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ebree, was arrested by officer Chalkley and locked up for cruelly beating and endeavoring to smother a horse which he was driving. Witnesses to the transaction represent John's conduct as inhuman in the extreme, and, had it not been for the officer who took him in charge, the fellow would probably have been roughly handled by the crowd who were standing around. Late Saturday afternoon, a notorious negro fellow, belonging to Robert Lumpkin, named John, was arrested by officers Moore and Perrin, suspected of burglariously breaking into the house of George Lee, on the corner of Franklin and Sixth streets, on the night of the 7th instant, and stealing one barrel and a half of sugar, valued at three thousand dollars; two demijohns of whiskey, worth one thousand dollars; three demijohns of wine, valued at one thousand five hundred dollars; one demijohn of French brandy, valued at five hundred dollars, and various other articles of more or less value. John has been sought after for som
Returned officers by flag of truth. The following is a list of the Confederate officers, who have been prisoners at the North, brought here by the last flag-of-truce boat from Fortress Monroe, which arrived at Varina on the 4th instant: Captains.--G. W. Buck, Thirty-third Virginia: W. Booker, Perrin's regiment; W. M. Cunningham, Second Mississippi; C. G. Campbell, Fifth Kentucky cavalry; J. C. Eathelberger, Ninth Florida; H. C. Ellas, Ward's Tennessee regiment; R. M. Moore, Twenty- seventh Virginia; S. B. Shelton, Twenty-sixth Virginia: H. G. Turner, Twenty-third North Carolina. First Lieutenants.--J. D. Brown, Thirty-seventh North Carolina; M. D. Hoon, Fifty-seventh Virginia; F. A. Barnard, Seventh Georgia cavalry; W. L. J. Cerley, Twenty-fifth Virginia; J. J. Doughty, Twelfth Georgia; J. G. Davis, Sixth Louisiana; R. Dailly, Thirty-fifth Georgia; H. H. Goff, Seventh Star Mississippi Battery; T. F. Newell, Forty-fifth Georgia; H. Puissan, Tenth Louisiana; L. Gouvant, C
Charged with stealing. --Officers Moore and Perrin, at a late hour yesterday afternoon, arrested a man named R. F. Graves, charged with stealing one thousand one hundred and forty-five dollars in Confederate States money and a pocket-book containing one hundred and ninety dollars in State bank notes, the property of J. D. Perkins. The accused was committed to the upper station for the appearance this morning.
Arrest of Alleged thieves. --On Friday afternoon last, Major W. H. Gibbs was robbed of $2,500 on the Petersburg train, coming to this city. Suspecting two men who occupied seats be hind him, one of whom carried a crutch, the Major, as soon as he arrived here, acquainted Chief-of-Police R. T. Seal of the facts of the robbery and gave a description of the two persons, sitting behind him on the cars, whom he suspected.--That officer, assisted by policemen Moore, Jenkins and Perrin, immediately set about to arrest the thieves, and early in the day of Saturday took into custody John Leathers, of notoriously bad character, who was locked up in the lower station house as one of the parties charged with the robbery. Upon further inquiries, it was ascertained that Leathers was in frequent companionship with a lame man named John Kearney, and accordingly, on Saturday night, a plan was set on foot to catch him. Proceeding to the house, in the upper end of the city, occupied by Leathers's
ite, 1. For the fifth officer, Caleb Crone was nominated. Also G. A. F. Adams, T. C. Bassett and J. L. Bray. Crone received 5; Adams, 5; Bassett, 3; Bray, 1. On the second ballot there was no election. On the third ballot Mr. Crone received eight votes, and was declared elected. For the sixth officer, G. A. F. Adams, William J. Jenkins, Thomas J. Green, Augustus Snooks were put in nomi received nine votes and dams was declared elected police officer, C. H. Moore, Perrin, George W. Freeman Jenkins. Mr. Freeman received nine votes, and was declared elected A report from the Committee on Claims was received and adopted. An ordinance fixing the salaries of the various officers of the city was presented and laid on the table. The salary of the Mayor is set down at $3,000; the Judge of the Hustings Court at $3,000; the Chamberlain's at $2,000; the Auditor's at $1,800; the Clerk of the Hustings Court at $1,200; the Messenger of the Council at $800. Th