelycleon No wonder. It's only at Sardis you could have seen them, and you have never been there. Philocleon Of course not, but it seems to me exactly like the mantle Morychus sports. Bdelycleon Not at all; I tell you they are woven at Ecbatana. Philocleon What! are there woollen ox-guts then at Ecbatana? Bdelycleon Whatever are you talking about? These are woven by the barbarians at great cost. I am certain this pelisse has consumed more than a talent of wool. Philocleon It should be called wool-waster then instead of pelis
Bacchylides, Epinicians (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 3 For Hieron of Syracuse Chariot-Race at Olympia 468 B. C. (search)
wealth under black-cloaked darkness.” The temples teem with cattle-sacrificing festivities; the streets teem with hospitality. Gold flashes and glitters, the gold of tall ornate tripods standing before the temple, where the Delphians administer the great precinct of Phoebus beside the Castalian stream. A man should honor the god, for that is the greatest prosperity. For indeed, once the ruler of horse-taming Lydia, Croesus—when Zeus was bringing about the decreed fate, and Sardis was being sacked by the Persian army—Croesus was protected by the god of the golden lyre, Apollo. When he had come to that unexpected day, Croesus had no intention of waiting any longer for the tears of slavery. He had a pyre built before his bronze-walled courtyard, and he mounted the pyre with his dear wife and his daughters with beautiful hair; they were weeping inconsolably. He raised his arms to the steep sky and shouted, “overweening deity, where is the gratitude of t
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 9, Chapter 33 (search)
he much-desired sound Of thy son speaking. Better far for thee That he remain apart; for the first words He speaks shall be upon a luckless day. Hdt. 1.85 recounts that the boy first spoke on the day the Persians took Sardis. A man should bear good fortune with moderation and not put his trust in the successes such as fall to human beings, since they can take a great shift with a slight turn of the scale. After Croesus had been taken prisoner and the pelse, were being carried off, he asked Cyrus, "What are the soldiers doing?" Cyrus laughingly replied, "They are making plunder of your wealth"; whereupon Croesus said, "Not so, by Zeus, but of yours; for Croesus has no longer a thing of his own." And Cyrus, impressed by his words, at once changed his purpose, and putting a stop to the plundering of the soldiers he took the possessions of the inhabitants of Sardis for the Royal Treasury.Const. Exc. 4, pp. 290-291.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 10, Chapter 25 (search)
The Persians learned from the Greeks the burning of temples, repaying those who had been the first to offend justice with the same wanton act.Hdt. 5.102 says that the Persians gave the burning by Greeks of the temple of Cybele in Sardis as an excuse for their burning the temples of Greece. When the Carians were becoming exhausted in their struggles with the Persians, they made inquiry respecting an alliance, whether they should take the Milesians to be their allies. And the oracle replied: Of old Miletus' sons were mighty men. But the terror which lay close at hand caused them to forget their former rivalry with one another and compelled them to man the triremes with all speed.The reference is to the Ionians as they saw themselves threatened by the Persian fleet. Cp. Hdt. 6.7 f. Hecataeus, the Milesian, whom the Ionians dispatched as an ambassador,Hdt. 5.36, 125 f. mentions Hecataeus in connection
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 10, Chapter 27 (search)
s declaring that he was come with an army to demand the return of the sovereignty which had belonged to his ancestors; for Medus, he said, who was the oldest of his own ancestors, had been deprived of the kingship by the Athenians, and removing to Asia had founded the kingdom of Media. Consequently, he went on to say, if they would return the kingdom to him, he would forgive them for this guilty actOf expelling his ancestor. and for the campaign they had made against Sardis; but if they opposed his demand, they would suffer a worse fate than had the Eretrians.Eretria was plundered and burned by the Persians a few days before the battle of Marathon, 490 B.C. Miltiades, voicing the decision reached by the ten generals, replied that according to the statement of the envoys it was more appropriate for the Athenians to hold the mastery over the empire of the Medes than for Datis to hold it over the state of the Athenians; for it was a
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 2 (search)
the Greeks, was stopped in his plans by death, whereupon Xerxes, induced both by the design of his father and by the counsel of Mardonius, as we have stated, made up his mind to wage war upon the Greeks. Now when all preparations for the campaign had been completed, Xerxes commanded his admirals to assemble the ships at Cyme and Phocaea, and he himself collected the foot and cavalry forces from all the satrapies and advanced from Susa. And when he had arrived at Sardis, he dispatched heralds to Greece, commanding them to go to all the states and to demand of the Greeks water and earth.The submission of water and earth was a token of fealty or non-resistance. Then, dividing his army, he sent in advance a sufficient number of men both to bridge the Hellespont and to dig a canal through AthosA Persian fleet had been wrecked off the promontory of Mt. Athos in 492 B.C. at the neck of the Cherronesus, in this way not only making th
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 3 (search)
h and water, allThat is, all the states which had joined the alliance. the states manifested in their replies the zeal they felt for the common freedom. When Xerxes learned that the Hellespont had been bridged and the canalThe use of this canal "is problematic; and its existence has been questioned in ancient as well as modern times, but is guaranteed by Thucydides and by vestiges still visible" (Munro in Camb. Anc. Hist. 4, p. 269). had been dug through Athos, he left Sardis and made his way toward the Hellespont; and when he had arrived at Abydus, he led his army over the bridge into Europe. And as he advanced through Thrace, he added to his forces many soldiers from both the Thracians and neighbouring Greeks. When he arrived at the city called Doriscus, he ordered his fleet to come there, and so both arms of his forces were gathered into one place. And he held there also the enumeration of the entire army, and the number of his land forces