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Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter) 64 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 617 (search)
enia That charge belongs to those within this temple. Orestes What sort of tomb will receive me, when I die? Iphigenia The sacred fire within and the wide hollow of a cave. Orestes Ah! Would that my sister's hand might lay out my body! Iphigenia You have prayed in vain, unhappy youth, whoever you are; for she lives far from a barbarian land. Yet indeed, since you happen to be an Argive, I too will not leave out any favor that I can do. I will set much ornament on the tomb and quench your body with yellow oil, and throw onto your funeral pyre the gleaming honey, that streams from flowers, of the tawny mountain bee. But I will go and bring the tablet from the temple of the goddess; take care not to bear me ill-will. Guard them, attendants, without chains. Perhaps I will send unexpected news to one of my friends, whom I especially love, in Argos; and the tablet, in telling him that those whom he thought dead are alive, will report a joy that can be believed.She enters the temple.
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 578 (search)
both to you, strangers, and to me, by your efforts. A good action is especially so, if the same matter is pleasing to all. Would you, if I should save you, go to Argos and take a report of me to my friends there, and bring a tablet, which a captive wrote for me in pity? He did not think my hand murderous, but that the victims of the goddess, who holds these things just, die under the law. For I have had no one to go back to Argos with that message, who, being saved, would send my letter to one of my friends. But you—if, as it seems, you are not hostile to me, and you know Mycenae and those whom I want you to know—be rescued, and have this reward, not a st is not right for me to do you a favor and get out of danger, on condition of his death. But let it happen this way: give him the letter and he will take it to to Argos, for your well-being; let anyone who wishes kill me. It is most shameful for anyone to save himself by hurling his friends' affairs into catastrophe. That man is
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 540 (search)
Orestes Though he is just, he does not have good fortune from the gods. Iphigenia Did Agamemnon leave any other children in his house? Orestes He left one virgin daughter, Electra. Iphigenia What else? Is there any report of the daughter who was sacrificed? Orestes None, except that she is dead and does not see the light. Iphigenia Unhappy girl, and also the father that killed her! Orestes As a thankless favor to an evil woman, she died. Iphigenia Does the dead father's son live at Argos? Orestes He lives, the miserable one, both nowhere and everywhere. Iphigenia False dreams, farewell; after all, you were nothing. Orestes And those who are called wise divinities are not less false than winged dreams. These is much confusion, both in divine affairs and in human; but only this is a grief to the one who was not foolish, but trusted in the words of prophets and died—as he died to those that know. Chorus Leader Ah! What about me, and my parents? Are they alive? Are they no
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 492 (search)
Orestes You will sacrifice my body, not my name. Iphigenia Can you not say what city you are from? Orestes You are seeking nothing profitable, since I am going to die. Iphigenia What hinders you from doing me this favor? Orestes The famous Argos I claim as my native land. Iphigenia By the gods, truly, stranger, were you born there? Orestes Yes, from Mycenae, which was once prosperous. Iphigenia Have you left your country as an exile, or by what fate? Orestes My flight is in some manner willed and unwilled. Iphigenia Could you then tell me something that I wish to know? Orestes It will be no great addition to my own misfortune. Iphigenia Indeed, I am so glad that you have come from Argos! Orestes I am not; but if you are, take pleasure in it. Iphigenia Perhaps you know Troy, whose fame is everywhere. Orestes Would that I did not, even seen in a dream! Iphigenia They say it is no more, lost to the spear. Orestes It is so; you have heard nothing that has not happen
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 392 (search)
Chorus Dark straits of the sea, dark, where the gadfly flying from Argos crossed over the inhospitable wave . . . taking the Asian land in exchange for Europe. Whoever are the ones who left the lovely waters of Eurotas, green with reeds, or the holy streams of Dirce, to come here, to come to the unsociable land, where, for the divine maiden, the blood of mortals stains the altars and columned temples?
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 342 (search)
is filled with the music of flutes; but I am being destroyed by you. For Achilles was Hades after all, not the son of Peleus, whom you held out to me as a husband, and you brought me in a chariot to a bloody wedding by treachery.” But I was modestly looking out through a fine veil, and did not take up my brother in my arms—and now he is dead—did not kiss my sister, because I was going to the house of Peleus; I put off many embraces to another time, thinking that I would come back again to Argos. My unhappy Orestes, if you are dead, what glories have you left, what achievements of a father! I blame the goddess' subtleties; whichever mortal has engaged in murder, or has touched a woman in childbirth or a corpse, she drives from her altars, thinking him impure; but she herself delights in human sacrifices. It is not possible that Leto, the wife of Zeus, gave birth to such folly. I judge that the feast prepared by Tantalus for the gods is not to be believed, that they fed on the fles<
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 203 (search)
a stranger I live in an unfertile home on this sea that is hostile to strangers, without marriage, or children, or city, or friends, not raising hymns to Hera at Argos, nor embroidering with my shuttle, in the singing loom, the likeness of Athenian Pallas and the Titans; but . . . a bloody fate, not to be hymned by the lyre, ofe, not to be hymned by the lyre, of strangers who wail a piteous cry and weep piteous tears. And now I must forget these things, and lament my brother, killed in Argos, whom I left at the breast, still a baby, still an infant, still a young child in his mother's arms and at her breast, the holder of the scepter in Argos, Orestes.e, not to be hymned by the lyre, of strangers who wail a piteous cry and weep piteous tears. And now I must forget these things, and lament my brother, killed in Argos, whom I left at the breast, still a baby, still an infant, still a young child in his mother's arms and at her breast, the holder of the scepter in Argos, Orestes.
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 178 (search)
Chorus I will sing for you, my mistress, responsive songs and a barbarian cry of Asian hymns; this song, dear to the dead, Hades sings in laments, in chants—not songs of triumph. Alas for the house of the Atreidae; the light of their scepter, alas, of the ancestral house, is lost. Once they ruled as prosperous kings in Argos, but troubles dart out from troubles: Pelops, on his horses swiftly whirling, made his cast; the sun changed from its seat the holy beam of its rays. One pain comes after another, to the house of the golden lamb. . . . from that earlier time when the Tantalids were killed, punishment came to the house, and fate presses what you do not want upon yo
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 143 (search)
Iphigenia Oh! My servants, how I am involved in mournful dirges, in laments unfit for the lyre, of a song that is not melodious, alas! alas! wailing for my family. Ruin has come to me; I am lamenting the life of my brother, such a vision I saw in my dreams, in the night whose darkness is now over. I am lost, lost! My father's house is no more; alas for my vanished family, alas for the sufferings of Argos! O fate, I had one brother only and you carry him off and send him to Hades. For him, I am about to pour over the back of the earth these libations and the bowl of the dead: streams of milk from mountain cows, and offerings of wine from Bacchus, and the labor of the tawny bees; these sacrifices are soothing to the dead. Give me the golden vessel and the libation of Hades. O child of Agamemnon beneath the earth, I send these to you as one dead. Accept them; for I will not bring to your tomb my yellow hair or my tears. I live far indeed from your country and mine, where I am th
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter), line 67 (search)
Orestes Look out, take care that no one is in the path. Pylades I am looking, and turning my eyes everywhere, in examination. Orestes Pylades, do you think this is the hall of the goddess, for which we set sail from Argos? Pylades Yes, Orestes; and you must think so too. Orestes And the altar, that drips with the slaughter of Hellenes? Pylades Its dedications of hair, at least, are red with blood. Orestes Do you see the spoils hanging from the very walls? Pylades Trophies of strangers that have been slain. But I must look all around and keep careful watch. Orestes O Phoebus, where have you again brought me into the snare, by your oracles, since I avenged my father's blood by the murder of my mother, and was driven by successive Furies, a fugitive, away from the land, and completed many winding courses; and coming to you I asked how I might arrive at an end to whirling madness and my labors, which I have carried out, wandering all over Hellas. . . . And you told me to go